Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(818) 890-0... | 632 | 1467 | 327896 327781 328672 |
(818) 890-1... | 673 | 1515 | 327857 3081092 2621928 |
(818) 890-2... | 638 | 1464 | 262145 2162693 328005 |
(818) 890-3... | 670 | 1489 | 2622091 917627 328362 |
(818) 890-4... | 664 | 1505 | 262522 327928 327877 |
(818) 890-5... | 592 | 1377 | 327884 328755 327834 |
(818) 890-6... | 574 | 1288 | 327884 262145 327793 |
(818) 890-7... | 602 | 1322 | 328774 327808 328362 |
(818) 890-8... | 75 | 161 | 327932 327887 327875 |
(818) 890-9... | 424 | 941 | 327928 851969 328302 |
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