Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(402) 571-0... | 518 | 1345 | 1900799 327980 590328 |
(402) 571-1... | 764 | 2135 | 1900547 131216 1900786 |
(402) 571-2... | 714 | 2064 | 2818204 2491385 1704343 |
(402) 571-3... | 780 | 2180 | 1310810 1900565 327830 |
(402) 571-4... | 748 | 2109 | 2687100 2359376 1901138 |
(402) 571-5... | 709 | 1921 | 1574403 393350 1900564 |
(402) 571-6... | 641 | 1624 | 1900565 393256 197314 |
(402) 571-7... | 759 | 2212 | 1900564 2359850 917730 |
(402) 571-8... | 626 | 1557 | 1900565 327682 1441987 |
(402) 571-9... | 392 | 946 | 1900799 196618 787177 |
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