Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(508) 212-0... | 44 | 62 | 1245452 1245972 1245678 |
(508) 212-1... | 182 | 278 | 1245511 590253 1245539 |
(508) 212-2... | 218 | 322 | 1245654 1245970 1245969 |
(508) 212-3... | 219 | 331 | 1966256 1245641 1245811 |
(508) 212-4... | 229 | 341 | 1245777 1245588 |
(508) 212-5... | 241 | 383 | 1245683 1245510 1376490 |
(508) 212-6... | 243 | 372 | 1245764 2621880 1245654 |
(508) 212-7... | 221 | 350 | 1245811 2555930 1245750 |
(508) 212-8... | 283 | 456 | 1245781 1245456 1376538 |
(508) 212-9... | 108 | 167 | 1245942 590254 1245764 |
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