(520) 364-7943 Premium Report
Owner Name | Address | Information |
College-Main Campus Information Cochise | Douglas, AZ | |
COCHISE COLLEGE | 4190 W Hwy 80, Douglas, AZ> | Industry: Education, Schools-Universities & College, Colleges & Universities Site: |
Cochise County Community College District | 4190 W Hwy 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Industry: Junior College, Junior Colleges |
Bernard Stanke | 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: stankeb@cochise.edu Title: CTO Organization: Cochise County Cmnty College Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Karen Nicodemus | 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: nicodemusk@cochise.edu Title: President Organization: Cochise County Cmnty College Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Frank Villasenor | 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: villasenorf@cochise.edu Title: CTO Organization: Cochise County Cmnty College Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
William Howard | 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: howardw@cochise.edu Title: CTO Organization: Cochise County Cmnty College Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Terry Bowmaster | 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: bowmastert@cochise.edu Title: CFO Organization: Cochise County Cmnty College Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Kris Saathof | 4190 W Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: saathofk@cochise.edu Title: CTO Organization: Cochise County Cmnty College Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Kenneth Johnson | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: johnsonk@cochise.edu Title: Business Analyst Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Gail Staples | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: staplesg@cochise.edu Title: Librarian Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Louise Keenan | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: keenanl@cochise.edu Title: Program Manager Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Cheryl Mead | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: meadc@cochise.edu Title: Assistant Testing Coordinator Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Steven Lane | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: lanes@cochise.edu Title: Instructor/head Coach Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Ken Laux | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: lauxk@cochise.edu Title: Director Of Disability Services Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mary Lea | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: kellym@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-ada Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Roy Lea | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: lear@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Business Skills Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Denise Merkel | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: merkeld@cochise.edu Title: Public Information Officer Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Helen Lehman | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: lehmanh@cochise.edu Title: Library Media Tech Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Patricia Leyva | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: leyvap@cochise.edu Title: Human Resource Technician Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mark Looney | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: looneym@cochise.edu Title: Grounds Maint Worker Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Rita Miller | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: millerr@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-benson Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Monte Surratt | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: surrattm@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Art Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Pete Molina | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: molinap@cochise.edu Title: Fac Service Worker Supervisor Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Corinna Moore | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: moorec@cochise.edu Title: Assistant Coordinator Ada Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Jose Moreno | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: morenoj@cochise.edu Title: Fac Maint Tech Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Maria Moreno | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: morenom@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-languages Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Pamela Thompson | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: thompsonp@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-testing And Tutoring Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Stacie Munger | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: mungers@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Spanish Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Ana Munoz | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: munoza@cochise.edu Title: Administrative Assistant Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kathleen Todd | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: toddk@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Sharon Townsend | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: townsends@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-testing Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kevin Obrien | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: obrienk@cochise.edu Title: Adult Education Teacher Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Shirley Neese | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: neeses@cochise.edu Title: CTO Organization: Cochise County Community College District Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Tracey Neese | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: neeset@cochise.edu Title: Position Control Technician Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Teresa Ortiz | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: ortizt@cochise.edu Title: Finance Aid/regional Technician Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Blanca Ortiz | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: ortizb@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-pris Ed Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Philip Patton | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: pattonp@cochise.edu Title: Library Media Specialist Principal Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Karen Nicodemus | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: knicodemus@cochise.edu Title: President Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Rebecca Pickett | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: pickettr@cochise.edu Title: Advisor/assistant Coach Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kevin Plyler | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: plylerk@cochise.edu Title: Fac Service Worker Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Gary Putnam | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: putnamg@cochise.edu Title: Facilities Maint Tech Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
David Raber | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: raberd@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Custodial Services Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Bertina Villasenor | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: villasenor@cochise.edu Title: Director Of Admin Services Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Bruce Richardson | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: richardsonb@cochise.edu Title: Director-ft Huachuca Program Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Daniel Omeara | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: omearad@cochise.edu Title: Student Support Services Director Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Susan Sanders | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: sanderss@cochise.edu Title: Faculty Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Cheryl Sims | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: simss@cochise.edu Title: Online Support Technician Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
David Parry | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: parryd@cochise.edu Title: Athletic Trainer Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Douglas Smith | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: smithd@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Cis Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Dudley Smith | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: aviation@cochise.edu Title: Aviation Mechanic Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Trevor Smith | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: smitht@cochise.edu Title: Systems Librarian Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Curtis Smith | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: smithc@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Esl Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Roger Weller | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: wellerr@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Science Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kathaleen Staley | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: staleyk@cochise.edu Title: Student Services Tech Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
David Pettes | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: pettesd@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Sociology Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Lawrence Prevett | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: prevettl@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Math Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Jane Jarboe | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: jarboej@cochise.edu Title: Transfer Analyst Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Debbie Chavez | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: chavezd@cochise.edu Title: Database Administrator Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Bill Howard | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: howard@cochise.edu Title: Director Financial Operations Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Donald Cross | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: crossd@cochise.edu Title: Adult Ed Teacher Lead Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Diane Carpenter | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: carpenterd@cochise.edu Title: Systems Analyst Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Scott Brown | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: browns@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Welding Tech Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
William Jackson | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: jacksonw@cochise.edu Title: Fac Maint Tech Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Raymond Green | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: greenr@cochise.edu Title: Director-avia Maint And Qual Con Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Jerry Anderson | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: andersonje@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Auto Tech Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Lois Bennett | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: bennettl@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-tutoring Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kevin Butler | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: butlerk@cochise.edu Title: Vice President Administration And Finance Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kathy Curtis | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: curtisk@cochise.edu Title: Accounting Tech Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Joel Evans | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: evansj@cochise.edu Title: Student Services Technician Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kenneth Fox | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: foxk@cochise.edu Title: Assistant Director-ft Huachuca Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Randall Fox | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: foxr@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Welding Temp Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Bob Howell | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: howellb@cochise.edu Title: Vice President Human Resources Organization: Cochise County Community College District Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Patricia Fuller | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: fullerp@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-science Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Irma Cook | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: cooki@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-humanities Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Faye Douglas | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: douglasf@cochise.edu Title: Director-student Development Center Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Rhonda Douglas | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: douglasr@cochise.edu Title: Tech-prep Coordinator Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kathleen Carrillo | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: carrillok@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-technology Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Juan Zozaya | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: zozayaj@cochise.edu Title: Printer Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mary Diaz | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: diazm@cochise.edu Title: Career Development Specialist Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Lizbeth Lillard | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: lillardl@cochise.edu Title: Program Coordinator Cteps Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Armando Arevalo | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: arevaloa@cochise.edu Title: Fac Service Worker Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Javier Armenta | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: armentaj@cochise.edu Title: Aviation Technician Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Norman Bates | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: batesn@cochise.edu Title: Instructor English Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Heather Augenstein | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: augensteinh@cochise.edu Title: Office Specialist Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Rebecca Dorman | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: dormanr@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-writing Lab Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Barry Bender | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: benderb@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Aviation Mech Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Dorinda Duvall | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: duvalld@cochise.edu Title: Counselor Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Flavio Beltran | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: beltranf@cochise.edu Title: Media Relations Technologist Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kenneth Bradshaw | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: bradshawk@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Flight Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Rachael Brantley | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: brantleyr@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant Career Services Temp Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Carlos Cartagena | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: cartagenac@cochise.edu Title: Vice President For Information Technology Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Macaela Cashman | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: cashmanm@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator Cultural Event/symphony Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Arturo Chacon | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: chacona@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-missl Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Beth Colburn | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: colburnb@cochise.edu Title: Transition Specialist Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Marguerite Conners | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: connersm@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-career Services Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Daniel Delrio | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: delriod@cochise.edu Title: CTO Organization: Cochise County Community College District Specialties: Junior Colleges and Technical Institutes Industry: Junior Colleges |
Frank Dykstra | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: poncho@cochise.edu Title: Director Facilities Management Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Judy Farris | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: farrisj@cochise.edu Title: Accounting Tech Principal Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
David Gage | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: gaged@cochise.edu Title: Supervisor - Accounting Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Alan Heidenreich | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: heidenreicha@cochise.edu Title: Library Media Specialist Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Michele Helm | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: helmm@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant Principal Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Art Gillette | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: gillettea@cochise.edu Title: Mechanic Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Jennifer Shiver | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: shiverj@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant-sbdc Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Doris Jensen | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: jensend@cochise.edu Title: Campus Dean Sv Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Ralph Hooten | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: hootenr@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Electronic Repair Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Jose Iniguez | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: iniguezj@cochise.edu Title: Professional Tutor Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kristi Saathoff | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: saathoffk@cochise.edu Title: Director Marketing/media Relations Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Emilie Vardaman | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: vardamane@cochise.edu Title: Instructor English/reading Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Robert Carreira | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: carreirar@cochise.edu Title: Economic Analyst Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Sally Aparicio | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: aparicios@cochise.edu Title: Admin Assistant Senio Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Cynthia Gobel | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: gobelc@cochise.edu Title: Accountant Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Paul Hollinshead | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: hollinsheadp@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Avionics Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mark Dottle | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: dottlem@cochise.edu Title: Acad Advanced Mos Credentialing Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Grace Mah | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: mahg@cochise.edu Title: Activity Coordinator Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Deborah Evinrude | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: evinruded@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Nursing Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Daniel Guilmette | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: guilmetted@cochise.edu Title: Cis/security Instructor Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Elizabeth Bonfim | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: bonfime@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Asl Temp Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Christopher Bermingham | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: berminghamc@cochise.edu Title: Director-housing And Student Life Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Suzanne Kemerly | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: kemerlys@cochise.edu Title: Adult Ed Teacher Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Patricia Mohead | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: moheadp@cochise.edu Title: Credentials Evaluator Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Chuck Hoyack | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: hoyackc@cochise.edu Title: Campus Dean Dc Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Tasneem Ashraf | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: ashraft@cochise.edu Title: Coordinator-science Lab Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Sheila Heidman | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: heidmans@cochise.edu Title: Dean Ext Learning/wfd Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Carey Alstadt | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: alstadtc@cochise.edu Title: Academic Counselor Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mary Mossburger | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: mossburgerm@cochise.edu Title: Human Resource Specialist Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Renee Doehrel | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: doehrelr@cochise.edu Title: Web Coordinator Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kimberly Kozubovska | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: kozubovskak@cochise.edu Title: Online Counselor Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mary Medeguari | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: medeguarim@cochise.edu Title: Office Specialist Senior Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Kenneth Charters | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: chartersk@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Biology Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Christi Charters | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: chartersc@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Bio Property 301 Organization: Cochise County Community College District |
Mark Von Destinon | 4190 W State Highway 80, Douglas, AZ 85607> | Email: vondesti@cochise.edu Title: Instructor Soc/beh Sciences Organization: Cochise County Community College District |