Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(623) 932-0... | 690 | 2074 | 262199 2359779 590088 |
(623) 932-1... | 733 | 2331 | 2230907 720949 328277 |
(623) 932-2... | 727 | 2219 | 262211 262232 196769 |
(623) 932-3... | 725 | 2361 | 262186 262179 328335 |
(623) 932-4... | 724 | 2203 | 327799 262235 1442409 |
(623) 932-5... | 714 | 2034 | 1507618 328343 262189 |
(623) 932-6... | 153 | 442 | 262160 262228 3081122 |
(623) 932-7... | 239 | 701 | 262160 2818889 590080 |
(623) 932-8... | 3 | 10 | 262145 262179 262214 |
(623) 932-9... | 599 | 1632 | 262156 262215 1835098 |
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