Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(513) 651-0... | 394 | 766 | 2294904 2294945 1704290 |
(513) 651-1... | 446 | 961 | 2294262 1114575 2491058 |
(513) 651-2... | 410 | 816 | 2295059 2228432 393219 |
(513) 651-3... | 412 | 875 | 2752724 2295223 1114677 |
(513) 651-4... | 373 | 769 | 1114148 2295269 2621920 |
(513) 651-5... | 374 | 745 | 2294056 983204 983182 |
(513) 651-6... | 219 | 589 | 2752585 2294907 |
(513) 651-7... | 68 | 108 | 2294100 2295252 |
(513) 651-8... | 15 | 49 | 1508273 2295083 |
(513) 651-9... | 217 | 427 | 984067 2295011 2295046 |
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