Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(917) 744-0... | 144 | 198 | 459173 2228329 459146 |
(917) 744-1... | 146 | 195 | 2228732 2032688 2228597 |
(917) 744-2... | 153 | 199 | 458862 2031984 2032132 |
(917) 744-3... | 147 | 188 | 2228311 1770238 2228550 |
(917) 744-4... | 126 | 168 | 2228311 2032132 2031900 |
(917) 744-5... | 113 | 151 | 459167 2228477 459137 |
(917) 744-6... | 140 | 181 | 2031683 590552 2031752 |
(917) 744-7... | 167 | 226 | 2228881 2031968 1245599 |
(917) 744-8... | 150 | 198 | 2031684 2228774 2228741 |
(917) 744-9... | 156 | 200 | 2228933 459162 328776 |
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