Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(805) 684-0... | 621 | 1645 | 327850 327887 327845 |
(805) 684-1... | 661 | 1858 | 328298 328033 328443 |
(805) 684-2... | 701 | 2013 | 3080267 328352 2425243 |
(805) 684-3... | 700 | 1915 | 1048765 328335 328507 |
(805) 684-4... | 669 | 1860 | 328354 197567 328512 |
(805) 684-5... | 649 | 1775 | 1770191 327772 327902 |
(805) 684-6... | 623 | 1635 | 328433 3080624 3081092 |
(805) 684-7... | 571 | 1524 | 328591 328033 2097352 |
(805) 684-8... | 537 | 1364 | 2490492 2425271 329161 |
(805) 684-9... | 391 | 936 | 393386 328456 328354 |
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