(541) 385-6205 Premium Report
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Bank Of The Cascades | Bend, OR | |
Mike Mooney | 121 N 9Th St # 100, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mmooney@botc.com Title: President Farmers & Merchants State Bank Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Cascade Bancorp | 388 State St, Salem, OR 97701> | Industry: Securities Brokerage |
Oran Teater | 388 State St, Salem, OR 97701> | Email: orant@botc.com Title: Principle Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies Industry: Securities Brokerage |
Cascade Bancorp | 1100 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Industry: State Commercial Bank |
CASCADE BANCORP | 1100 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Industry: State Commercial Bank, Commercial Banking, State Commercial Banks (commer Categories: Holding Companies, Marketing Sales Site: |
Ted Johnson | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: tedj@botc.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Jon Kline | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jkline@botc.com Title: Real Estate Appraiser Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Joanne Lee | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: joanne@botc.com Title: Trust Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Jodi Lopez | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jodil@botc.com Title: Vice President Training Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Michael Mooney | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: michael@botc.com Title: President Of Idaho Region Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Patricia Moss | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: patricia.moss@botc.com Title: Facilities Manager Organization: CASCADE BANCORP Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks (commer |
Hardin Timothy | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: thardin@botc.com Title: Senior Vice President/credit Administrator Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Stempel Timothy | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: tims@botc.com Title: Senior Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Gregory Newton | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: gregoryn@botc.com Title: CFO Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: Commercial Banking |
Mollie Patrick | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mpatrick@botc.com Title: Director Of Marketing Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
James Petersen | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jamesp@botc.com Title: General Counsel Assistant Secretary Director Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Connie Ramirez | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: cramirez@botc.com Title: Teller Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Toney Richard | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: rtoney@botc.com Title: Senior Vice President And Area Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Frank Weis | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: frank@botc.com Title: Executive Vice President And Consumer Loan Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: Commercial Banking |
Frank Wheeler | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: frankw@botc.com Title: Executive Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Candace Wheeler | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: candacew@botc.com Title: Compliance Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Peggy Bennett | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: pbennett@botc.com Title: Branch Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Mike Frey | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mfrey@botc.com Title: Business Process Analyst Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Sonya Cook | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: sonyac@botc.com Title: Collection Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Michele Gray | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mgray@botc.com Title: Professional Banking Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Amy Berger | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: amyb@botc.com Title: Vice President Commercial Loan Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Michael Allison | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mallison@botc.com Title: Chief Credit Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Becky Gregory | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: beckyg@botc.com Title: Item Processing Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Marie Applegate | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: marie@botc.com Title: CTO Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: Commercial Banking |
Sharon Askew | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: saskew@botc.com Title: Customer Service Center Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Keith Bagwell | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: keithb@botc.com Title: Collection Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Gary Capps | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: garyc@botc.com Title: Chairman Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Charlene Clevenger | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: charlene@botc.com Title: Administrator-marketing Database Specialist Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Donalyn Darling | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: donalyn@botc.com Title: Training Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Brook Decamp | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: brookd@botc.com Title: Human Resources Executive Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Sandy Gianotti | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: sgianotti@botc.com Title: Vice President And Compliance Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Sonya Lasater | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: slasater@botc.com Title: Realtor Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Danette Colovos | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: danettec@botc.com Title: Commercial Lender Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Richard Mayeda | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: richardm@botc.com Title: Senior Vice President/assistant Credit Administrator Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Debi Grieve | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: debbieg@botc.com Title: Vice President Operations Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Gwyn Hilden | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: gwynh@botc.com Title: Vice President Professional Banking Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Steve Hizak | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: shizak@botc.com Title: Senior Vice President/internal Audit Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Walter Krumbholz | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: waltk@botc.com Title: Regional Manager Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Diane Harrild | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: diane@botc.com Title: Assistant Vice President Deposit Services Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Michael Delvin | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: miked@botc.com Title: Chief Operating Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Debbie Amerongen | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: damerongen@botc.com Title: Executive Vice President And Chief Deposit Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Cathy Valway | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: cathy@botc.com Title: Accounts Payable Clerk Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Al Vanderhoven | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: avander@botc.com Title: Manager Of Human Resources Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Phillip Pugrud | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ppugrud@botc.com Title: Senior Vice President Financial Analyst Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Elise Bouneff | 1100 Nw Wall St, Bend, OR 97701> | Email: eliseb@botc.com Title: Treasurer And Secretary Organization: Cascade Bancorp |
Clarence Jones | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: cjones@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Ronald Judge | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: rjudge@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Clare Kennedy | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ckennedy@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Tamara Lord | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: tlord@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Juliana Martin | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jmartin@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Sylvia Martinez | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: smartinez@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Stewart Williams | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: swilliams@cascadebank.com Title: Credit Analyst Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Michael Mooney | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: michaelm@botc.com Title: President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Patricia L. Moss | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: patriciam@botc.com Title: President Chief Executive Officer And Director Chief Executive Officer Bank Of The Cascades Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Mike Murray | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mmurray@cascadebank.com Title: Svp Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gregory D. Newton | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: gnewton@cascadebank.com Title: Vp Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Humphrey Oliphant | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: holiphant@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Terri Linn Tucker | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ttucker@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Ryan R. Patrick | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: rpatrick@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
James E. Petersen | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jpetersen@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Katie Phelps | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: kphelps@cascadebank.com Title: Partner Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Virginia Robinson | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: vrobinson@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Patricia Rodriguez | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: prodriguez@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Kay Smith | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ksmith@cascadebank.com Title: Collection Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Frank R. Weis | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: fweis@cascadebank.com Title: Vp Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Thomas M. Wells | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: twells@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Frank I. Wheeler | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: fwheeler@cascadebank.com Title: Vp Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Catherine Wong | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: cwong@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gregory S Anderson | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ganderson@cascadebank.com Title: Svp Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Peter French | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: pfrench@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gary L. Hoffman | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ghoffman@cascadebank.com Title: Chairman Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Tony Cox | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: tcox@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Jean Ziegert | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jziegert@cascadebank.com Title: Director Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Sara Allan | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: sallan@cascadebank.com Title: Director Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Jerol E. Andres | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jandres@cascadebank.com Title: Collection Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Henry H. Hewitt | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: hhewitt@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Marie Canning | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mcanning@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gary L. Capps | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: gcapps@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Larry Dykes | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ldykes@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
William A. Haden | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: whaden@cascadebank.com Title: Vp Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Bernice Hanks | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: bhanks@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Kelly Lollar | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: klollar@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Cathy Tarricone | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ctarricone@cascadebank.com Title: Partner Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Todd Mcconachie | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: tmcconachie@cascadebank.com Title: Collection Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Larry Goodreau | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: lgoodreau@cascadebank.com Title: Collection Officer Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Kelley Losey | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: klosey@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Erin Motameni | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: emotameni@cascadebank.com Title: Svp Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Peggy L. Biss | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: pbiss@cascadebank.com Title: Vp Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Sarah M Malysiak | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: smalysiak@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gary Pinkleton | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: gpinkleton@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Michael Delvin | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: michaed@botc.com Title: COO Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
David Domkoski | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: ddomkoski@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Robert Omagbemi | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: romagbemi@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Brian Tarbuck | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: btarbuck@cascadebank.com Title: Partner Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Karen Caddey | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: kcaddey@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Michael (Mike) J. Delvin | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mdelvin@cascadebank.com Title: Vp Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Michael (Mike) M. Mooney | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: mmooney@cascadebank.com Title: President Farmers & Merchants State Bank Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Judith (Judi) A. Johansen | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: jjohansen@cascadebank.com Title: Director Of Loans Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Stephanie Lesanne | 1100 Nw Wall St., Bend, OR 97701> | Email: slesanne@cascadebank.com Title: Vice President Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Patricia Moss | Po Box 369, Bend, OR 97709 | Email: p.moss@botc.com Title: CEO Organization: Cascade Bancorp Specialties: Offices of Bank Holding Companies Industry: Offices of Bank Holding Companies Site: |