Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(860) 229-0... | 746 | 2166 | 459101 459141 2555932 |
(860) 229-1... | 729 | 1747 | 458772 459035 459074 |
(860) 229-2... | 729 | 1651 | 2359376 458787 458772 |
(860) 229-3... | 751 | 1774 | 459104 590771 590881 |
(860) 229-4... | 687 | 1518 | 2162748 2031753 459141 |
(860) 229-5... | 801 | 2034 | 2493678 590629 458754 |
(860) 229-6... | 714 | 1633 | 458820 590734 655408 |
(860) 229-7... | 822 | 2061 | 458953 1245563 458912 |
(860) 229-8... | 786 | 1906 | 459124 458816 1966118 |
(860) 229-9... | 707 | 1637 | 458800 459058 2293853 |
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