Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(601) 992-0... | 888 | 3373 | 1639178 1639571 1639419 |
(601) 992-1... | 878 | 3395 | 1638952 1639021 590587 |
(601) 992-2... | 880 | 3217 | 1966210 1639100 1638952 |
(601) 992-3... | 860 | 3214 | 1639299 1638985 131560 |
(601) 992-4... | 853 | 3102 | 2818059 720897 1638975 |
(601) 992-5... | 855 | 2981 | 1638591 327682 1639107 |
(601) 992-6... | 827 | 2883 | 2293827 1179731 2818051 |
(601) 992-7... | 821 | 2854 | 1638975 197314 590738 |
(601) 992-8... | 735 | 2479 | 524371 1639545 2752771 |
(601) 992-9... | 838 | 3115 | 1966099 328980 1639082 |
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