Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(501) 227-0... | 832 | 3094 | 197368 328044 2752967 |
(501) 227-1... | 18 | 32 | 197623 196946 |
(501) 227-2... | 66 | 168 | 328783 655547 2490469 |
(501) 227-3... | 90 | 298 | 196839 1180049 |
(501) 227-4... | 861 | 3135 | 197577 2752777 196946 |
(501) 227-5... | 696 | 2128 | 459163 1508042 197648 |
(501) 227-6... | 676 | 2041 | 197111 328298 3145877 |
(501) 227-7... | 827 | 3111 | 328367 197425 3080269 |
(501) 227-8... | 788 | 2742 | 197092 196872 197137 |
(501) 227-9... | 545 | 1547 | 2294286 196946 197162 |
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