Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(503) 288-0... | 445 | 1250 | 328856 590849 2884019 |
(503) 288-1... | 732 | 2124 | 2425030 1704290 328966 |
(503) 288-2... | 530 | 1531 | 328062 2424964 655395 |
(503) 288-3... | 784 | 2406 | 2949327 2424906 65781 |
(503) 288-4... | 697 | 2043 | 2425191 262305 2424909 |
(503) 288-5... | 632 | 1991 | 3080938 655547 2424935 |
(503) 288-6... | 516 | 1414 | 393219 131647 393266 |
(503) 288-7... | 405 | 1129 | 2424994 2162748 2425270 |
(503) 288-8... | 656 | 2099 | 65619 2162955 2424929 |
(503) 288-9... | 479 | 1431 | 2424918 2424838 2424871 |
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