Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(714) 870-0... | 607 | 1596 | 327846 328755 328298 |
(714) 870-1... | 642 | 1658 | 2032680 3080421 328278 |
(714) 870-2... | 54 | 142 | 327813 327807 328275 |
(714) 870-3... | 21 | 41 | 328326 328335 328316 |
(714) 870-4... | 545 | 1295 | 393219 328747 327804 |
(714) 870-5... | 631 | 1558 | 2883616 327762 327799 |
(714) 870-6... | 642 | 1754 | 327813 327969 328433 |
(714) 870-7... | 541 | 1454 | 262352 2032246 328443 |
(714) 870-8... | 615 | 1534 | 327875 329373 328367 |
(714) 870-9... | 443 | 1074 | 328555 327885 328020 |
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