Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(856) 261-0... | 77 | 94 | 2032250 2032273 2032321 |
(856) 261-1... | 89 | 108 | 2032150 2032353 2032208 |
(856) 261-2... | 88 | 107 | 2032317 2032213 2032313 |
(856) 261-3... | 94 | 124 | 2032205 2031701 2493678 |
(856) 261-4... | 89 | 114 | 2228228 2228535 2032480 |
(856) 261-5... | 102 | 135 | 2493678 2032306 2032158 |
(856) 261-6... | 73 | 91 | 2032203 2032273 2032498 |
(856) 261-7... | 145 | 218 | 2032610 2032205 2032320 |
(856) 261-8... | 344 | 479 | 2032213 2493643 2032281 |
(856) 261-9... | 300 | 410 | 2032320 2032203 2162955 |
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