(312) 630-6000
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Chgo Home For Incurables | Chicago, IL | |
Taso Lagos | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taso@u.washington.edu Title: Director Athens Program Hellenic Studiess Jacks Organization: University of Washington |
Frieda Taub | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taub@u.washington.edu Title: Professor Emeritus Aquatic And Fishery Sciences Organization: University of Washington |
Becca Taylor | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor70@u.washington.edu Title: Nurse Case Manager Organization: University of Washington |
Katherine Nixon | 50 S La Salle St. | Organization: Northern Trust Company, The |
Brittany Porter | 50 S La Salle St. | Organization: Northern Trust Company, The |
Perry Pero | 50 S La Salle St. | Organization: Northern Trust Company, The |
Tara Brown | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarab34@u.washington.edu Title: Recognition Program And Amp Events Coordinator Orga Organization: University of Washington |
Taylor Anderson | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayloa2@u.washington.edu Title: Student Assistant Chemistry Bag 036 Senior Chief Organization: University of Washington |
Patricia Bartler | 50 S La Salle St. | Organization: Northern Trust Company, The |
Tara Adolfi | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarafao@u.washington.edu Title: Director Of Compliance And Amp Privacy School Of De Organization: University of Washington |
Tara Melinkovich | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taramel@u.washington.edu Title: Department Of Microbiology Organization: University of Washington |
Ruggero Taradel | Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taradel@u.washington.edu Title: Teaching Associate French And Italian Studies Organization: University of Washington |
Tariq Sorathia | 1 Amd Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.sorathia@amd.com Title: Senior System/validation Engineer Organization: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |
Tara Arvedsen | 1 Amgen Center Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarvedsen@amgen.com Title: Physician General Infectious Diseases Organization: Amgen Inc. |
Applied Industrial Technologies Inc. | 1 Applied Plz, Cleveland, OH 60603 | |
Thomas Armold | 1 Applied Plaza, Cleveland, OH 60603 | Email: tarmold@applied.com Title: Vice President, Product Management and Marketing Organization: Applied Industrial Technologies Inc. |
The Boston Consulting Group Inc | 1 Beacon St FL 16, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Brook Tarrant | 1 Beacon St Fl 16, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrant.brook@bcg.com Title: Information Contracts Administrator Organization: The Boston Consulting Group Inc |
Michael Taubald | 1 Beacon St Fl 16, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taubald.michael@bcg.com Title: Administrator/coordinator/specialist Organization: The Boston Consulting Group Inc |
Christine Tattrie | 1 Boston Scientific Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tattriec@bsci.com Title: Senior Database Programmer/analyst Organization: Boston Scientific Corporation |
Tara Smith | 1 Bowerman Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.smith@nike.com Title: Strategic Accounts Analyst Organization: Nike, Inc. |
Tara Witt | 1 Bowerman Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.witt@nike.com Title: Senior Marketing Manager-retail Marketing Organization: Nike, Inc. |
Tasha Gilchrist | 1 Bowerman Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.gilchrist@nike.com Title: Retail Investment Specialist Organization: Nike, Inc. |
Tara Knowings | 1 Bowerman Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.knowings@nike.com Title: Marketing Organization: Nike, Inc. |
Tayan Moskowitz | 1 Chase Manhattan Plz, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayan.moskowitz@assurant.com Title: Comm Assistant Organization: Assurant, Inc. |
Tara Emerson | 1 C N Brown Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarae@cnbrown.com Title: Branch Manager Organization: C. N. Brown Company |
Timothy Austin | 1 College St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@holycross.edu Title: Vice President Academic Affairs And Dean Of The College Organization: College of The Holy Cross |
Tawny Hogg | 1 Community College Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawny.hogg@kctcs.edu Title: Project Director - Student Support Services Organization: Hazard Community and Technical College |
Tim Attinger | 1 Credit Union Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tattinger@psecu.com Title: Ecenter Trainer Manager Organization: Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union |
Theresa Auer | 1 E Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauer1@depaul.edu Title: Political Science-student Assistant Organization: De Paul University |
Tom Arrington | 1 Infinite Loop, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrington@apple.com Title: Senior Web Developer/system Administrator Organization: Apple Inc. |
James Tarbell | 1 Inverness Dr E, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarbell@dynamicfundinginc.com Title: President Organization: Dynamic Funding, Inc. |
Frank Colon | 1 Jean Walling Civic Ctr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxassessor@eastbrunswick.org Title: Municipal Assessor Organization: Township of East Brunswick |
Tara Ebbin | 1 Liberty Plz, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.ebbin@empireblue.com Title: Director Network Contracting Organization: Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc |
Tracey Stewart | 1 Lincoln St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tastewart@statestreet.com Title: Vice President Of Software And Application Development Organization: State Street Corporation |
Tara Fuller | 1 Lincoln St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.fuller@statestreet.com Title: Training Project Specialist Ii Organization: State Street Corporation |
Steve Tavener | 1 Lion St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavenersa@interlochen.org Title: Biology Teacher Organization: Interlock and Public Radio |
Thomas Arria | 1 Matignon Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarria@matignon-hs.org Title: Athletic Director Organization: Matignon High School |
Tara Handy | 1 Mcdonalds Plz, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.handy@us.mcd.com Title: Senior Manager Corporate Media Relations Organization: McDonald's Corporation |
Fred Tarrel | 1 Mellon Center Ste 3831, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrel.f@mellon.com Title: Finance And Accounting Organization: Mellon Bank, N.A. |
Tara Camp | 1 Merck Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_camp@merck.com Title: Manager Global Human Healthcare Product Communications Organization: Merck & Co., Inc. |
Tara Baney | 1 Merck Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_baney@merck.com Title: Clinical Auditor Organization: Merck & Co., Inc. |
Tatiana Kaido | 1 Merck Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana_kaido@merck.com Title: Clinical Trial Manager Organization: Merck & Co., Inc. |
Montclair State University | 1 Normal Ave RM 316, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Claire Taub | 1 Normal Ave Rm 316, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taubc@mail.montclair.edu Title: Chairperson Organization: Montclair State University |
Marilyn Tayler | 1 Normal Ave Rm 316, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylerm@mail.montclair.edu Title: Professor-legal Studies Organization: Montclair State University |
Tom Avischious | 1 Olympic Plz Bldg 2A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavischious@usa-swimming.org Title: Programs And Services Director Organization: United States Swimming, Inc. |
Mt. Sinai Nyu Health | 1 Park Ave FL 11, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tarah Gustafson | 1 Park Ave Fl 11, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarah.gustafson@msnyuhealth.org Title: Director Of Monitoring Organization: Mt. Sinai Nyu Health |
Tara Taylor | 1 Physicians Park Ste A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarataylor@kyoilgas.org Title: Associate Director Organization: Kentucky Oil & Gas Association |
Todd Richardson | 1 S Limestone St Ste 700, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarichard@health-partners.org Title: Budget Manager Organization: The Mercy Foundation |
Tausha Dingman | 1 S Main St Fl 15, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tausha.dingman@zionsbank.com Title: Special Project Manager Organization: Zions Bancorporation |
RSM McGladrey, Inc. | 1 S Wacker Dr FL 8, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Leja | 1 S Wacker Dr Fl 8, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.leja@rsmi.com Title: Director Finance Organization: RSM McGladrey, Inc. |
Tatiana Hernandez | 1 S Wacker Dr Ste 3700, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.hernandez@ttemi.com Title: Water Resources Engineer Organization: Tetra Tech Em, Inc. |
Thomas Troyer | 1 Thomas Cir Nw Ste 1100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tat@capdale.com Title: Valued Member Organization: Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered |
William Woods University | 1 University Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Deierling | 1 University Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.deierling@williamwoods.edu Title: Registrar Registrar Organization: William Woods University |
Tara Pitt | 1 University Sta D0800, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.pitt@mccombs.utexas.edu Title: Recruitment Support Specialist Organization: University of Texas At Austin |
Alan Taylor | 1 Wall St Fl 2, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.a@mellon.com Title: First Vice President-risk Organization: The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation |
Tarun Pereira | 2 Folsom St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarun_pereira@gap.com Title: Scm Engineer Organization: The Gap Inc |
Tara Boico | 2 Folsom St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_boico@gap.com Title: District Manager-milwaukee Organization: The Gap Inc |
Terry Armour | 2 Prudential Plz Ste 1059, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmour@wckg.com Title: Wckg-fm Organization: W C K G Inc |
Ted Armstrong | 4 Algonquian Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@solutioncreators.com Title: Principal |
Tara Stewart | 4 World Financial Ctr # 4, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_stewart@ml.com Title: Chief Credit Officer Organization: Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. |
Tara Nieves | 5 Adams Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taran@jdbeauty.com Title: Position In Customer Service Organization: J & D Brush Co., Inc. |
Nfrastructure Inc | 5 Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taryn Morrissey | 5 Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.morrissey@nfrastructure.com Title: Sales/marketing Management Organization: Nfrastructure Inc |
Taylor Sisson | 5 Times Sq Fl Conlv1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.sisson@ey.com Title: Treasurer Assurance And Advisory Business Services Ernst And Young Llp Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Tara Guillot | 5 Times Sq Fl Conlv1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.guillot@ey.com Title: Admin Training And Development Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Tatiana Grinberg | 5 Times Sq Fl Conlv1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.grinberg@ey.com Title: Manager Bv Branch Moscow Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Tarana Damania | 5 Times Sq Fl Conlv1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarana.damania@ey.com Title: Risk Advisory Services Senior Associate At Ernst And Young Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Tatyana Kovalchuk | 5 Times Sq Fl Conlv1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatyana.kovalchuk@ey.com Title: Senior Tax Manager-expat At Ernst And Young Llp Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
City of Gardiner | 6 Church St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Kim Dalton | 6 Church St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxcollector@gardinermaine.com Title: Tax Collector Organization: City of Gardiner |
Kevin Patel | 6 Essex Center Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarf@ladders.org Title: Project Manager/coordinator Organization: The Autism Research Foundation |
Taryn Goodman | 6 Montgomery Village Ave # 402, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.goodman@decisionpath.com Title: Marketing Manager Organization: Apa, Inc. |
New York University (inc) | 7 E 12 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Oboyle | 7 E 12Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.oboyle@nyu.edu Title: Manager Special Projects Organization: New York University (inc) |
Torben Arend | 7 Jackson Walkway Ste 2, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarend@gilbaneco.com Title: Senior Development Manager Organization: Gilbane Inc |
Ross Taylor | 8 Clarkson Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@clarkson.edu Title: Professor Chair Department Of Chemical Engineering Organization: Clarkson University |
Tarik Abdala | 8 Ridgedale Ave Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarik_abdala@eiassociates.com Title: Director Process Projects Organization: E I Associates, Architects and Engineers, P.A. |
Tarmstrong | 10 Norden Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@tauck.com Title: Corporate Communications Manager Organization: Tauck World Discovery Specialties: Travel Agencies |
Tara Consiglio | 10 Westport Rd Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarconsiglio@deloitte.com Title: Human Resources Experienced Hiring Organization: Deloitte Touche Foundation Inc |
Ultramar Travel Bureau Inc. | 14 E 47 St FL 4, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tatyana Taksir | 15 Pleasant Street Connec, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatyana.taksir@genzyme.com Title: Histology Organization: Genzyme Corporation |
Julie Taylor | 20 1St Plz Ctr Nw Ste 601, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@itsatrip.org Title: Senior Manager Of Sales Organization: Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. |
Taylor Noland | 20 N Broadway Ave # 1500, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.noland@dvn.com Title: Associate Ngl Upstream Scheduler Organization: Devon Energy Corporation |
Tara Hogan | 21 S Tejon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.hogan@jackquinnspub.com Title: General Manager Organization: Quinn Jack Irish Ale House & Pub |
Taylor Bodman | 22 Thomson Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.bodman@omgeo.com Title: Vice Chairman Of The Swift Us Steering Committee Organization: Omgeo, LLC (jv) |
Todd Arneson | 23 W Eau Claire St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarneson@redcedarcc.org Title: Connect Pastor Organization: Red Cedar Community Church |
Ron Tatum | 24 Inverness Pl E Ste 100, Englewood, IL 80112 | Email: tatum_ron@alttech.com Title: Chief Executive Officer Organization: Alternative Technology Specialties: Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Industry: Computers-Wholesale |
De Paul University | 25 E Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604 | Industry: College/University, University, University Department of Development and Public Affairs, Photocopying Services College/University, Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping College/Universit... |
Lisa Taute | 25 N Cascade Ave Ste 400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tautel@gejohnson.com Title: Marketing Manager Organization: G. E. Johnson Construction Company, Inc. |
Ziff Davis Media Inc. | 28 E 28 St FL 11, Chicago, IL 60602 | |
Tara Wietecha | 28 E 28Th St Fl 11, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_wietecha@ziffdavis.com Title: Marketing Manager Pc Magazine Organization: Ziff Davis Media Inc. |
Tara Garfinkle | 28 E 28Th St Fl 11, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_garfinkle@ziffdavis.com Title: Director Of Intellectual Property Organization: Ziff Davis Media Inc. |
Tara Culleny | 28 E 28Th St Fl 11, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_culleny@ziffdavis.com Title: Director Sales Operations Organization: Ziff Davis Media Inc. |
Arnold Thomas | 28 Westhampton Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@richmond.edu Title: Assistant Professor Of Finance Organization: University of Richmond |
Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. | 30 N Lasalle St STE 4000, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Lutz | 30 N Lasalle St Ste 4000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.mccrawlutz@teldta.com Title: Training Manager Telephone Organization: Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. |
Taraneh Foster | 33 Maiden Ln Fl 11, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taraneh.foster@prsa.org Title: Committee Member Programs And Events Chair Organization: Public Relations Society of America, Inc. |
Tara Sapiente | 35 Nutmeg Dr Ste 12, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.sapiente@nasdaq.com Title: Quality Control Senior Specialist Organization: Nasdaq Stock Market Inc |
Paul Tardy | 37Th & O Sts Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tardy@law.georgetown.edu Title: Processing Assistant Organization: The Georgetown University |
Charlotte Tate | 38 College St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@middlebury.edu Title: Assistant Director Organization: President and Fellows of Middlebury College |
Delaware County Electric Cooperative, Inc. | 39 Elm St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Jendrzejewski | 39 Elm St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.jendrzejewski@dce.coop Title: Customer Service Organization: Delaware County Electric Cooperative, Inc. |
Thomas Schwartz | 41 Seyon St Bldg 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taschwartz@sgh.com Title: President And Senior Principal And Head Of The Building Technology Group Organization: Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc. |
Thomas Lenahan | 47 Broad St Ste F, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxa@eatontownnj.com Title: Tax Assessor Organization: Borough of Eatontown |
Tara Abrams | 50 Beale St Bsmt 2, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.abrams@blueshieldca.com Title: Senior Clinical Pharmacist Quality Improvement Organization: California Physicians' Service |
Deonna Taylor | 50 Danbury Rd Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@aigfpc.com Title: Director Of Research Organization: AIG Financial Products Corp. |
Tim Auth | 50 Marcus Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauth@arrow.com Title: Emc Marketing Manager Organization: Arrow Electronics, Inc. |
NORTHERN TRUST HEDGE FUND SERVICES LLC | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Categories: Financial Services |
Robert Meier | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: rmeier@northerntrust.com Title: Banking Manager Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
William Osborn | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: william_osborn@ntrs.com Title: Ceo Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Frederick Waddell | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: fwaddell@northerntrust.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gerry Brady | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: gbrady@northerntrust.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Laureano Castillo | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: laureano_castillo@ntrs.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Steven Bell | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: sbell@northerntrust.com Title: President Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Stephen Andress | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: sandress@northerntrust.com Title: Banking Manager Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
John Dick | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: john_dick@ntrs.com Title: Cio Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Patrick Everett | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: peverett@northerntrust.com Title: Banking Manager Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
John Jezewski | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: john_jezewski@ntrs.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Robert Baillie | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: rbaillie@northerntrust.com Title: Banking Manager Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Barry Sagraves | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: bsagraves@northerntrust.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
John Fumagalli | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: jfumagalli@northerntrust.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Brian Ovaert | 50 S. La Salle St., Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: bovaert@northerntrust.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Jane W Thompson | 50 S. Lasalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Michael Alan Noble | 50 S. Lasalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Michelle L Pfeiffer | 50 S. Lasalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Heather M Wright | 50 S. Lasalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Marisa Bergamasco | 50 S. Lasalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
The Northern Trust Company | 50 S Ln Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Industry: State Commercial Bank, State Commercial Banks |
Northern Trust Corporation | 50 S Ln Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Organization: Northerntrust Bank Industry: Investment Advice, Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents Site: ntrs.com |
Shannon Kennedy | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: shannon.kennedy@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Greg Medrano | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: glm@ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Nick Miles | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Timothy Moen | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: tgz1@ntrs.com Title: Human Resources Benefits Director Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Timothy Theriault | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: timothy_theriault@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Lloyd Nelson | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: lloyd.nelson@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Diana Liza Perez | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Frederick Waddell | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: f.waddell@ntrs.com Title: CEO Organization: Norlease Inc Specialties: Equipment Rental and Leasing, Not Elsewhere Classified Industry: General Rental Centers Site: ntrs.com |
Kelly Welsh | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: kelly_welsh@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Sheila Penrose | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: sheila.penrose@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Bev Fleming | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: bfleming@ntrs.com Title: Senior Vice President Organization: Norlease Inc |
Steven Bell | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: steven.bell@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Buell C. Cole | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: bcc@ntrs.com Title: Chairman Organization: Northern Trust Corporation |
Camilla Greene | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: cg81@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Barry Hastings | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: bhastings@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Gregg Behrens | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: gregg.behrens@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Penelope Biggs | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: penelopebiggs@ntrs.com Title: Executive Vice President Organization: Northern Trust Corp |
Bradley Blevins | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: bradley.blevins@northerntrust.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Cheryl P Dodge | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Paul Douville | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: douville.paul@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Donald A Kress | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Frank Loomis | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: frank.loomis@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Carl Uetz | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: carl_uetz@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
David Copley | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: david.copley@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Steven Fradkin | 50 S La Salle St, Washington, IL 60603 | Email: steven.fradkin@northerntrust.com Title: Executive Vice President And Chief Financial Officer Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Steven Appell | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: s.appell@ntc.com Title: CTO Organization: National TeleConsultants Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Jeffrey Cohodes | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jdc@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Jana Schreuder | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jana_schreuder@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Paul Hoefert | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: paul.hoefert@northerntrust.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Sherry Barrat | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: sbarrat@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Rick Waddell | 50 S Lasalle St # 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: r.waddell@northerntrust.com Title: CEO Organization: Northern Trust CO Specialties: National Commercial Banks Industry: Commercial Banking Site: northerntrust.com |
Marianne Doan | 50 S La Salle Ste Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: marianne.doan@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Brian Ovaert | 50 S La Salle Ste Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: brian.ovaert@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: State Commercial Banks Industry: State Commercial Banks |
Werner Vetsch | 50 S Lasalle St S # 60607, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: wv2@ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Northern Trust and Co | 50 S Ln Salle St STE 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Organization: Domino's Pizza Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Elizabeth White | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: elizabeth_white@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Larry Jones | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: larry_jones@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Claire Steele | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: claire_steele@notes.ntrs.com Title: Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
James Kaplan | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: james_kaplan@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jeffrey Kauffman | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jeffrey_kauffman@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Larry Keith | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: larry_keith@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Shannon Kennedy | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: shannon_kennedy@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Patricia Kenney | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: patricia_kenney@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Connie Lindsey | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: connie_lindsey@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Kathleen Strombeck | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: kathleen_strombeck@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Dana Strong | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: dana_strong@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Mark Mitchell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: mark_mitchell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
William Mitchell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: william_mitchell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Christine Swiderski | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: christine_swiderski@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Bernie Mayer | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: bernie_mayer@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Michael Morena | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: michael_morena@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
William Morrison | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: william_morrison@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Laurie New | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: laurie_new@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Brian Newell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: brian_newell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jan Nicolaou | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jan_nicolaou@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Catherine Treiber | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: catherine_treiber@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jeffrey Tresselt | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jeffrey_tresselt@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
John Oconnell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: john_oconnell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jeffrey Triplett | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jeffrey_triplett@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Andrew Triplett | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: andrew_triplett@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Angela Ortiz | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: angela_ortiz@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
William Osborn | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Northern Trust Co, IL 60675 | Email: william@ntrs.com Title: Ceo Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Jim Peterson | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, New York, NY 60675 | Email: jim_peterson@notes.ntrs.com Title: Information Technology Director Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Elizabeth Phelan | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: elizabeth_phelan@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Michael Phillips | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: michael_phillips@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Frederick Waddell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: frederick_waddell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Steve Riley | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: steve_riley@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
John Waldron | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: john_waldron@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
John Rowe | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: john_rowe@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
David Santos | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: david_santos@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Harry Short | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: harry_short@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Lenora Smith | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: lenora_smith@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Thomas Smith | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: thomas_smith@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Normalie West | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: normalie_west@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Philip Weyer | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: philip_weyer@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Enrique Sosa | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: enrique_sosa@notes.ntrs.com Title: Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Connie Spiegel | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: conniespiegel@dominos.com Title: Genaral Manager Organization: Domino's Pizza Specialties: Eating Places |
Perry Pero | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: perry_pero@notes.ntrs.com Title: CFO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Perry Pero | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Helena, IL 60603 | Email: perry_pero@ntrs.com Title: Coo Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Gloria Wilson | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: gloria_wilson@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Joseph Wolfe | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: joseph_wolfe@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Revel Wood | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: revel_wood@notes.ntrs.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Arthur Wood | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: arthur_wood@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Gerry Brady | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: gerry_brady@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Linda Bynoe | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: linda_bynoe@notes.ntrs.com Title: Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Karen Hamilton | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: karen_hamilton@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Laura Mandel | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: laura_mandel@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
E Dunn | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: e_dunn@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Steven Bell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: steven_bell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Rodney Blanchard | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: rodney_blanchard@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Paul Chapman | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: paul_chapman@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Buell Cole | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: buell_cole@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Allison Coleman | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: allison_coleman@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Mark Doherty | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: mark_doherty@notes.ntrs.com Title: Marketing Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Camilla Greene | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: camilla_greene@notes.ntrs.com Title: Communications Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Wilson Leech | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: wilson_leech@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Patricia Hunt | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: patricia_hunt@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Charles Gray | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: charles_gray@notes.ntrs.com Title: Corporate Secretary Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Zachary Lazar | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: zachary_lazar@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Mark Schoen | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: mark_schoen@notes.ntrs.com Title: COO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jeffrey Lenihan | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jeffrey_lenihan@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Diane Day | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: dday@northerntrust.com Title: Credit Analyst Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Douglas Regan | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Tremont, IL 61568 | Email: douglas_regan@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Barry Bonds | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: barry_bonds@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Sue Baines | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: sue_baines@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Bob Graziano | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: bob_graziano@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
L Beltran | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: l_beltran@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Wes Ringo | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: wes_ringo@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Penelope Biggs | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: penelope_biggs@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
David C Blowers | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: dblowers@northerntrust.com Title: Credit Analyst Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Sandra Carolina | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: sandra_carolina@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Peter Rossiter | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: peter_rossiter@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Andrew Chou | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: andrew_chou@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jeffrey Conover | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jeffrey_conover@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Kelly Dibble | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: kelly_dibble@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Todd Dolan | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: todd_dolan@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Patrick Everett | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: patrick_everett@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Charlene Seabury | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: charlene_seabury@notes.ntrs.com Title: Corporate Secretary Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Craig Seidell | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: craig_seidell@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
William Setterstrom | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: william_setterstrom@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Scott Harlow | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: scott_harlow@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Judith Heck | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: judith_heck@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Kathleen Hennessy | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: kathleen_hennessy@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Elizabeth Gebhard | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: egebhard@northerntrust.com Title: Credit Analyst Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Christopher Guinther | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: christopher_guinther@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Anne Gulotta | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: anne_gulotta@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Frank Loomis | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: frank_loomis@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Kelly Mannard | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: kelly_mannard@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Dipak Jain | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: djain@northerntrust.com Title: Banker Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Ian Baillie | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: ian_baillie@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Robert Baillie | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: robert_baillie@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
David Copley | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: david_copley@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Harry Leadingham | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: harry_leadingham@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Donald Cavalli | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: donald_cavalli@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Robert Reusche | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: robert_reusche@notes.ntrs.com Title: Corporate Secretary Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jennifer Kotler | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jennifer_kotler@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jim Clausing | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jim_clausing@notes.ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
John Fumagalli | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Hackensack, NJ 07601 | Email: john_fumagalli@notes.ntrs.com Title: Senior Vice President And Managing Director And Chief Information Officer Asset Management Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Johyn Iwanicki | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: johyn_iwanicki@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Natalie Cadavid | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: natalie_cadavid@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Julie Gentes | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: julie_gentes@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Osamu Hattori | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: osamu_hattori@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Jeanne Hokens | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jeanne_hokens@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Deborah Kasemeyer | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: deborah_kasemeyer@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Gordon Anhold | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: gordon_anhold@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Paul Hoefert | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: paul_hoefert@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Timothy Misk | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: timothy_misk@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Asha Bangalore | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: asha_bangalore@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Desi Bakalis | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: desi_bakalis@notes.ntrs.com Title: Corporate Secretary Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Tnt Contact | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: tnt_contact@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Sherry Barrat | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: sherry_barrat@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
David Kempers | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: jennifer_tretheway@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Robert Ganja | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: robert_ganja@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Victoria Marklew | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: victoria_marklew@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Linda Macayeal | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: linda_macayeal@notes.ntrs.com Title: Attorney Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Brian Ovaert | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: brian_ovaert@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Paul Lillios | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: paul_lillios@notes.ntrs.com Title: Corporate Secretary Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Dolores Corss | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: dolores_corss@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Debbie Bakazan | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: debbie_bakazan@notes.ntrs.com Title: Marketing Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Griff Ehrenstrom | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: griff_ehrenstrom@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Thomas Bide | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: thomas_bide@notes.ntrs.com Title: Executive Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Sidney Adhya | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: sidney_adhya@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Metropolitan Iakovos | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: miakovos@northerntrust.com Title: Credit Analyst Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: State Commercial Banks |
Nicholas Chabraja | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: nicholas_chabraja@notes.ntrs.com Title: Director Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Daniel Strumphler | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: daniel_strumphler@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Marc Russell-Jones | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: marc_russell-jones@notes.ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
The Company | 50 S La Salle St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: the_company@notes.ntrs.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust and Co Specialties: Mortgage Bankers and Loan Correspondents Industry: Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Steven Fradkin | 50 S La Salle St Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: sfradkin@northerntrust.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
Northern Trust Securities Inc | 50 S Ln Salle St STE B12, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
The Argo Corporation | 50 W 17 St FL 7, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tatiana Gitmeid | 50 W 17Th St Fl 7, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatianag@argo.com Title: Advertising Coordinator And Brokerage Assistant Organization: The Argo Corporation |
Tarik Ahmed | 55 Water St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarik.ahmed@omgeo.com Title: Integration Consultant Organization: Omgeo, LLC (jv) |
Pamela Sain | 60 E Court St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxcollector@mcdowellgov.com Title: Tax Collector Organization: County of McDowell |
Tommy Arnett | 60 Shiloh Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnett@tusculum.edu Title: Head Mens And Womens Tennis Coach Organization: Tusculum College |
Tara Khaleel | 70 Pine St Fl 50, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.khaleel@aig.com Title: Vice President Marketing And Communication Organization: American International Group, Inc. |
Tara Binstein | 70 Pine St Fl 50, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.binstein@aig.com Title: Project Lead Organization: American International Group, Inc. |
Sara Tarsis | 70 Washington Sq S, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarsis01@popmail.med.nyu.edu Title: Clinical Instructor Trainee Position Organization: New York University (inc) |
Tom Armstrong | 80 Field Point Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@brant-allen.com Title: Vice President of Sales Organization: Brant-Allen Industries, Inc. |
Aimee Tarsa | 80 Vandenburgh Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarsaaim@hvcc.edu Title: Hvcc High School Program-institutional Organization: Hudson Valley Community College |
Janice Tate | 80 Vandenburgh Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatejan@hvcc.edu Title: Secretary I-admissions Organization: Hudson Valley Community College |
Roberta Tharpe | 81 Fortune Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tax@finishline.com Title: Principal Organization: The Finish Line Inc |
Unigene Laboratories, Inc. | 81 Fulton St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Thomas August | 81 Fulton St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taugust@unigene.com Title: Educator Organization: Unigene Laboratories, Inc. |
Nancy Tarkmeel | 83 Windham St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarkmeel@easternct.edu Title: Assistant Dean Of Continuing Education Organization: Eastern Connecticut State University |
Goldman, Sachs & Co. | 85 Broad St BLDG 85, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Harper | 85 Broad St Bldg 85, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.harper@gs.com Title: Legal Council Organization: Goldman, Sachs & Co. |
Tara Bongiorni | 85 Broad St Bldg 85, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.bongiorni@gs.com Title: Associate/tax Department Organization: Goldman, Sachs & Co. |
Tara Tanico | 85 Broad St Bldg 85, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.tanico@gs.com Title: Finance Division Organization: Goldman, Sachs & Co. |
Tasos Kontogiorgos | 85 Broad St Bldg 85, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasos.kontogiorgos@gs.com Title: Core Equities Technology Organization: Goldman, Sachs & Co. |
The Farmers Bank | 88 N Lee St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tatrabian Charles | 88 N Lee St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatrabian.charles@farmersbankva.com Title: Loan Officer Organization: The Farmers Bank |
Jim Taschetta | 90 Orville Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taschetta@nbty.com Title: Chief Marketing Officer Organization: Nbty, Inc. |
Tatia Hunter | 90 Salmon Brook St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiahunter@imperialnurseries.com Title: Executive Administrative Assistant Organization: Imperial Nurseries, Inc |
Tara Elmore | 100 Centurytel Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.elmore@centurytel.com Title: Director Global Marketing Organization: CenturyTel of Oregon, Inc. |
Tara Kennedy | 100 Church St S, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.d.kennedy@yale.edu Title: Field Services Librarian Organization: Yale University |
Darrow Murdock | 100 Commons Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxcollector@bridgewaternj.gov Title: Director Of Municipal Services Township Engineer Organization: Township of Bridgewater |
Tara Evans | 100 E Pratt St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_evans@troweprice.com Title: Communications Specialist Organization: T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. |
Tawnya Stockdale | 100 E Wisconsin Ave # 1100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawnya.n.stockdale@us.arthuranderson.com Title: International Human Resources Organization: Andersen Consulting |
Sunoco, Inc. (R&m) | 100 Grn St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Terry Soule | 100 Green St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasoule@sunocoinc.com Title: Environmental Manager Organization: Sunoco, Inc. (R&m) |
Blue and Gold Fleet LP | 100 N Pt St #145, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taylor Safford | 100 North Point St # 145, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@blueandgoldfleet.com Title: President Organization: Blue and Gold Fleet LP |
Tawei Lin | 100 N Tryon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawei.lin@bankofamerica.com Title: Cap Mkts Mkt Risk Analyst Organization: Bank of America Corporation |
Taylor Tobeck | 100 N Tryon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.tobeck@bankofamerica.com Title: Vice President Compliance And Operations Risk Manager Organization: Bank of America Corporation |
Tara Levesque | 100 N Tryon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.levesque@bankofamerica.com Title: Vice President-affinity Management Organization: Bank of America Corporation |
Tara Kreuser | 100 N Tryon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.kreuser@bankofamerica.com Title: Assistant Vice President-portfolio Officer Organization: Bank of America Corporation |
Tara Strobel | 100 Vanguard Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_strobel@vanguard.com Title: Software Applications Development Organization: The Vanguard Group Inc |
Thomas Tate | 100 Vanguard Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@vanguard-usa.com Title: Human Resources Executive Organization: The Vanguard Group Inc |
Art Thomas | 101 Ash St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarthurl@semprautilities.com Title: Area Officer Aliso Cyn Organization: Sempra Energy International |
John Tate | 101 E 27Th St Ste 4308, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@math.utexas.edu Title: Sid W Richardson Foundation Regents Chair In Mathematics 4 Ph D Department Of Mathematics College Of Natural Sciences Organization: University of Texas At Austin |
Taylor Pfaff | 101 E 27Th St Ste 4308, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.pfaff@austin.utexas.edu Title: Senior Administrative Specialist Organization: University of Texas At Austin |
Tara Castruita | 101 E 27Th St Ste 4308, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.castruita@athletics.utexas.edu Title: Cashier Iii B A Organization: University of Texas At Austin |
Antonio Araguz | 101 E 27Th St Ste 4308, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taraguz@mail.utexas.edu Title: Admin Associate B S Department Of History College Of Liberal Arts Organization: University of Texas At Austin |
Karen Tarrant | 101 E Hillsdale St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrantk@michigan.gov Title: Director Administration Organization: Michigan Bureau of State Lottery |
Alice Taylor | 101 E Hillsdale St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylora3@michigan.gov Title: Dhs-genesee Pierson Organization: Michigan Bureau of State Lottery |
Anne Tavis | 101 E Hillsdale St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavisa@michigan.gov Title: Dhs-mecosta Co Organization: Michigan Bureau of State Lottery |
Terrence Austin | 101 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@visto.com Title: President Of Worldwide Sales And Marketing Organization: Good Technology, Inc. |
Tracy Arwood | 101 Sikes Hall, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarwood@clemson.edu Title: Director Research Compliance Organization: Clemson University |
South Orange Village, The Township of Inc. | 101 S Orange Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Pat Flynn | 101 S Orange Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxcollector@southorange.org Title: Tax Collector Organization: South Orange Village, The Township of Inc. |
Paul Taylor | 105 Culkin Hall, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@oswego.edu Title: Assistant Director Campus Technology Services Organization: Suny College At Oswego |
Controls Engineering Maintenance Corp. | 105 S 31 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Thomas Ashcraft | 105 S 31St St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashcraft@cemcorp.net Title: Production Manager Organization: Controls Engineering Maintenance Corp. |
Tarun Agarwal | 105 Wind Chime Ct, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarun.agarwal@raleighdentalarts.com Title: Dentist Dds Organization: Tarun Agarwal PA DDS |
Tom Attea | 110 Marcus Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tattea@fonar.com Title: Vice President Advertising Organization: Fonar Corporation |
Business Technology Partners, Inc. | 111 Broadway RM 1803, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
A Assam | 111 Broadway Rm 1803, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tassam@btp.net Title: Systems Engineer Organization: Business Technology Partners, Inc. |
Tara Pacy | 111 Colchester Ave # 75911, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.pacy@vtmednet.org Title: Nurse Manager Organization: Fletcher Allen Health Care Inc |
Tara Abele | 111 Colchester Ave # 75911, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.abele@vtmednet.org Title: Licensed Practical Nurse Lpn Organization: Fletcher Allen Health Care Inc |
Cfo Publishing Corporation | 111 W 57 St FL 12, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Weaver | 111 W 57Th St Fl 12, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taraweaver@cfo.com Title: Accounting Assistant Organization: Cfo Publishing Corporation |
Tara Bagent | 111 W Rich St Ste 210, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarabagent@spherion.com Title: Branch Manager Organization: Spherion Corporation |
Tatiana Xenelis | 114 Woody Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatianax@hapdx.org Title: Broker Organization: Housing Authority of The County of Butler (inc) |
Metrowest Medical Healthcare System Ltd | 115 Lincoln St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Jones | 115 Lincoln St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.jones@mwmc.com Title: Safety Officer Organization: Metrowest Medical Healthcare System Ltd |
William Aylor | 119 E College St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@jaxenergy.com Title: Senior Buyer Organization: Jackson Energy Authority |
Timothy Ayer | 119 River St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayer@nwjinsurance.com Title: Co-owner/vice President/corporate Director Organization: Noyle W Johnson Inc |
Tay Waltenbaugh | 119 Westmoreland Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tay_waltenbaugh@westmorelandca.org Title: Executive Director Organization: Westmoreland Community Action |
Tasha Murray | 120 Boylston St Ste 414, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha_murray@emerson.edu Title: Staff Assistant-institutional Advancement Organization: Emerson College |
Tina Arno | 120 Roberts St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarno@canastotacsd.org Title: Business/finance/purchasing Director Organization: Canastota Central School |
Tara Mohr | 121 Steuart Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 | Email: taram@sfjcf.org Title: Senior Planner Organization: Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, The Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties |
Mann Center For The Performing Arts | 123 S Broad St STE 1930, Chicago, IL 60601 | |
Tong Arampongpun | 123 S Broad St Ste 1930, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarampongpun@manncenter.org Title: Marketing Executive Organization: Mann Center For The Performing Arts |
Tamar Atamian | 123 S Marengo Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatamian@wescom.org Title: Marketing Specialist Organization: Wescom Central Credit Union |
Inberg-Miller Engineers | 124 E Main St, Riverton, WY 82501 | Industry: Civil Engineering, Engineering Services Categories: Civil Engineers, Consulting Engineers, Engineers, Land Surveyors, Testing Laboratories Products: Consulting, Drilling, Engineering, Site Surveys, Testing, Title Surveys Site: inberg-miller.com |
Thomas Axthelm | 124 E Main St, Riverton, WY 82501 | Email: taxthelm@inberg-miller.com Title: Secretary Organization: Inberg-Miller Engineers Specialties: Engineering Services Industry: Engineering Services |
Taryn Scott | 125 Auburn Ct Ste 110, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.scott@discounttireco.com Title: Office Manager Organization: Southern California Discount Tire Co Inc |
Traditional Home | 125 Park Ave FL 20, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Outly | 125 Park Ave Fl 20, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.outly@meredith.com Title: Health Director Fitness Magazine Organization: Traditional Home |
Michael Taylor | 130 Jones Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@qualityind.com Title: Manager-product Development Organization: Quality Industries, Incorporated |
Thomas Armstrong | 131 Airpark Industrial Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@andressengineering.com Title: President Organization: Andress Engineering Associates, Inc. |
Etrade Financial Corporation | 135 E 57 St UNIT 77, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Johnson | 135 E 57Th St Unit 77, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.johnson@etrade.com Title: Controller Organization: Etrade Financial Corporation |
Tary Proler | 135 E 57Th St Unit 77, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.proler@etrade.com Title: Executive Assistant-information Technology Organization: Etrade Financial Corporation |
Tara Schutte | 140 E Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taras@cbha.org Title: Systems Association Organization: Columbia Basin Health Association |
Tony Araman | 140 S Morgan Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taraman@terexrb.com Title: Vice President Organization: CMI Terex Corporation |
Hope College | 141 E 12 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Sandy Tasma | 141 E 12Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasma@hope.edu Title: College Advancement Office Manager Organization: Hope College |
County of Cumberland | 142 Federal St STE 102, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Bruce Tarbox | 142 Federal St Ste 102, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarbox@cumberlandcounty.org Title: Facility Manager Organization: County of Cumberland |
Tari Daly | 144 32Nd Street Dr Se, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarid@ogdenadams.com Title: Vice President Organization: Ogden & Adams Incorporated |
Mercy Hospital | 144 State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Charles Tashima | 144 State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashimac@mercyme.com Title: Clinical Oncology Professional Organization: Mercy Hospital |
Sunoco, Inc. | 145 Canal St STE 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tarek Chehab | 145 Canal St Ste 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarek_chehab@sunoil.com Title: Treasurer Organization: Sunoco, Inc. |
Tatiana Garcia | 150 S Pine Island Rd # 230, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.garcia@bankerslife.com Title: Marketing Executive Organization: Bankers Life & Casualty Company |
Tara Radzinski | 155 Railroad Plz Ste 203, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@sustainablesolutionscorporation.com Title: Principal Organization: Sustainable Solutions Corporation |
Darlene Tartaglione | 156 Peony Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tartaglioned@nhsd.net Title: President Organization: North Hills School District |
Taren Morrow | 161 E Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taren@independenceofportage.org Title: Finance Manager Organization: Independence of Portage County Inc |
Tara Manal | 162 The Grn Rm 203, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarajo@udel.edu Title: Chair Search Committee Organization: University of Delaware |
Heidi Tappan | 163 S Willard St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tappan@champlain.edu Title: Executive Offr Organization: Champlain College Incorporated |
Teri Sinclair | 180 Nickerson St Ste 202, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasinclair@lfd.com Title: Regional Marketing Director Organization: Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation |
Taryn Adams | 183 Inverness Dr W, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn_adams@cable.comcast.com Title: Manager Hsi And Dts Organization: Comcast Corporation |
Tara Siegfried | 183 W Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarasiegfried@littletreechildcare.com Title: General Manager Organization: Little Tree Child Care, Inc. |
Trudy Atkinson | 195 Changebridge Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatkinson@montvillenj.org Title: Editor Organization: Montville Township (inc) |
Town of Millinocket | 197 Penobscot Ave, Millinocket, ME 60603 | Industry: City Government-Finance & Taxa Site: millinocket.org |
Lorene Cyr | 197 Penobscot Ave, Millinocket, ME 60603 | Email: taxcollector@millinocket.org Title: Tax Collector Organization: Town of Millinocket Specialties: Public Finance, Taxation, and Monetary Policy Industry: City Government-Finance & Taxa Site: millinocket.org |
Tawanna Armstrong | 200 E Randolph St # 4300, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawanna.armstrong@am.jll.com Title: Manager Client Systems Organization: Jones Lang Lasalle Inc |
Tara Gibney | 200 E Randolph St # 4300, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.gibney@am.jll.com Title: Recruiter Organization: Jones Lang Lasalle Inc |
Taryn Karchmar | 200 E Randolph St # 4300, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.karchmar@jll.com Title: Manager For Human Resources Organization: Jones Lang Lasalle Inc |
Javad Tavakoli | 200 High St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavakoli@lafayette.edu Title: Associate Professor Head Department Of Chemical Engineering Organization: Lafayette College |
Tara Robert | 200 Nyala Farms Rd Ste 2, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.roberts@terex.com Title: Contract Recruiter Organization: Terex Corporation |
Marc Tayler | 200 Sw 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylerm@autonation.com Title: Director E-commerce Business Development Organization: Autonation, Inc. |
Andy Taylor | 200 W 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorav@mtintouch.net Title: President Organization: County of Sweet Grass |
Tara Kinare | 200 West St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.kinane@parexel.com Title: Bookkeeper Organization: Parexel International Corporation |
Wcbi-Tv, LLC | 201 5 St S, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
T Tate | 201 5Th St S, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatetj@wcbi.com Title: Commercial Production Manager Organization: Wcbi-Tv, LLC |
Taylor Greenwald | 201 E 4Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.greenwald@convergys.com Title: Special Projects Organization: Convergys Corporation |
Tavia Holmes | 201 Post St Fl 3, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavia@venablesbell.com Title: Senior Art Director Organization: Venables, Bell & Partners. LLC |
Tawni Waldo | 201 W North River Dr # 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawni.waldo@redlion.com Title: Corporate Human Resources Admin Assistant Organization: Red Lion Hotels Corporation |
Tara Ferguson | 202 Butrovich, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.ferguson@alaska.edu Title: Compensation Analyst Organization: University of Alaska System |
Tennessee Road Builders Association | 213 5 Ave N STE 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Rader | 213 5Th Ave N Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@trba.org Title: Director Finance Organization: Tennessee Road Builders Association |
Taylor Bumbalough | 216 E Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.bumbalough@coffeeconnexion.com Title: Owner Organization: The Coffeeconnexion Company Incorporated |
Alliance Grain Co., Inc. | 220 W 8, Gibson City, IL 60936 | Industry: Farming, Whol Grain/Field Beans Categories: Agricultural Storage Facilities Site: alliance-grain.com |
Somerset Savings Bank, Sla Inc | 220 W Un Ave, Chicago, IL 60631 | |
William Taylor | 220 W Union Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@somersetsavings.com Title: Financial Director Organization: Somerset Savings Bank, Sla Inc |
Michelle Tarpy | 221 College Ln, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarpy@roanoke.edu Title: Secretary/education Health And Human Performance Organization: The Trustees of Roanoke College |
Vera Tarakanova | 221 N Grand Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarakavl@slu.edu Title: Graduate Student Molecular Microbiology And Immunology Organization: Saint Louis University |
Tara Grutzius | 222 Merchandise Mart Plz, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@sittercity.com Title: Director - Sales Organization: Sittercity Incorporated |
Sittercity | 222 Merchandise Mart Plz 22, Chicago, IL 60654 | Industry: Internet, Misc Personal Services, Miscellaneous Personal Services, Nec, Nsk, Nonclassifiable Establishments, Daycare, Child Care, Pet Sitters, Home Elder Care, Internet Service, Tu... Categories: Nanny Service, Senior Home Care, Home Sitting Services, Tutoring, Sitting Services, Day Care - Adults, Baby Sitters, Pet Sitting Services, Electronic Commerce, Government Contracto... Products: Au Pairs, Babysitting, Bilingual Staff, Child Care, Extended Care, Holiday Day Care, Home Child Care, Homework Supervision, Monthly Rates, Nannies, Pet Sitting, Private Child Care,... Site: sittercity.com |
John Tapogna | 222 Sw Columbia St # 1600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapogna@portland.econw.com Title: Vice President Organization: Economic Consultants Oregon, Ltd. |
Taro Ramberg | 225 N Michigan Ave # 2050, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taror@criticalmass.com Title: Vice President/managing Director Organization: Critical Mass (us) Inc. |
Tara Hanson | 229 Radio Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.hanson@princeagri.com Title: Program Coordinator Organization: Prince Agri Products, Inc. |
Bdo Seidman, LLP | 233 N Michigan Ave #2500, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Theresa Arana | 233 N Michigan Ave # 2500, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarana@bdo.com Title: Senior Manager Litigation Services Organization: Bdo Seidman, LLP |
Tatiana Harger | 235 2Nd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.harger@cnet.com Title: Managing Director Organization: CBS Interactive Inc |
Tara Kuglen | 240 Commercial St Fl 3, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@smartdestinations.com Title: Destination Development Manager Organization: Smart Destinations, Inc. |
E A Hughes & Co Inc | 245 5 Ave RM 901, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Theresa Aquilina | 245 5Th Ave Rm 901, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taquilina@eahughes.com Title: Director Of Research Organization: E A Hughes & Co Inc |
Thomas Argyris | 250 Gibraltar Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targyris@tbimortgage.com Title: Senior Vice President And Chief Information Officer Organization: Tbi Mortgage Company |
Thomas (Tom) A. Argyris | 250 Gibraltar Rd., Horsham, PA 60603 | Email: targyris@tollbrothersinc.com Title: Svp Operations Organization: Toll Brothers, Inc. Specialties: General Contractors-Residential Buildings, Other Than Single-Family |
TOLL BROTHERS, INC | 250 Gibraltar Rd, Horsham, PA 19044 | Industry: Builder of Single Family Homes & Townhomes, Builder of Single Family Homes Townhomes & Condominiums, Single-Family House Construction, Residential Construction Single-Family House ... Categories: Home Builders & Developers, Homes & Residential Real Estate, Marketing Sales, Real Estate Loans Products: Brochures, design, Design & Engineering, Engineering, Information, Interior Design, Remodeling, Sales, Sales & Information Site: tollbrothers.com |
Tatiana Mitchell | 250 Greenwich St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.mitchell@moodys.com Title: Information Technology Internal Control Analyst Organization: Moody's Corporation |
Tasha Rifkin | 250 Greenwich St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.rifkin@moodys.com Title: Vice President-manager Enterprise Solutions Group Organization: Moody's Corporation |
Tatjana Ciric | 250 Greenwich St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatjana.ciric@moodys.com Title: Recruiting Sourcing Specialist Organization: Moody's Corporation |
Tarek Bishr | 250 Vesey St Fl 12, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarek_bishr@ml.com Title: Information Specialist Organization: Merrill Lynch International Incorporated |
Albany County Hospital District | 255 N 30 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Temsik | 255 N 30Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarat@ivinsonhospital.org Title: Clinical Systems Coordinator Organization: Albany County Hospital District |
Debbie Taylor | 259 Bartley Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@wmchs.org Title: Administrative Assistant To Principal Organization: West Morris Regional High School District |
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. | 270 Park Ave FL 12, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tatiana Kozlov | 270 Park Ave Fl 12, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.kozlov@jpmorgan.com Title: Programmer/developer Organization: Jpmorgan Chase & Co. |
Tricia Astey | 275 Eastland Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tastey@bw.edu Title: Instructor Of Piano Conservatory Outreach Department United Church Of Christ Organization: Baldwin-Wallace College |
Tayam Arnold | 275 Oconnor Dr Ste C, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayam@longevity-center.com Title: Owner Human Resources Executive Organization: Nayyara Dawood MD Faap |
Tara Kimmel | 300 E Campus Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.kimmel@ctasd.org Title: Library Teacher Organization: Conemaugh Twp Area School District |
Healthcare Services Corporation | 300 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Robert Tavernier | 300 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavernierr@bcbsil.com Title: Manager Project Management Organization: Hcsc Purchasing, L.L.C. |
Tatiana Donaldson | 300 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana_donaldson@hcsc.net Title: Web Developer Organization: Healthcare Services Corporation |
Tara Sedlacek | 300 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_sedlacek@bcbsil.com Title: Practice Management Organization: Hcsc Purchasing, L.L.C. |
Tashfeen Mahmood | 300 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashfeen_mahmood@bcbsil.com Title: Manager-tam Organization: Hcsc Purchasing, L.L.C. |
Jennie Tatooles | 300 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatoolesj@bcbsil.com Title: Principal Account Executive Organization: Hcsc Purchasing, L.L.C. |
HCSC PURCHASING, LLC | 300 E Randolph St FL 38TH, Chicago, IL 60601 | Industry: Hospital/Medical Service Plan, Accident and Health Insurance |
Tari Bradford | 300 Fannin St Ste 2240, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tari_bradford@landrieu.senate.gov Title: Deputy State Director/regional Manager Organization: Landrieu Mary US Senator |
Tasha Meyer | 301 1St St Ne Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.meyer@cullmancats.net Title: Librarian Organization: Cullman City School District |
Grand Valley State University | 301 Fulton St W, Chicago, IL 60654 | |
Lee Tavis | 301 Main Building, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavis.1@nd.edu Title: C R Smith Professor Of Business Admin Organization: University of Notre Dame Du Lac |
Tara Murphree | 303 Almaden Blvd Ste 1000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.murphree@ey.com Title: Aabs-assurance Manager Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Taslimm Quraishi | 303 Almaden Blvd Ste 1000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taslimm.quraishi@ey.com Title: Manager Information Technology Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Ted Austin | 303 Mcqueen Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@coastalcommunityaction.com Title: Program Director Organization: Coastal Community Action, Inc. |
Tatum Neill | 303 S Pine St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatumn@neill.net Title: Environmental Sustainability Director Organization: Neill Corporation |
Tami Austin | 304 E Court St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@winnpsb.org Title: Business Manager Organization: Winn Parish School District |
Theresa Aragon | 307 Showalter Hall, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taragon@ewu.edu Title: Academic Dean Organization: Eastern Washington University Inc |
Tina Arb | 315 E 4Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarb@labettebank.com Title: Compliance Officer Organization: Labette Bank |
Tarzine Jackson | 319 102Nd Ave Se Apt 14, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarzine@tazinteractive.com Title: Chief Executive Officer Organization: Taz Interactive LLC |
South Ottumwa Savings Bank Inc | 320 Church St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tom Awtry | 320 Church St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawtry@sosb-ia.com Title: President Organization: South Ottumwa Savings Bank Inc |
Tom Avery | 320 Commerce, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavery@precisiondiscovery.com Title: Vice President Of Information Technology Organization: Precision Discovery LLC |
Terry Armstrong | 321 Golf Club Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstro@dvc.edu Title: Dean Of Counseling And Student Support Services Organization: Diablo Valley College Foundation |
Kathy Tarquinio | 321 N Furnace St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarquini@dboone.org Title: Guidance Counselor Organization: Boone, Daniel Area School District |
Louis Tardie | 322 Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tardie@norwellschools.org Title: Coordinator Media And Technology Organization: Norwell Public Town Schools |
Cynthia Tarantino | 325 Market St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarantino.c@mellon.com Title: Director Organization: The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation |
Media General, Inc. | 333 E Franklin St, Chicago, IL 60612 | |
Terry Ayers | 333 E Franklin St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayers@mediageneral.com Title: Group Classified Supervisor Organization: Media General, Inc. |
Mona Taylor | 351 W Center St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor_m@suu.edu Title: Assistant Director Academic Support Organization: Southern Utah University |
Tasneem Chowdhury | 352 Henry Admin Bldg Mc35, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasneem@uic.edu Title: Associate Director-city Design Center Organization: Board of Trustees Univ of Illinois |
Sheryl Tarkoff | 352 Henry Admin Bldg Mc35, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarkoff@uic.edu Title: Associate Director Continuing Medical Education Organization: Board of Trustees Univ of Illinois |
Tatiyana Shiyanova | 352 Henry Admin Bldg Mc35, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiyana@uic.edu Title: Visiting Senior Research Specialist Organization: Board of Trustees Univ of Illinois |
Tauni Fenton | 355 Bristol St Ste N, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauni.fenton@monamiebridalsalon.com Title: Marketing Executive Organization: Mon Amie, Inc |
Tasmin Friel | 387 S 520 W Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasmin.friel@applabs.com Title: Project Administrator Organization: Applabs Technologies Pvt Ltd Corp |
Ryan Tarrant | 394 Administration Bldg, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrant@bus.msu.edu Title: Information Technology Professional Organization: Michigan State University |
Frank Tate | 394 Administration Bldg, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatef@msu.edu Title: Coordinator-instructional Technology Support Services Organization: Michigan State University |
Nancy Taylor | 394 Administration Bldg, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@bus.msu.edu Title: Director Of Ms Programs Organization: Michigan State University |
Tariq Abdelhamid | 394 Administration Bldg, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq@msu.edu Title: School Of Planning Design And Construction-anr Organization: Michigan State University |
Tobie Apple | 395 Saint Thomas Ch Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapple@appleassoc.com Title: Recruiter Organization: Apple & Assoc Inc |
Tara Ison | 400 Corporate Pointe, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_ison@antiochla.edu Title: Core Faculty Master Of Fine Arts In Creative Writing Program Fiction Organization: Antioch University |
Tari Keen | 400 N Spring, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarik@atkinsongrain.com Title: Chief Financial Officer And Vice-president Organization: Atkinson Grain & Fertilizer Co (inc) |
Terry Arrington | 400 Pine St Ste 600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrington@dkcpa.com Title: Partner Organization: Davis Kinard & Co P C |
Theresa Arguelles | 400 Stewart Ave Ste A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targuelles@lasvegasnevada.gov Title: System Analyst Organization: City of Las Vegas |
John Taylor | 401 Fulton St W, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylojoh@gvsu.edu Title: Associate Professor Marketing Organization: Grand Valley State University |
Melvene Tardy | 401 Fulton St W, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tardym@gvsu.edu Title: Research Coordinator Organization: Grand Valley State University |
Tara Lenney | 401 N Houston St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.lenney@corgan.com Title: Designer Organization: Corgan Associates, Inc. |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. | 401 Park Dr STE 14, Chicago, IL 60605 | |
Tara Stone | 401 Park Dr Ste 14, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.stone@bcbsma.com Title: Director Accounts Payable And Procurement Operations Organization: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. |
Tara Davidson | 401 Whitehurst Hall, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarawd@okstate.edu Title: Adap Mtr Skills Provider Organization: Oklahoma State University |
Parish of Lafourche | 402 Grn St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Leblanc | 402 Green St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taral@lafourchegov.org Title: Purchasing Specialist Organization: Parish of Lafourche |
Tarana Hester | 404 N Richards, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarana.hester@aquillaisd.net Title: Library Aide Organization: Aquilla Independent School District |
Todd Atenhan | 405 Lexington Ave Fl 26, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatenhan@epochfinancial.com Title: President Organization: Epoch Financial Group Inc. |
Tara Harn | 412 1St Ave Se, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@wlpnet.net Title: Executive Director Organization: City of Waverly |
Tarik Currimbhoy | 412 Leggett Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarik@currimbhoy.net Title: Principal Organization: Sana Stone Inc. |
Tavor Amon | 415 N French Rd Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavor.amon@stearnswheler.com Title: Vice President Organization: Stearns & Wheler, LLC |
Taylor Oneal | 417 Dartmouth Ln, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.oneal@risd.org Title: Kindergarten Teacher Dartmouth Elementary Organization: Richardson Independent School District |
Basic Computer Center Inc | 418 N Orch St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Terry Ayers | 418 N Orchard St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayers@basiccomputercenter.com Title: General Manager Organization: Basic Computer Center Inc |
Destini Taylor | 419 N Capitol Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayld20@lcc.edu Title: Public Services Careers Department Organization: Lansing Community College Library |
Michael Taylor | 419 N Capitol Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylm11@lcc.edu Title: Precision Machining And Manufacturing Technology Organization: Lansing Community College Library |
Tatia Cummings | 420 Summit Oaks Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatia.cummings@latitudeoutsourcing.com Title: Partner Organization: Latitude Outsourcing, LLC |
Lba & Associates Systems Consultants, Inc | 421 N Northwest Hwy #201, Chicago, IL 60603 | Industry: Systems Consultants |
Tom Arns | 421 N Northwest Hwy # 201, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarns@lba1.com Title: President Organization: Lba & Associates |
Manuel Mayz | 421 Route 59, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarjetas@tele-pak.com Title: International Account Executive Organization: Tele-Pak Inc |
Taylor Love | 425 S Cherry St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.love@fsbrei.com Title: Vice President Investor Relations Organization: Fleisher Smythe Co |
Inberg-Miller Engineers | 428 Alan Rd, Odonnell Spur, WY 82435 | Industry: Civil Engineering, Engineering Services Surveying Services, Surveying Services, Engineering Services Categories: Civil Engineers, Consulting Engineers, Engineers, Land Surveyors, Testing Laboratories Products: Consulting, Drilling, Engineering, Site Surveys, Testing, Title Surveys Site: inberg-miller.com |
CRITICAL MASS (U.S.) INC | 430 N Michigan Ave FL 11, Chicago, IL 60611 | Industry: Management Consulting Services, Data Processing and Preparation |
Sara Tate | 432 N Lake St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@vilas.uwex.edu Title: Information Systems Resourc Support Tech I Directors Office Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Tony Atwater | 440 Wheelers Farms Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatwater@perimeterusa.com Title: Internal Controls Analyst Organization: Perimeter Internetworking Corp. |
Tara Davis | 450 W Elm Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taradavis@fcacoalinga.com Title: Principal Organization: Faith Christian Academy |
Tara Thompson | 450 Winks Ln Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.thompson@charming.com Title: Manager Store Facilities Organization: Charming Shoppes of Delaware, Inc. |
Tara Brooks | 450 Winks Ln Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.brooks@charming.com Title: Marketing Analyst Organization: Charming Shoppes of Delaware, Inc. |
Tara Colon | 451 College St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.colon@yale.edu Title: Development Officer Special Gifts Organization: Yale University |
Thane Rogers | 455 N Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarogers@wichita.gov Title: Landscape Supervisor-greenhouse Organization: Wichita, City of (inc) |
Mary Tarcza | 491 Cottekill Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarczam@sunyulster.edu Title: Associate Professional/visual Organization: Ulster County Community College |
Tavia Smith | 500 2Nd Ave N, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavia.smith@gatecitybank.com Title: Personnel Office Manager Organization: Gate City Bank |
Ann Taulbee | 500 E High St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taulbeae@muohio.edu Title: Director Of Heistand Galleries Organization: Miami University |
Tarek Ebrahim | 500 Kendall St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarek.ebrahim@genzyme.com Title: Associate Director-global Marketing Organization: Genzyme Corporation |
Tariq Qureshi | 500 Kendall St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.qureshi@genzyme.com Title: Information Technology Management Architect Organization: Genzyme Corporation |
Teresa Arrechea | 500 N Pecan, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrechea@moultonisd.net Title: Technology Coordinator Organization: Moulton Isd |
Tarah Harkins | 500 Water St Fl 15, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarah_harkins@csx.com Title: Recruiter Organization: CSX Corporation |
University of Texas At El Paso | 500 W University Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tomas Avila | 500 W University Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavila@utep.edu Title: Technical Staff Assistant Organization: University of Texas At El Paso |
Kenneth Tarbox | 501 Capen Hall Rm 501, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarbox@buffalo.edu Title: Associate Facilities Program Coordinator-facilities Operations-university Facilities U B Foundation Organization: Suny, University At Buffalo |
Tara Shaw | 501 Capen Hall Rm 501, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarashaw@buffalo.edu Title: Adjunct Instructor-economics Organization: Suny, University At Buffalo |
Thomas Straubinger | 501 Capen Hall Rm 501, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tas22@buffalo.edu Title: Laboratory Aide Project Aide-pharmaceutics School Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences Organization: Suny, University At Buffalo |
Timothy Tryjankowski | 501 Capen Hall Rm 501, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tat@buffalo.edu Title: Director Center For Undergraduate Research And Creative Activities-undergraduate Education Organization: Suny, University At Buffalo |
Tammy Armes | 501 W Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmes@kollmorgen.com Title: Technical Engineer Organization: Kollmorgen Corporation |
Assurant Health Foundation, Inc. | 501 W Michigan St, Chicago, IL 60606 | |
Tara Lehrke | 501 W Michigan St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.lehrke@assurant.com Title: Director Of Human Resources-will Forward Information To Information Technology Organization: Assurant Health Foundation, Inc. |
Tara Taylor | 502 Oregon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.taylor@duke.edu Title: Assistant Manager Police Records And Amp Comm Staff Du Pd-admin And Amp Support Organization: Duke University |
Tawnia Wise | 511 E John Carpenter Fwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawnia.wise@madd.org Title: Associate Director Field Fundraising Organization: Mothers Against Drunk Driving Inc |
Tawny Hoffman | 514 N Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawny.hoffman@mcpherson.com Title: Benefits Organization: McPherson Unified School District 418 |
Theresa Austin | 520 W St Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@howard.edu Title: Administrative Assistant Business/fis Affairs-vice President Organization: Howard University, Inc. |
Chad Tate | 522 Stadium Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatec@joshuaisd.org Title: Net Admin Organization: Joshua Independent School District |
Tarun Mehra | 525 Junction Rd Ste 6000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarun.mehra@tdstelecom.com Title: Programmer Organization: TDS Metrocom, Inc. |
Institute of Food Technologists, Inc. | 525 W Van Buren St #1000, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tekla Syers | 525 W Van Buren St # 1000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasyers@ift.org Title: Vice President Foundation Development Organization: Institute of Food Technologists, Inc. |
Eastern Washington University | 526 5 St, Chicago, IL 60605 | |
Tasha Woodward | 526 5Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.woodward@mail.ewu.edu Title: Dining Service Organization: Eastern Washington University |
Susan Tassos | 527 Logwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tassoss@zhi.com Title: Executive Assistant Organization: Zachry Industrial, Inc. |
Troy Taylor | 530 Greene St Rm 806, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@augustaga.gov Title: Security Administrator Organization: Augusta, City of Inc |
Carol Tavares | 533 College Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavarec@sunysuffolk.edu Title: Admissions Principal Clerk Organization: Suffolk County Community College |
Tim Au | 541 Division St Ste Frnt, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tau@americanwireless.com Title: Account Manager-orange County Westminster Garden Grove Organization: The Brix Group Inc |
Julie Taylor | 544 Pike Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@yellowstonebank.com Title: Vice President And Director Organization: Yellowstone Holding Co |
Kathleen Taylor | 550 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylok01@popmail.med.nyu.edu Title: Assistant Research Tech Organization: New York University (inc) |
Amy Tatarka | 550 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatara01@popmail.med.nyu.edu Title: Contracts Assistant Organization: New York University (inc) |
Elvis Tawiah | 550 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawiae01@popmail.med.nyu.edu Title: Central Supply Attnd Organization: New York University (inc) |
Chaim Tarshish | 550 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarshc01@popmail.med.nyu.edu Title: Clinical Instructor Senior Research Techncn Organization: New York University (inc) |
Zeshan Tauqeer | 550 1St Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauqez01@library.med.nyu.edu Title: Library Public Services Organization: New York University (inc) |
Tatjana Jevremovic | 550 Stadium Mall Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatjanaj@ecn.purdue.edu Title: Associate Professor Of Nuclear Engineering Organization: Purdue Student Engineering Foundation |
Thomas Arno | 550 W C St Ste 1200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarno@kmob.com Title: Senior Member Organization: Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear, LLP |
Tara Dawson | 555 Batavia Pike Ste 2, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarad@child-focus.org Title: Director Of Marketing Organization: Child Focus, Inc. |
Taryn Sipperly | 555 Del Rey Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.sipperly@tropos.com Title: Marketingv Specialist Organization: Tropos Networks, Inc. |
Hmo Montana | 560 N Park Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tanya Ask | 560 N Park Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: task@bcbsmt.com Title: Vice President Government Affairs Organization: Hmo Montana |
Meridian School District 2 | 574 Park Ln, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Shelli Taylor | 574 Park Ln, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.shelli@meridianschools.org Title: Cp/accounts Payable English Organization: Meridian School District 2 |
Tara Dalton | 575 Fashion Ave Fl 22, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_dalton@liz.com Title: Tax Analyst Organization: Liz Claiborne, Inc. |
Tara Kelly | 590 Naamans Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.kelly@cigna.com Title: Manager Marketing Organization: Cigna Holdings, Inc. |
Tara Torres | 600 Business Center Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.torres@wamu.net Title: Recruiting Manager Organization: J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. |
Taylor Johnson | 600 College Street Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.johnson@kctcs.edu Title: Mathematics Organization: Kentucky Community and Technical College System |
Tara Panasiewicz | 600 Hayden Station Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarap@transtech-us.com Title: Principal Organization: Transtech Airport Solution, Inc. |
Tauni Brooker | 600 Montgomery St Fl 26, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauni_brooker@urscorp.com Title: Uk Director Of Sustainable Solutions Organization: URS Corporation |
Tara Byrd | 600 Union Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.byrd@omnicare.com Title: Information Systems Purchasing Organization: Omnicare, Inc. |
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. | 600 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taylor Nicks | 600 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.nicks@mytmc.com Title: Transportation Manager Organization: C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. |
Tara Hurst | 601 Corporate Cir, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.hurst@wheelabratorgroup.com Title: Environmental Health And Safety Manager Organization: Wheelabrator Group |
Tate Olinghouse | 601 E 3Rd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate.olinghouse@acxiom.com Title: Industry Strategist Organization: Acxiom Ch, Inc. |
Tara Marostica | 601 S Howes St Rm 410, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.marostica@csurf.colostate.edu Title: Marketing Associate-office Of Tech Transfer Organization: Colorado State University Ventures Inc |
Tom Taron | 620 Benton Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taront@bossiercity.org Title: Chief Mechanical Inspector Organization: City of Bossier City |
The Catholic University of America | 620 Michigan Ave NE, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Netsere Taye | 620 Michigan Ave Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taye@cua.edu Title: Evening Supervisor Organization: The Catholic University of America |
Lena Tarasova | 620 Michigan Ave Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarasova@cua.edu Title: Database Administrator Organization: The Catholic University of America |
Barbara Taylor | 623 W Penn St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@carlisleschools.org Title: Cosmotology Teacher Organization: Carlisle Area School District (inc) |
Bloodcenter of Wisconsin, Inc. | 638 N 18 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Pfeifer | 638 N 18Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.pfeifer@bcw.edu Title: Events Coordinator Organization: Bloodcenter of Wisconsin, Inc. |
Terry Awrey | 650 Academic Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawrey@district158.org Title: Assistant Superintendent Organization: Huntley Consolidated School District 158 |
Tara Scarrow | 696 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@heartwoodofdanville.com Title: Principal Organization: Heartwood of Danville, Inc. |
Brian Taylor | 700 Childrens Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@ccri.net Title: Systems Data Analyst Organization: Nationwide Children's Hospital |
Tom Arnold | 700 E Beardsley Ave 2A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@trarnold.com Title: Human Resources Manager Organization: T R A Associates Inc |
Tarra Zynda | 700 Louisiana St Ste 1600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarra.zynda@weil.com Title: Patent Litigation Organization: Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP |
Tara Hallacher | 700 New School Ln, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.hallacher@dallastown.net Title: Guidance Department Secretary Organization: Dallastown Area School District |
Tracy Armwood | 700 S Holden Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmwood@meshhome.org Title: Human Resources Director Organization: Masonic & Eastern Star Home of NC Inc |
Tara Van Houweling | 700 S Kansas Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taravanhouweling@capfed.com Title: First Vice President Principal Accounting Officer And Reporting Director Organization: Capitol Federal Financial |
Tatfuya Hafhimoto | 701 Brooks Ave S, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatfuya.hafhimoto@digikey.com Title: Vice President Purchasing Organization: Digi-Key Corporation |
Diana Taulton | 701 S Nedderman Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taulton@uta.edu Title: Administrative Clerk Registrar Office Organization: University of Texas At Arlington |
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. | 702 SW 8 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Stewart | 702 Sw 8Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.stewart@wal-mart.com Title: Public Relations Or Energy Organization: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
Tara Raddohl | 702 Sw 8Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.raddohl@wal-mart.com Title: Senior Communications Manager Organization: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
Tarsha Montague | 706 Kenwood Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarsha.montague@cparkdistrict.com Title: Eager Beaver Preschool Director Organization: Park Champaign Dist |
Todd Arnberg | 708 Sanderson St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnberg@icdayton.com Title: Pastor Organization: Roman Catholic Diocese of Saginaw |
Tara Hosier | 710 N State Road 5, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.hosier@whitko.org Title: Co-president Organization: Whitko Community School Corporation |
Troy Suski | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasuski@wisc.edu Title: Student Sv Public Relations Manager Iii Administration And Marketing Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Lynn Tarnoff | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnoff@wisc.edu Title: Senior Outreach Specialist Professional Develop And Applied Studies Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Sara Tarver | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarver@education.wisc.edu Title: Professor Emer Rehabilitation Psychology And Special Educ Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Andrew Tatar | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatar@wisc.edu Title: Animal Research Tech Veterinary Medical Support-animal Rsrcs Ctr Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Diana Taylor | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@education.wisc.edu Title: Prg Assistant Support Kinesiology Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Terri Wirth | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawirth@wisc.edu Title: Teach Assistant Senior-college Of Letters And Science-english Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Turgay Ayer | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayer@wisc.edu Title: Research Assistant Radiology Industrial Engineering Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Andrea Arenas | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarenas@ls.admin.wisc.edu Title: Faculty Associate Administration Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Thomas Averill | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taverill@facstaff.wisc.edu Title: Professor Emer Professional Develop And Applied Studies Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Tacey Rosolowski | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarosolo@macc.wisc.edu Title: Univ Services Associate 2-University Housing-maintenance Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Teresa Arauco | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarauco@doit.wisc.edu Title: Information Systems Comp Serv Specialist Application Development And Integration Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Terrance Virlee | 716 Langdon St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavirlee@wisc.edu Title: Accountant Senior Emer Administration Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Tara Lefevre | 725 Mriden Waterbury Tpke, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@jtlservices.com Title: President Organization: JTL Services Inc |
Judy Taylor | 728 Goodman Rd E, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@coldwellbanker.com Title: Owner Human Resources Executives Organization: Coldwell Banker Northwest Realty Inc |
Tarah Brown | 760 Old Roswell Rd # 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarah.brown@ryland.com Title: Human Resource Manager Organization: The Ryland Group Inc |
Tracy Ayala | 777 S Figueroa St # 1950, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayala@mercerhr.com Title: Office Technology Manager Organization: National Economic Research Associates Inc |
Tatyana Rontal | 777 Woodward Ave Ste 1000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatyana.rontal@ey.com Title: Tax Operations Director Organization: Ernst & Young LLP |
Tara King | 780 Township Line Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.king@krames.com Title: Account Manager Associations Sales And Service Organization: The Staywell Company |
Tara Fitzpatrick | 785 Jolly Rd Bldg C, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_fitzpatrick@merck.com Title: Project Manager/business Technologies Organization: Merck & Co., Inc. |
Tara Earley | 790 Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@earley-assoc.com Title: Partner Organization: Spring Mountain Gallery |
Tarita Marshall | 800 I St Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarita.marshall@apha.org Title: Human Resources Generalist Organization: American Public Health Association, Inc. |
Tara Thomas | 800 N Alameda St Ste 122, Los Angeles, CA 90012 | Email: tara@traxxrestaurant.com Title: Partner Organization: Traxx Restraunt Specialties: Eating Places Industry: Eating Places |
Sue Lee | 800 Warsaw Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tart1@precisiontool.com Title: V-p Finance Organization: Precision Tool & Stamping Inc |
Tarun Basu | 800 W Campbell Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarun.basu@utdallas.edu Title: Director Engineering/computer Science Organization: University of Texas At Dallas |
Terence Shimp | 801 Carteret St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashimp@moore.sc.edu Title: Marketing Manager Organization: University of South Carolina |
Theresa Aragon | 801 Leroy Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taragon@admin.nmt.edu Title: Services Manager Organization: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
Yumiko Tashiro | 801 National Rd W, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashiyu@earlham.edu Title: Japanese Language Fellow Organization: Earlham College |
Mark Shank | 801 S Canal St Ste 2, Chicago, IL 60607 | Email: mark_shank@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: National Commercial Banks Industry: National Commercial Banks |
Tara Young | 801 Texas St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.young@chron.com Title: Night Assistant City Editor Organization: Houston Chronicle |
Ace Ethanol, LLC | 815 W Maple St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tom Aumer | 815 W Maple St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taumer@aceethanol.com Title: Production Manager Organization: Ace Ethanol, LLC |
Richard Taugher | 821 University Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taugher@wpt.org Title: Media Program Supv Wha Television Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Tarris Woods | 823 Rosenberg 25Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarriswoods@cityofgalveston.org Title: Councilmember Organization: City of Galveston |
The Northern Trust Company | 840 S Canal St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Industry: Natl Commercial Banks, State Commercial Bank Trust Management, Trust Management, Trusts, NEC, National Commercial Banks Categories: Banks, Meat Processing Site: northerntrust.com |
University of Illinois | 840 S Wood St STE 920S, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Charlotte Tate | 840 S Wood St Ste 920S, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@uic.edu Title: Dean Organization: University of Illinois |
Brenda Taylor | 850 Bayview Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@ipbiloxi.com Title: Senior Sales Manager Organization: Imperial Palace Casino |
Taylor Wright | 860 Levoy Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.wright@convergys.com Title: Director Information Systems And Project Development Organization: Convergys Corporation |
Tara Healy | 874 S Pleasantburg Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.healy@thebounceagency.com Title: Public Relations Chair Organization: Leslie Advertising Agency, Inc. |
Lee Taylor | 900 Auraria Pkwy Unit 129, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylolee@mscd.edu Title: Desktop Support Macintosh Information Technology Organization: Metropolitan State College of Denver |
Teri Hirlinger | 900 N Portland Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: task@osuokc.edu Title: Distance Education Coordinator Lrc105 Organization: Oklahoma State University |
Tom Ashton | 900 S Fremont Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashton@ladpw.org Title: Safety Coordinator Organization: County of Los Angeles |
Stoel Rives LLP | 900 SW 5 Ave STE 2600, Chicago, IL 60612 | |
Edward Ahrens | 900 Sw 5Th Ave Ste 2600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@stoel.com Title: Owner Organization: Stoel Rives LLP |
Diane Tatum | 901 12Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatumd@seattleu.edu Title: Adjunct Librarian Organization: Seattle University |
Giuseppe Tassone | 901 12Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tassoneg@seattleu.edu Title: Italian Instructor College Of Arts And Sciences-modern Languages And Literature Organization: Seattle University |
Ferris State University (inc) | 901 S State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Bill Taylor | 901 S State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@ferris.edu Title: Manager-trade Shows And Meeting Planners Organization: Ferris State University (inc) |
Tara Ringler | 902 E 2Nd St Ste 327, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.ringler@tcfnm.com Title: Principal Organization: Center For Natural Medicine |
Tari Evans | 903 Morrissey Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tari_evans@wildwoodind.com Title: Purchasing Organization: Studley Products, Inc |
Taylor Kaaina | 905 Kokea St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor_kaaina@jbl-abs.com Title: Director-purchasing Organization: J B L Hawaii, Limited |
Tara Shaak | 906 Commerce Cir, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.shaak@expeditors.com Title: Export Customer Service Organization: Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. |
Michele Tapling | 907 S Detroit Ave Ste 720, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapling@greenwoodperformance.com Title: Regional Vice President Organization: Greenwood Performance Systems Inc |
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. | 909 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tatjana Lenz | 909 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatlana.lenz@sheraton.com Title: Front Desk Manager Organization: Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. |
Intellinex LLC | 925 Euclid Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Andrews | 925 Euclid Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.guillot@intellinex.com Title: Division Dean Organization: Intellinex LLC |
San Marcos Chamber of Commerce | 939 Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tayde Aburto | 939 Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayde@sanmarcoschamber.com Title: Special Events/membership Coordinator Organization: San Marcos Chamber of Commerce |
Tara Sunderland | 940 Sylvan Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.sunderland@unilever.com Title: Manager Shopper Insights Organization: Unilever Hpc Saddle Brook |
Associated General Contractors of Washington | 942 Pacific Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tim Attebery | 942 Pacific Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tattebery@agcwa.com Title: Southern District Manager Organization: Associated General Contractors of Washington |
Don Tate | 1000 Powell Mill Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tated@smcsc.edu Title: Director - Development Organization: Spartanburg Methodist College |
Tom Artis | 1000 Thmas Jfferson St Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tartis@air.org Title: General Manager Organization: American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences |
Staci Thomas | 1001 N 2Nd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatecoema@cgdsl.net Title: Emergency Management Organization: Cartwright Ford Inc |
Tara Pardini | 1001 Summit Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_pardini@us.crawco.com Title: Vice President Marketing Organization: Crawford & Company Healthcare Management Inc |
Frank Tate | 1019 Furnace Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatejf@aristechchem.com Title: Scientist Organization: Sunoco, Inc. |
Terri Armstrong | 1020 Holcombe Blvd # 1040, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@mdanderson.org Title: Research Oncology Nurse Organization: The University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center |
Tatiana Korba | 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.korba@goucher.edu Title: Head Womens Soccer Coach-physical Education And Athletics Organization: Goucher College |
Tricia Arnold | 1023 W Vernon Park Pl J, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@fasa.net Title: Chief Operating Officer Organization: Fasa Corp |
Terry Taylor | 1028 Atkinson St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@communitydrug.com Title: Vice President Organization: T & E Taylor, Inc. |
Tracy Avery | 1040 Madison Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavery@lifeblood.org Title: Human Resources Representative Organization: Mid-South Regional Blood Center |
Toni Augustus | 1051 N 3Rd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taugustus@la.gov Title: General Manager Organization: Economic Development & Gaming Corporation, Louisiana |
Local Sports Connection | 1063 14 Pl STE 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tony Atzeni | 1063 14Th Pl Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatzeni@iowasportsconnection.com Title: Radio Account Manager Organization: Local Sports Connection |
Tara Goldsby | 1075 S Fox St, Denver, IL 80223 | Email: tara@climateengineering.com Title: Sales Manager Organization: Climate Engineering, Inc. Specialties: Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Industry: Plumbing, Heating, Air-conditioning |
Tawana Calton | 1100 Holcombe Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawana.y.calton@uth.tmc.edu Title: Human Resources Assistant Organization: University of Texas Health Science Center At Houston |
Tom Reece | 1100 Louisiana St # 1600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tareece@teppco.com Title: Manager Of Financial Reporting Organization: Teppco Partners, L.P. |
Tony Auld | 1100 Louisiana St Fl 10, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauld@eprod.com Title: Director Operation Organization: Enterprise Products Partners L.P. |
Michelle Tavey | 1106 88Th Ave W, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taveymm@parkstatebank.com Title: Vice President Operations Organization: Park State Bank |
Tom Aumiller | 1111 Superior Ave E # 700, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taumiller@hausser.com Title: Managing Director Organization: Hausser & Taylor LLP |
Tara Steadman | 1111 Westchester Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_steadman@ipcmedia.com Title: Snr Marketing Manager Connect Organization: Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. |
Ted Augustine | 1132 1St St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauagustine@techpathways.com Title: Vice President Sales Organization: Technology Pathways LLC |
Weekly Standard | 1150 17 St NW STE 505, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taybor Cook | 1150 17Th St Nw Ste 505, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taycook@weeklystandard.com Title: Manager-human Resources Organization: Weekly Standard |
American Chemical Society | 1155 16 St NW, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Michael Taylor | 1155 16Th St Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@rff.org Title: Senior Fellow And Director Organization: American Chemical Society |
Tara Gay | 1166 Ave Of The Americas, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.gay@marsh.com Title: Vice President Pricing Of Services Organization: Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. |
Tara Bettendorf | 1166 Ave Of The Americas, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.bettendorf@mmc.com Title: Director Benefits/human Resources Organization: Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. |
Tatsuji Ikeda | 1166 Ave Of The Americas, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatsuji_i@mmc.com Title: Executive Officer General Manager Powertrain Development Division Organization: Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. |
Tarek Timol | 1166 Ave Of The Americas, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarek.timol@marsh.com Title: Assistant Vice President-information Technology Project Manager Organization: Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. |
Tara Hanna | 1175 N Osprey Cir, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@blakeac.com Title: Secretary Organization: Blake Air Conditng.-Serv.co.inc. |
Tara Smith | 1175 Peachtree St Ne # 1000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.smith@chartisinsurance.com Title: Wc Legal Research Technician Organization: Chartis Aerospace Insurance Services, Inc. |
American Farmland Trust, Inc | 1200 18 St NW STE 800, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Kate Rossiter | 1200 18Th St Nw Ste 800, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasintern@farmland.org Title: Technical Writer Intern Organization: American Farmland Trust, Inc |
Central Michigan University | 1200 S Franklin, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Mel Taylor | 1200 S Franklin, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor1ml@cmich.edu Title: Coordinator/geography Comp Lab And Gis Ctr Organization: Central Michigan University |
Taylor Iverson | 1201 3Rd Ave Ste 1600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.iverson@wamu.net Title: Senior Treasury Analyst Organization: Jpmorgan Chase Bank, National Association |
Metropolitan State College of Denver | 1201 5 St STE 400, Chicago, IL 60622 | |
Ranea Taylor | 1201 5Th St Ste 400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorau@mscd.edu Title: Assistant Director Of Human Resources Organization: Metropolitan State College of Denver |
National Association of Home Builders | 1201 15 St NW, Chicago, IL 60610 | |
Thais Austin | 1201 15Th St Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustine@nahb.org Title: Land Development Organization: National Association of Home Builders |
Tara Ruohio | 1201 Lake Robbins Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_ruohio@anadarko.com Title: Manager Accounts Payable Organization: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation |
Tara Zerangue | 1201 N 3Rd St Fl 5, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.zerangue@la.gov Title: Tech Services Manager Organization: Louisiana Department of Public Education |
The Glosten Associates Inc | 1201 Western Ave STE 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Teresa Wilson | 1201 Western Ave Ste 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawilson@glosten.com Title: Designers And Technician Organization: The Glosten Associates Inc |
Tara Blakely | 1202 Kirkwood Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarablakely@dplaw.com Title: Attorney Organization: Doroshow Pasquale Krawitz Siegel Bhaya |
Taylor Mathews | 1211 7Th St E Lowr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.mathews@res-direct.com Title: Manager Of Call Center Organization: Keystar Realty |
Adworks, Inc | 1225 19 St NW STE 500, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Schmitz | 1225 19Th St Nw Ste 500, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.schmitz@adworks.com Title: Senior Media Planner Organization: Adworks, Inc |
Brad Tapolcsanyi | 1236 Weathervane Ln # 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapolcsanyib@ecg-inc.com Title: Process Engineer Organization: Engineering Consultants Group |
John Tataseo | 1290 Wall St W Fl 4, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tataseoj@questdiagnostics.com Title: Director Of Applications Development Organization: Quest Diagnostics Incorporated |
Scott Tatro | 1300 Elmwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatrosa@buffalostate.edu Title: Calculations Clerk 1 Mail Room Organization: Buffalo State College |
Toni Aucoin | 1300 W Tunnel Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taucoin@coastalcommerce.com Title: Branch Manager Larose And Cut Officer Branch Organization: Coastal Commerce Bank |
JP Morgan Trust Company NA | 1301 5 Ave STE 34, Lincolnwood, IL 60712 | |
Tatiana Sakharov | 1301 5Th Ave Ste 34, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiano.sakharov@wamu.net Title: Pa To Julie Hillers Organization: JP Morgan Trust Company NA |
Tas | 1306 W 8Th St, Gibson City, IL 60936 | Email: tas@alliance-grain.com Title: Vice-President Vp Sales & Marketing Vp Sales & Mar Organization: Alliance Grain Company Specialties: Farm Product Warehousing and Storage |
Loren Taylor | 1310 S 6Th St Rm 110, Urbana, IL 61801 | Email: taylor@uiuc.edu Title: Sales Executive Organization: University of Illinois, Urbana, Champaign Specialties: Libraries Industry: Libraries |
Sharee Taylor | 1317 F St Nw Ste 600, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@wexlerwalker.com Title: Public Policy Associate Organization: The Wexler Group Inc |
Taryn Boyd | 1330 Coshocton Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.boyd@knoxcommhosp.org Title: Physical Therapist Organization: Knox Community Hospital |
Tarleton State University | 1333 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Mike Tate | 1333 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@tarleton.edu Title: Assistant Vice President For Business Services And Controller Business Services Organization: Tarleton State University |
Tate Kuerbis | 1345 Sw Burlington Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate.kuerbis@nike.com Title: Senior Footwear Designer Organization: Nike, Inc. |
Taylor Graves | 1365 Clifton Rd Ne Fl 2, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.graves@emoryhealthcare.org Title: Assistant Professor Department Of Medicine Division Of Geriatric Medicine And Gerontology And Director Of Residency Education Organization: Emory Healthcare Clinic |
Tammy Yackley | 1366 Dublin Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayackley@fishelco.com Title: Office Manager Organization: The Fishel Company |
Russ Tapp | 1390 Enclave Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapp.russell@corp.sysco.com Title: Consultant Organization: Sysco Corporation |
Tara Naurock | 1400 Corporate Center Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_naurocki@beaerospace.com Title: Finance And Accounting Organization: Be Aerospace, Inc. |
Taronta Stokes | 1400 J R Lynch St Ste 206, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taronta.stokes@jsums.edu Title: Debt Management/default Prevention Counselor Organization: Jackson State University |
Tasha Watson | 1400 J R Lynch St Ste 206, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.l.watson@jsums.edu Title: Admn Grants Coordinator Public Policy And Admin Organization: Jackson State University |
Tasha Blevins | 1400 J R Lynch St Ste 206, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.l.blevins@jsums.edu Title: Secretary/receptionist Computer Science Organization: Jackson State University |
Taylor Scott | 1400 Lake Hearn Dr Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.scott@cox.com Title: Midday Organization: Cox Communications, Inc |
Tawanna Black | 1400 Lake Hearn Dr Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawanna.black@cox.com Title: Diversity Director Organization: Cox Communications, Inc |
Taurie Grant | 1400 Lake Hearn Dr Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taurie.grant@cox.com Title: Manager Of Internet Content Organization: Cox Communications, Inc |
Tara Flack | 1400 Lake Hearn Dr Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.flack@cox.com Title: Director Telephony Operations Organization: Cox Communications, Inc |
Timothy Tautges | 1415 Engineering Hall # 2610, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tautges@cae.wisc.edu Title: Adjunct Professor Engineering Physics Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
John Tataronis | 1415 Engineering Hall # 2610, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tataronis@engr.wisc.edu Title: Professor Emer Electrical And Computer Engineering Organization: University of Wisconsin System |
Terry Ausenbaugh | 1415 Kellum Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tausenbaugh@aaany.com Title: Director-advertising Organization: Automobile Club of Utica and Central New York, Inc. |
Michelle Tarby | 1419 Salt Springs Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarbymm@lemoyne.edu Title: Webmaster Organization: Le Moyne College |
David Tarashandegan | 1431 W Via Plata St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarashandegand@alltradetools.com Title: Engineering Manager Organization: Alltrade Tools LLC |
Tara Ronzone | 1445 Ross Ave Ste 1400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.ronzone@tenethealth.com Title: Systems Research And Devel Mngr Organization: Tenet Healthcare Corporation |
Tara Germano | 1500 Brooks Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.germano@wegmans.com Title: Store Manager Organization: Wegman's Food Markets, Inc. |
Tara Ayersman | 1500 Corporate Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.ayersman@mylanlabs.com Title: Cra Ii Organization: Mylan Inc. |
Tara Krause | 1500 Market St Fl 11E, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_krause@comcast.com Title: Corporate Accounting Organization: Comcast Publishing Holdings Corp |
Tara Dunning | 1500 Market St Fl 11E, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_dunning@comcast.com Title: Senior Director Sales Operations Organization: Comcast Publishing Holdings Corp |
Bob Taylor | 1509 Monad Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.bob@mt.sysco.com Title: Vice President - Operations Organization: Sysco Montana, Inc. |
Tatiana Rodriguez | 1515 Brdwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.rodriguez@mtv.com Title: Media Manager Organization: Spike Digital Entertainment, Inc |
Viacom Inc. | 1515 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tatum Obrien | 1515 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatum.obrien@viacom.com Title: Associate Corporate Relations Organization: Viacom Inc. |
Nickelodeon Inc. | 1515 Broadway FL 31R, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Biamby | 1515 Broadway Fl 31R, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.biamby@nick.com Title: Executive Assistant Organization: Nickelodeon Inc. |
Travis French | 1516 Central Park Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavis@airco.com Title: President Organization: Air Co |
Terry Avery | 1526 Cliff Maus Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavery@westosoisd.esc2.net Title: Principal Organization: West Oso Independent School District |
Tara Green | 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taragreen@google.com Title: Director Enterprise Sales Operations Organization: Google Inc. |
Tim Armstrong | 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@google.com Title: Head Advertising Sales And Operations Google Organization: Google Inc. |
Thomas Arnold | 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@google.com Title: Manager International Coordinators Adwords Organization: Google Inc. |
Tara Canobbio | 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@google.com Title: Training Associate Online Sales And Operations Organization: Google Inc. |
Allene Roy | 1600 Atlantic Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxcollector@waldoboromaine.org Title: Tax Collector Organization: Town of Waldoboro |
Invincible Pictures | 1600 N 5 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Thomas Ashley | 1600 N 5Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashley@invinciblepictures.com Title: Chief Executive Officer Organization: Invincible Pictures |
Tatiana Krivonogova | 1601 Chestnut St Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.krivonogova@cigna.com Title: Operational Planning Organization: Cigna Corporation |
CONTINENTAL PAPER GRADING CO | 1623 S Lumber St, Chicago, IL 60616 | Industry: Whol Scrap & Waste Materials, Pulp Mills, Scrap and Waste Materials Categories: Exporters, Paper Brokers & Mill Representatives, Paper Products Wholesale & Manufacturers, Pulp & Pulp Products Site: cpgco.com |
Tony Aukett | 1623 S Lumber St, Chicago, IL 60616 | Email: taukett@cpgco.com Title: Chief Financial Officer Organization: Continental Paper Grading Co. Specialties: Scrap and Waste Materials Industry: Scrap and Waste Materials |
Showtime Networks, Inc. | 1633 Broadway FL 53C, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taylor Adams | 1633 Broadway Fl 53C, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.adams@showtime.net Title: Vice President National Accounts Organization: Showtime Networks, Inc. |
George Famiglio | 1634 Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxman@famiglio.com Title: Owner Organization: Famiglio Jr, George V & Association |
Tina Arakaki | 1655 W Redondo Beach Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarakaki@calbt.com Title: Vice President Training Manager Organization: California Bank & Trust |
Tashia Tucker | 1660 Wynkoop St Ste 850, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashia_tucker@tws.org Title: Web Development Associate Organization: The Wilderness Society |
Tara Porter | 1700 Sw College Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.porter@washburn.edu Title: Administrative Assistant Education Organization: Washburn University of Topeka |
Teresa Armstrong | 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstro@bju.edu Title: Design Organization: Bob Jones University, Inc. of Greenville, S. C. |
Tariq Chowdhury | 1701 John Fk Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq_chowdhury@cable.comcast.com Title: Principal Wireless Architect Organization: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC |
Tara Denicholas | 1701 John Fk Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_denicholas@comcast.com Title: Purchasing Coordinator Organization: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC |
Tony Armijo | 1717 E Chisholm Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmijo@hansen-rice.com Title: Project Manager Organization: Hansen-Rice, Inc. |
Tawnya Mosgrove | 1717 Philo Rd Ste 36, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawnyam@aspca.org Title: Legislative Program Administrator Organization: Aspca |
Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, Inc | 1732 S 72 St W, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taylor Mayer | 1732 S 72Nd St W, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@ybgr.org Title: Chairperson Organization: Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, Inc |
Taylor Carrie | 1755 Us Highway 68, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.carrie@kctcs.edu Title: Horticulture Organization: Maysville Community and Technical College |
Suzanne Johnston | 1769 E Moody Blvd Bldg 3, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxcollector@flaglertax.com Title: Tax Collector Organization: County of Flagler |
Tansel Avci | 1788 Northwood Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavci@vmctech.com Title: Chief Executive Officer Organization: Vmc Technologies, Inc. |
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals | 1800 Harrison St FL 14, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taryn Thomas | 1800 Harrison St Fl 14, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.thomas@kp.org Title: Product Coordinator Organization: Kaiser Foundation Hospitals |
Todd Ashton | 1800 Novell Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashton@novell.com Title: Inside Sales End User Computing Organization: Novell, Inc. |
Travis Ashdown | 1800 Novell Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashdown@novell.com Title: Security Operations Specialist Organization: Novell, Inc. |
Tarak Robbana | 1800 West Loop S Ste 1400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarak.robbana@precash.com Title: Telecom Manager Organization: Precash, Inc |
Northwest Technology Center | 1801 11 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Thomas | 1801 11Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarat@nwtechonline.com Title: Bis Health Director Organization: Northwest Technology Center |
Temple University | 1801 N Broad St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Schumacher | 1801 N Broad St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.schumacher@temple.edu Title: Coordinator Of Outreach Organization: Temple University |
Tarah Anuzelli | 1801 N Broad St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarah.anuzelli@temple.edu Title: Buyer-purchasing Specialists Organization: Temple University |
Thomas Shade | 1823 Eastchester Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashade@culpinc.com Title: Director Information Technology Organization: Culp, Inc. |
Tom Ashenbrenner | 1835 Energy Park Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashenbrenner@mnwire.com Title: Defense Applications Manager Organization: Minnesota Wire & Cable Company |
Infotrax Systems, L.C. | 1875 S State St STE 3000, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tate Clement | 1875 S State St Ste 3000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatec@infotraxsys.com Title: Vice President Professional Services Organization: Infotrax Systems, L.C. |
Taylor Miller | 1899 Powers Fery Se 400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.miller@1stmn.com Title: Marketing Agent Organization: Medical Resource Network |
Mike Tarter | 1900 Bnjmin Franklin Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarter@ansp.org Title: Grants/contracts Accountant Organization: Academy of Natural Science |
David Taylor | 1900 Bnjmin Franklin Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@ansp.org Title: Chief Of Security Organization: Academy of Natural Science |
Michael Tarabek | 1900 Selwyn Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarabekm@queens.edu Title: Associate Professor Mathematics Organization: Queens University of Charlotte |
Tameka Askew | 1901 14Th Ave S, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taskew@bbbsbhm.org Title: Enrollment And Matching Specialist Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Birmingham |
Doug Taylor | 1951 Beaudry Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.d@mail.wsd.wednet.edu Title: Counseling Organization: Yakima School District 7 |
Tyler Armstrong | 1959 Ne Pacific St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarm@u.washington.edu Title: Telecommunications Analyst 1 Uw Technology Servic Organization: University of Washington |
Taryn Lindhorst | 1959 Ne Pacific St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarynlin@u.washington.edu Title: Associate Professional Social Work Organization: University of Washington |
Tatyana Ivanchuk | 1959 Ne Pacific St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatyana@u.washington.edu Title: Clinical Data Specialist Supervisor Radiology Organization: University of Washington |
Terra Bridgeman | 1965 Ivy Creek Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.bridgeman@bcbsnc.com Title: Manager Staffing Support Organization: Blue Cross Blue Shield NC |
Seton Corporation | 2000 Church St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tate Elder | 2000 Church St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate.elder@baptisthospital.com Title: Marketing Project Coordinator Organization: Seton Corporation |
Tashima Mitchell | 2000 Galloping Hill Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashima.mitchell@spcorp.com Title: Senior Administrative Assistant To Manager Of Project Engineering Organization: Merck & Co., Inc. |
Virtusa Corporation | 2000 W Park Dr STE 310, Chicago, IL 60606 | |
Tarun Sharma | 2000 W Park Dr Ste 310, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taruns@virtusa.com Title: Vice President Delivery Organization: Virtusa Corporation |
Taralyn Zerges | 2005 Nwpint Pkwy Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taralynz@mailsortinc.com Title: Customer Service Organization: Mail Sort, Inc. |
Heather Taylor | 2015 Lincoln Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@amper.com Title: Senior Manager Organization: Amper Politziner & Mattia LLP |
Steven Tasher | 2015 Lincoln Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasher@amper.com Title: Vice-chairman Organization: Amper Politziner & Mattia LLP |
Gail Taylor | 2020 Bristol Ave Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@frostinc.com Title: Controller Organization: Frost, Incorporated |
Tara Gray | 2050 Spectrum Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taragray@spherion.com Title: Problem Management Analyst Organization: Sfn Group, Inc. |
Tate Casey | 2059 Monrovia Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@carobu.com Title: Owner Organization: Carobu Engineering LLC |
Thomas Arnold | 2065 Nonconnah Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@mspremier.com Title: Owner Finance Executive Sales Executive Organization: Mid-South Premier Ophthalmics |
Tatiana Soleski | 2100 Main St Ste 213, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.soleski@uwc.edu Title: Assistant Professor Mathematics Department Organization: University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point |
Tasha Frederick | 2100 Moorpark Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.frederick@sjcc.edu Title: Outreach/recruitment Specialist Organization: San Jose College Workforce Initiative |
Tara Dombrowicki | 2123 Zeier Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.dombrowicki@lanebryant.com Title: Business Manager Organization: Fashion Bug 2665, Inc |
Leanne Tapper | 2141 Rosecrans Ave # 2050, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapperl@get-integrated.com Title: Human Resources Organization: Integrated Data Services, Inc. |
Tara Farrell | 2180 Rutherford Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.farrell@callawaygolf.com Title: Manager Manufacturing Systems Organization: Callaway Golf Company |
Tara Dainef | 2190 Mendon Rd Ste 1, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@valleybreeze.com Title: Sales Representative Organization: Breeze Publications Inc |
Taylor Imes | 2200 E Red River St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.imes@victoriacollege.edu Title: Adult Education Instructional Aide Organization: Victoria County Junior College District |
Taylor Leal | 2200 Mission College Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.leal@intel.com Title: Finance And Business Process Manager Organization: Intel Corporation |
Taseer Syed | 2200 Mission College Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taseer.syed@intel.com Title: Manager Debug Engineering Desktop Platform Group Cpu Organization: Intel Corporation |
Tarina Hanji | 2200 Mission College Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarina.hanji@intel.com Title: Business/customer Program Manager Organization: Intel Corporation |
Tatiana Nanaieva | 2200 Mission College Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana.nanaieva@intel.com Title: Ukraine Education Manager Organization: Intel Corporation |
Craig Taylor | 2200 N Squirrel Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@oakland.edu Title: Professional Chemistry-chemistry Organization: Oakland University |
Marie Vanbuskirk | 2200 N Squirrel Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor4@oakland.edu Title: Coordinator Membership Information Services-campus Recreation Organization: Oakland University |
Sally Tardella | 2200 N Squirrel Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tardella@oakland.edu Title: Special Lecturer-art And Art History Organization: Oakland University |
Taylor Coleman | 2211 W Grimes Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.coleman@dexter.com Title: President Finance-other Operations-production-manufacturing Sales And Marketing Organization: Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc. |
Albert Taylor | 2230 S Mountain Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taykeybieysey@musician.org Title: Owner Organization: Afna Inc |
Tim Arheit | 2244 Baton Rouge, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarheit@kohlikaliher.com Title: Information Technology/information Systems Director/manager/department Organization: Kohli & Kaliher Associates, Inc. |
Tautam Patel | 2301 Florida St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tautam@islandermotel.com Title: Owner Organization: Regency Islander Motel |
Bellamarie Targee | 2301 Maitland Center Pkwy # 300, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targeeb@cdm.com Title: Training Meeting Planner Organization: Camp Dresser & Mc Kee Inc |
Tariq Hamid | 2301 S 3Rd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.hamid@louisville.edu Title: Post Doctorate Organization: University of Louisville |
Mohammad Tariq | 2301 S 3Rd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.malik@louisville.edu Title: Scientist Organization: University of Louisville |
Tara Schapmire | 2301 S 3Rd St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.schapmire@louisville.edu Title: Clinical Social Worker Organization: University of Louisville |
Thomas Ayers | 2303 College Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayers@huntington.edu Title: Vice President For Business And Finance/treasurer Organization: Huntington University, Inc. |
Tasha Proctor | 2320 Cascade Pointe Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha_proctor@premierinc.com Title: Product Management Organization: Premier, Inc. |
Thomas Aykens | 2320 S Memorial Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taykens@memorialflorists.com Title: Director - Human Resources Organization: Memorial Florists & Greenhouses Inc |
Thomas Smutny | 2335 Sanders Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasmutny@uiwater.com Title: Systems Administrator Organization: Utilities, Inc. |
Terri Argentieri | 2345 Lockport Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targentieri@vossmfg.com Title: Accounting Manager Organization: Voss Manufacturing, Inc. |
Hazem Tawfik | 2350 Broadhollow Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawfikhh@farmingdale.edu Title: Fuel Cell Developer Organization: Farmingdale State College |
NORLEASE, INC | 2390 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016 | Industry: Financial Equipment Lessor, Equipment Rentals, General Rental Centers Site: ntrs.com |
NORTHERN TRUST SECURITIES, INC | 2398 E Camelback Rd STE 400, Phoenix, AZ 85016 | Industry: Security Broker/Dealer, National Commercial Banks Categories: Stock & Bond Brokers, Stocks & Bonds Site: northerntrust.com |
Transystems Corporation | 2400 Pershing Rd STE 400, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tiffany Sikora | 2400 Pershing Rd Ste 400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasikora@transystems.com Title: Director Of Marketing Hq Organization: Transystems Corporation |
Wanda Tate | 2400 Pratt St 3024, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate0007@mc.duke.edu Title: Clinical Research Associate Iii Staff Dcri-site Support And Amp Management Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Taylor Nguyen | 2400 Pratt St 3024, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.nguyen@duke.edu Title: Business Development Associate Ii Staff Dcri-strategic Business Development Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Tracy Artus | 2416 Willow Street Pike, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tartus@willowval.com Title: Benefits Specialist And Wellness Coordinator Organization: Willow Valley Associates, Inc. |
Texas Tech University System | 2500 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Nicole Anderson | 2500 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taryn.n.anderson@ttu.edu Title: Student Assistant Golf Operations Organization: Texas Tech University System |
Taylor Eighmy | 2500 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.eighmy@ttu.edu Title: Vice President For Research Effective Organization: Texas Tech University System |
Tarik Brahmi | 2500 Lake Cook Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarikbrahmi@discoverfinancial.com Title: Manager Of System Administration Organization: Discover Financial Services |
Tiffany Stafford | 2500 Ne Neff Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tastafford@cascadehealthcare.org Title: Preparedness Coordinator Organization: Cascade Healthcare Community, Inc. |
Theresa Atlee | 2500 Renaissance Blvd # 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatlee@theaddisgroup.com Title: Assistant Account Manager Organization: The Addis Group |
Timothy Atchison | 2501 4Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatchison@mail.wtamu.edu Title: Assistant Professor Psych Soc And Soc Wrk Organization: West Texas A & M University |
Bob Taylor | 2501 Durham Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@moderngroup.com Title: Warehouse Products Sales Representative Organization: Modern Group Ltd. |
Walker Printing Co., Inc. | 2501 E 5 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Taylor Blackwell | 2501 E 5Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@walkerprinting.com Title: Sales Manager Organization: Walker Printing Co., Inc. |
Tarra Bell | 2501 Faraway Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarra.bell@bcbssc.com Title: Purchaser Organization: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina |
Tasha Bomar | 2501 Faraway Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.bomar@bcbssc.com Title: Provider Enrollment Analyst Ii Organization: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina |
Tara Stepp | 2555 Meridian Blvd # 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.stepp@providentmusicgroup.com Title: National Promotion/marketing Coordinator Organization: Provident Music, Inc. |
Tara Jones | 2580 Ne Grimes Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarajo@wsu.edu Title: Staff Assistant-fws Wrc Organization: Washington State University |
Michael Tate | 2580 Ne Grimes Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@wsu.edu Title: Vice President Equity And Diversity Student Affairs Organization: Washington State University |
Naomi Taus | 2580 Ne Grimes Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tausns@vetmed.wsu.edu Title: Dvm Ms Phd Full Member Organization: Washington State University |
Tatum Saunders | 2717 Tye Brook Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatum@saundersbrothers.com Title: Vice President Organization: Saunders Bros., Inc. |
Taylor Short | 2717 Virginia Beach Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.short@beachford.com Title: Controller Organization: Ford Beach Inc |
Tara Brinkmoeller | 2751 Circleport Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarab@hbanky.com Title: Director Of Professional Development Organization: Home Builders Assn of Northern KY Inc |
Tom Asher | 2755 Bergey Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasher@penncolor.com Title: Engineering Manager Organization: Penn Color, Inc. |
Tommy Argano | 2775 W Cypress Creek Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targano@usielectronics.com Title: Northeast Region Organization: Universal Semiconductor Inc. |
Tim Armitage | 2800 Rockcreek Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmitage@cerner.com Title: Program Coordinator Solutions Marketing Specialist Organization: Cerner Corporation |
Tas Panos | 2828 N Haskell Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tas.tanos@acs-inc.com Title: Senior Vice President Group Counsel Litigation Labor And Employment Organization: Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. |
Tony Argue | 2830 E River Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targue@mitlift.com Title: Vice President Sales And Marketing Organization: Miami Industrial Trucks, Inc. |
Barbel Tate | 2910 7Th St Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate@xoma.com Title: Senior Buyer Organization: Xoma Ltd. |
Tara Travis | 2920 2Nd Ave N, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.travis@unitedway.org Title: Cfc Coordinator Organization: United Way of Yellowstone County, Inc. |
Robert Taylor | 2955 Campus Dr Ste 325, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@terarecon.com Title: President And Chief Operating Officer Organization: Terarecon Inc. |
Tina Asher | 2972 Stender Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasher@daystartech.com Title: Mechanical Engineer Organization: Daystar Technologies, Inc |
Kathryn Tart | 3007 N Ben Wilson St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tartk@uhv.edu Title: Dean Nursing Organization: University of Houston System |
Tara Kenny | 3023 Davenport Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarken@yeoandyeo.com Title: Senior Accountant Organization: Yeo & Yeo, P.C. |
Tim Arthur | 3031 Catnip Hill Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarthur@alltech.com Title: Information Technology Manager Organization: Alltech, Inc. |
Terri Austin | 3031 Catnip Hill Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@alltech.com Title: Research Scientist Organization: Alltech, Inc. |
South Dakota Housing Development Authority | 3060 E Elizabeth St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tasha Jones | 3060 E Elizabeth St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha@sdhda.org Title: Administrative Aide Organization: South Dakota Housing Development Authority |
Tara Schenkenberger | 3065 Arlington Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taraschenkenberger@utoledo.edu Title: Vis Instructor General Libraries Organization: The University of Toledo |
Tatyana Sorokina | 3065 Arlington Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatyana.sorokina2@utoledo.edu Title: Postdoctoral Fellow Organization: The University of Toledo |
Tarlee Brown | 3099 Washington Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarleebrown@thebrowndesigngroup.com Title: President Organization: Brown Design Group, Inc. |
Deborah Taylor | 3100 Cleburne St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor_dl@tsu.edu Title: Senior Human Resources Generalist Organization: Texas Southern University (inc) |
Joseph Tatro | 3100 Mccormick St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatroj@newmanu.edu Title: Chaplain And Director Of Campus Ministry Organization: Newman University, Inc. |
Todd Auseth | 3111 152Nd Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauseth@bwfoods.com Title: Safety Manager Organization: Kenosha Beef International, Ltd. |
Tathagata Dasgupta | 3157 E Elwood St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tathagata.dasgupta@phoenix.edu Title: Chair Several Doctoral Dissertation Committees Organization: The University of Phoenix Inc |
Thomas Aust | 3169 Red Hill Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taust@ceradyne.com Title: Chief Information Officer Organization: Ceradyne, Inc. |
Tara Newberry | 3300 Colerain Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.newberry@rcc.org Title: Police Officer Organization: City of Cincinnati |
San Mateo County Community College District | 3300 College Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 3300 S Federal St RM 201, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tasha Kincade | 3300 S Federal St Rm 201, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.kincade@iit.edu Title: Assistant To Dean And Vice President-law Law-deans Office Organization: Illinois Institute of Technology |
Donna Taylor | 3300 S Federal St Rm 201, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@iit.edu Title: Manager Accounts Payable And Fixed Assets Organization: Illinois Institute of Technology |
Lori Fitzhugh | 3300 Whitehaven St Nw # 1400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor1@georgetown.edu Title: Finance And Administration Manager Organization: George Town University |
Tony Austin | 3400 N Hawthorne St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@gci1.com Title: Vice President Field Operations Organization: G C I |
Nadia Tariq | 3401 Csm Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariqn@smccd.edu Title: Skyline-career Resources Organization: San Mateo County Community College District |
Loretta Tate | 3407 Northwest Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatel@georgetownisd.org Title: Nutrition Services Lead Cashier Organization: Georgetown Independent School District |
Taylor Gebert | 3414 Peachtree Rd Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.gebert@am.jll.com Title: Retail Analyst Organization: Jones Lang Lasalle Incorporated |
Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania | 3451 Walnut St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Jennifer Tarcelli | 3451 Walnut St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarcelli@wharton.upenn.edu Title: Senior Corporate Relationship Manager Organization: Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania |
Tara Storter | 3501 Denali St Ste 202, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@msialaska.com Title: Senior Art Director Organization: MSI Communications, Inc. |
Tavey Rea | 3501 Knickerbocker Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavey.rea@triadhospitals.com Title: Director - Business Services Organization: Community Health Alliance |
Sandals Church | 3510 Adams St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tasha Montgomery | 3510 Adams St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha@sandalschurch.com Title: Small Business Banker Organization: Sandals Church |
Taylor Martin | 3525 Nw Loop 820, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@insmg.com Title: Senior Market Chief Recruiter Organization: Medical Insurance Service Group |
Bruce Taylor | 3533 S Alameda St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@driscollchildrens.org Title: Chief Of Anesthesiology Organization: Driscoll Children's Hospital |
Tarrah Cooley | 3570 Keith St Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrah.cooley@lcca.com Title: Central Supply Coordinator Organization: Life Care Centers of America, Inc. |
Tracey Ayers | 3600 E Commerce Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tayers@connextions.net Title: Cc Director Organization: Connextions, Inc. |
Thomas Ashcom | 3601 N Webb Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashcom@kansasheart.com Title: Chairman Of The Board And Chief Executive Officer Organization: Kansas Heart Hospital, L.L.C. |
Tracy Arrington | 3601 S Congress Ave B100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrington@thedavisgrouptx.com Title: Director-strategy And Development Organization: The Davis Group Inc |
Todd Axelrod | 3601 W Sahara Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxelrod@galleryofhistory.com Title: Chairman Of The Board President Chief Executive Officer Organization: Gallery of History, Inc. |
Tom Atsey | 3602 Lawrenceville Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatsey@bvlumber.com Title: Sales Manager Organization: Brand-Vaughan Lumber Co., Inc. |
Taylor Chen | 3604 E 4Th St Ms6271, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.chen@ttuhsc.edu Title: Research Associate Department Of Cell Bio And Biochem Organization: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center |
Tawnya Pfeiffer | 3607 Hmilton Middleton Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawnya@swoca.net Title: Accountant Organization: Butler Technology & Career Development Schools |
Tara Schaup | 3629 W Hacienda Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@pinkjeep.com Title: Sls Coordinator Organization: Pink Jeep Tours Las Vegas Inc |
Tina Arnold | 3700 Lake Austin Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@lcra.org Title: Env Coordinator Organization: Lower Colorado River Authority |
Tawny Butcher | 3702 S Center St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawny.butcher@iavalley.edu Title: President Elect Organization: Iowa Valley Community College District |
Tavis Banks | 3713 Vincent Rd Ste 202, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavis.banks@duke.edu Title: Food Service Associate Staff Dietary-contract Organization: Duke University |
Tawakalit Olusesi | 3713 Vincent Rd Ste 202, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawa.olusesi@duke.edu Title: Nursing Care Assistant I Staff Third Floor Nursing Organization: Duke University |
Tara Spiker | 3900 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_spiker@fanniemae.com Title: Customer Service Manager Organization: Federal National Mortgage Association |
Tasha Wilson | 3900 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha_m_wilson@fanniemae.com Title: Senior Analyst Organization: Federal National Mortgage Association |
Tarun Chopra | 3900 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarun_chopra@fanniemae.com Title: Director Business Analysis And Decisions Group Fannie Mae Organization: Federal National Mortgage Association |
Terry Avenell | 3935 Johnson Ferry Ct, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavenell@networkdoctors.com Title: Director Of Information Services Organization: Network Doctors Inc |
Thomas Aro | 3960H How Hughes Pkwy # 500, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taro@arweninc.com Title: Chief Operating Offr Organization: Sas Institute Inc. |
Tara Wood | 4000 Meacham Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.wood@saralee.com Title: Sqf Specialist Organization: Sara Lee |
Tara Hicks | 4025 Fair Ridge Dr # 300, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.hicks@iafc.org Title: Government Relations Manager Organization: International Association of Fire Chiefs, Inc. |
Tash Dhillon | 4025 S Riverpoint Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tash.dhillon@apollogrp.edu Title: Senior Network Architect Organization: Apollo Group, Inc. |
Todd Appelbaum | 4107 W Spruce St Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tappelbaum@equity.net Title: Senior Vice President Organization: Alstott Rorebeck Marini Development and Holdings |
Tara Brown | 4159 E University Ave A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.brown@v-questtx.com Title: President Organization: V-Quest Office Machines & Supplies Ltd |
Taru Helne | 4301 Wilson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taru.helne@nreca.coop Title: Nreca Internet Communications Organization: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association |
Tara Zerby | 4320 Frest Pk Ave Ste 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.zerby@stereotaxis.com Title: Executive Director Marketing And Clinical Applications Organization: Stereotaxis, Inc. |
Taylor Arnett | 4343 Von Karman Ave # 150, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnett@koll.com Title: Financial Analyst Organization: The Koll Company |
Tawn Gillihan | 4368 Spyres Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawn.gillihan@hospiceheart.org Title: Chief Information Officer Organization: Community Hospice, Inc. |
Tracy Williams | 4375 Fair Lakes Ct # 3000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taw@datatel.com Title: Product Manager Human Resources Solutions Organization: Datatel, Inc. |
Thomas Reynolds | 4375 Fair Lakes Ct # 3000, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tar@datatel.com Title: Chief Technology-officer Organization: Datatel, Inc. |
Houston Independent School District | 4400 W 18 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tobi Arsham | 4400 W 18Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarsham@houstonisd.org Title: Speech Organization: Houston Independent School District |
Tara Valentine | 4501 Fairfax Dr Ste 500, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.valentine@ihrco.com Title: Assistant To Vice President Human Resources Organization: Interstate Hotels & Resorts, Inc. |
Taylor Vaughan | 4501 Roy J Smith Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.vaughan@convergys.com Title: Director Partnerships Organization: Convergys Corporation |
Tara Bienvenu | 4605 Industrial Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.bienvenu@bristowgroup.com Title: Human Resources Manager Organization: Bristow Group Inc. |
Tara Rudometkin | 4645 E Cotton Center Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.rudometkin@aetna.com Title: Sourcing Agent Organization: Ellis Aetna Grubb |
Tashia Young | 4647 Zion Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashia.young@kp.org Title: Business Systems Testing And Training Manager Organization: Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Inc |
Tara Vaishnav | 4647 Zion Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.h.vaishnav@kp.org Title: Executive Director Information And Data Architecture Organization: Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Inc |
Taylor Macdonald | 4695 Macarthur Ct Fl 8Th, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.macdonald@smawins.com Title: Executive Vice President Of Channel And Sales Operations Mid-market Division Organization: SM&a |
Jack Tarpley | 4708 Dayton Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarpley@pickett.com Title: Vice President Organization: Pickett Tarpley & Associates Inc |
Tarence Arkle | 4725 N Federal Hwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarence.arkle@holy-cross.com Title: Chief Financial Officer Organization: Holy Cross Hospital, Inc. |
Tara Dooley | 4747 Sw Fwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.dooley@chron.com Title: Religion Writer Organization: Houston Chronicle |
Tron Armstrong | 4750 118Th Ave N, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@maxximmedical.com Title: Principle Organization: Medline Industries, Inc. |
Tom Atkins | 4750 Wiley Post 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatkins@primeres.com Title: Manager Of Information Systems Organization: Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. |
Tarah Moore | 4800 Sand Point Way Ne, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarah.moore@seattlechildrens.org Title: Fellowship Coordinator Organization: Seattle Children's Hospital |
Tawauna Swanigan | 4828 W Fond Du Lac Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawaunaswanigan@ncsdc-inc.org Title: Operations Manager Organization: New Concept Self Development Center, Inc |
Tracy Armstrong | 4880 Macarthur Blvd Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@riverschool.net Title: Director Of Operations Organization: River School |
Pamala Taylor | 4901 E University Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor_p@utpb.edu Title: Library Assistant I Library Organization: University of Texas of The Permian Basin |
Tarango Donny | 4901 E University Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarango_d@utpb.edu Title: Police Officer I Organization: University of Texas of The Permian Basin |
Rockford College | 5050 E State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Teddy Atanassova | 5050 E State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatanassova@rockford.edu Title: Interim Assistant Vice President For Acad Affairs Organization: Rockford College |
San Joaquin Delta Community College District | 5151 Pacific Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 | |
Tacitus Arbuckle | 5151 Pacific Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarbuckle@deltacollege.edu Title: Director Facilities Management Organization: San Joaquin Delta Community College District |
Trey Austin | 5201 University Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@tamiu.edu Title: Assistant Director Of Sports Information Organization: Texas A&M International University Foundation, Inc. |
Tara Jaurique | 5268 Diamond Heights Blvd # 2198, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.jaurique@bankofamerica.com Title: Manager Marketing And Sales Operations Organization: Bank of America, National Association |
North Carolina Farm Bureau Insurance Agency, Inc. | 5301 Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Bob Tart | 5301 Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tartba@ncfbins.com Title: Underwriting Manager Organization: North Carolina Farm Bureau Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Tara Buggs | 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.buggs@utsouthwestern.edu Title: Operations Manager Organization: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas |
Tavie Brewster | 5350 Amelia Earhart Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavie@generaldist.com Title: Owner Organization: The General Distributing Company |
Tavi Pownsend | 5350 Amelia Earhart Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavi@generaldist.com Title: Principle Organization: The General Distributing Company |
Tara Curran | 5419 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste C, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarac@marketingprofs.com Title: Event Marketing Manager Organization: The Market - Antiques and Home Furnishings Inc |
Interior Systems, Inc. | 5446 W State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Todd Armstrong | 5446 W State St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@buildpros.com Title: Chief Financial Officer Organization: Interior Systems, Inc. |
Keith Taylor | 5450 Nw Central Dr # 307, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@baxterschwartz.com Title: Chief Technolgy Officer Organization: Baxter and Schwartz, P.C. |
Embarq Management Company | 5454 W 110 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Ramsook | 5454 W 110Th St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.x.ramsook@embarq.com Title: Information Technology Management Manager Organization: Embarq Management Company |
Sandra Grouf | 5462 Irwindale Ave Ste A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarau@amerigon.com Title: President Organization: Amerigon Incorporated |
Tascha Price | 5555 Garden Grove Blvd # 250, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tascha.price@cbtechinc.com Title: Sales Executive Organization: Carrillo Business Technologies, Inc. |
Al Tarasiuk | 5565 Sterrett Pl Ste 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarasiuk@ncsievents.com Title: Chief Information Officer Organization: National Conference Services, Inc. |
Torraine Williams | 5580 Centerview Dr # 200, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taw@akc.org Title: Web Application Developer At American Kennel Club Organization: Miniature Pinscher Club of America, Inc |
Tavi Fulkerson | 5760 Snowshoe Cir, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tavi@fulkersongroup.com Title: President Organization: Fulkerson Sales Co Inc |
Tatiana Harrison | 5850 La Bath Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatiana_harrison@krcb.org Title: Voice Of Youth Director Organization: Krcb Radio |
Tara Ventura | 5870 Veterans Pkwy Ste F, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@columbustvl.com Title: Manager Corporate Travel Department Organization: Columbus Travel Bureau Inc |
Ty Arneson | 5935 Corporate Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarneson@auth-florence.com Title: Director Engineering Organization: Florence Corporation of Kansas |
Tara Julian | 5990 Green Valley Cir, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.julian@starwoodhotels.com Title: Human Resource Manager Organization: Starwood Hotel |
Ann Taylor | 6100 Main St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@rice.edu Title: Senior Traffic/access Control Specialist Police Administrative Services Organization: William Marsh Rice University Inc |
Troy Arce | 6121 W Sunset Blvd Fl 4, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarce@cbs.com Title: Kcbs-tv Organization: CBS Radio Inc. |
James Tatum | 6130 Executive Blvd 818, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatumj@mail.nih.gov Title: Associate Director Acting Organization: National Cancer Institute |
Todd Askew | 6251 W Gerwoude Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taskew@biewerlumber.com Title: Industrial Sales Organization: John A. Biewer Lumber Company |
Taylor Stevenson | 6300 Ocean Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.stevenson@tamucc.edu Title: Visiting Assistant Professor Organization: Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi |
Deborah Tatge | 6300 W Old Shakopee Rd # 140, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatge@wjsutherland.com Title: Internet Manager Organization: W J Sutherland & Associates Inc |
Tarik Studebaker | 6301 Fitch Path, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarik_studebaker@abercrombie.com Title: Senior Manager Open Systems Organization: Abercrombie & Fitch Co. |
Taylor Moore | 6301 Fitch Path, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor_moore@abercrombie.com Title: Tax Analyst Organization: Abercrombie & Fitch Co. |
Thomas Argyle | 6465 Busch Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: targyle@sanese.com Title: Director Marketing Organization: Sanese Services, Inc. |
Tariq Mahmood | 6472 Tower Ln, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariqmahmood@galaxychemfluoride.com Title: Owner Organization: Galaxy Chemicals LLC |
Tara Mickelson | 6501 E Sandra Ter, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@goftt.com Title: Client Services Manager Organization: Fasturtle Tech LLC |
Tawana Dunham | 6505 Burleson Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawanad@armstrongmccall.com Title: Loan Officer Organization: Armstrong McCall Holdings, Inc. |
PNC Global Investment Servicing Inc. | 6670 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tara Simon | 6670 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.simon@pfpc.com Title: Vendor Management Organization: PNC Global Investment Servicing Inc. |
Kaplogic Corporation | 6731 S Franklin St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
R Beard | 6731 S Franklin St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@kaplogic.com Title: Account Executive Organization: Kaplogic Corporation |
Tara Jarrett | 6805 Southpoint Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_jarrett@cable.comcast.com Title: Construction Administrator Organization: Comcast of Greater Florida/Georgia, Inc. |
Tara Barnet | 6820 Lbj Fwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.barnett@brinker.com Title: Regional Sales Manager Organization: Brinker International, Inc. |
Tom Augustson | 6823 Saint Charles Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taugusts@tulane.edu Title: Program Manager Organization: The Administrators of The Tulane Educational Fund |
Terri Atkisson | 6905 Cypresswood Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatkisson@coldwellbankerunited.com Title: Office Manager Organization: Coldwell Banker United Realtors |
Tarek Chehab | 7065 F Bar Trl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarek@tmninc.com Title: Owner Organization: Tmn Inc |
Tara Allred | 7201 Metro Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.allred@regiscorp.com Title: Compliance Analyst Organization: Regis Corporation |
Tara Murphy | 7201 Scott Hamilton Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taram@hugghall.com Title: Credit Organization: Hugg and Hall Equipment Company |
Taunya Niemchak | 7225 Sunset Strip Ave Nw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taunyan@gbscorp.com Title: Account Manager Organization: GBS Corp |
Tara Peterson | 7498 Fullerton St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_peterson@harte-hanks.com Title: Art Director Organization: Direct Market Concepts, Inc. |
Tom Tarantino | 7607 La Jolla Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarantinot@bishops.com Title: Director Of Athletics And Head Boys Basketball Coach Organization: The Bishop's School |
Terry Austin | 7640 Airpark Rd Ste A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@densel.com Title: Secretary Organization: Densel Company, Inc. |
Tara Townsend | 7650 Sw 117Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@sunsetfeed.com Title: President Organization: Sunset Feed & Supply, Inc. |
Anna Tapsak | 7703 Floyd Curl Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tapsak@psy.utexas.edu Title: Academic Advisor Ii M Ed Psychology Organization: The University of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio |
Tawana Griffin | 8200 Greensboro Dr # 500, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawana_griffin@metters.com Title: Purchasing Agent Organization: Metters Industries, Inc. |
Tara Dean | 8200 Jones Branch Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_dean@freddiemac.com Title: Operations Manager Organization: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
Tariq Ali | 8200 Jones Branch Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq_ali@freddiemac.com Title: Network Enginee Organization: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
Tascha Blount | 8200 Jones Branch Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tascha_blount@freddiemac.com Title: Contact Person Organization: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
Tara Demmer | 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.demmer@schwans.com Title: Senior Financial Analyst Organization: Schwan's Consumer Brands North America Inc |
Tabita Wright | 8899 University Center Ln # 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawright@lifescore.com Title: Associate Medical Director Organization: San Diego Ultra Scan Medical Group |
Tara Lee | 9000 Machinists Pl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.lee@iamaw.org Title: Large Supporter Organization: International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers |
Peterson Motor Co. | 9101 Fairview Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tonya Arsenault | 9101 Fairview Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarsenault@petersonautoplex.com Title: Internet Manager Organization: Peterson Motor Co. |
Webco Industries, Inc. | 9101 W 21 St, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tyler Armstrong | 9101 W 21St St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarmstrong@webcoindustries.com Title: Cost Accounting Manager Organization: Webco Industries, Inc. |
Tasha Eurich | 9191 S Jamaica St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.eurich@ch2m.com Title: Manager Learning And Organizational Development Organization: Ch2m Hill Companies, Ltd. |
Tariq Butt | 9300 Ward Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.m.butt@jpmorgan.com Title: Financial Education Consultant Organization: J.P. Morgan Retirement Plan Services, LLC |
Antonio Arredondo | 9311 San Pdro Ave Ste 800, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarredon@ch2m.com Title: Vice President/area Office Manager Organization: Ch2m Hill, Inc. |
Tara Marsh | 9330 Balboa Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.marsh@jackinthebox.com Title: Consumer Insights Analyst Organization: Jack In The Box Inc. |
Tara Winder | 9400 Amberglen Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_winder@urscorp.com Title: Project Administrator Austin General Engineering Organization: URS Corporation |
Jon Tawfik | 9500 Interstate 10 E, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawfij@cpchem.com Title: Mechanical Engineer Organization: Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP |
Tara Folb | 9509 Key West Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.folb@finra.org Title: Associate Director-human Resources Services Organization: Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. |
Northern Trust Corporation | 10003 Wdlch Frst, Spring, TX 77380 | Industry: Financial Services, Custody Services, National Commercial Bank, Natl Commercial Banks, State Commercial Bank, State Commercial Banks, Commercial Banking Categories: Banks, Trust Companies Site: careers.northerntrust.com, ntrs.com, northerntrust.com |
Tara La Bree | 10125 Federal Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.labree@quantum.com Title: Risk And Compliance Manager Organization: Quantum Corporation |
Tammy Ashorn | 10207 Fm Road 1942, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashorn@eprod.com Title: Material Balance Supervisor Organization: Enterprise Products Operating LLC |
Tawnya Bonsante | 10301 Yellow Circle Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawnyab@comparinc.com Title: Inside Sales Specialist Organization: Compar, Inc. |
Tara Downing | 10810 Mid America Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarad@robbiemfg.com Title: Hot N Handy Product Manager Organization: Robbie Manufacturing, Inc. |
Tara Swain | 11330 Farm Road 79, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara@taraswainphotography.com Title: Owner |
Tim Austrums | 11351 Rupp Dr Ste G, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustrums@theconnection.com Title: Vice President Organization: Data Listing Services, LLC |
Tracy Ashmore | 11802 Ridge Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashmore@zolldata.com Title: Release Manager Organization: Zoll Data Systems, Inc. |
Tasha Nixon | 11825 N Penn St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha_nixon@conseco.com Title: Drug Delivery Manager Organization: Conseco, Inc. |
Tara Capshaw | 11825 N Penn St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_capshaw@conseco.com Title: Director Access Termination Organization: Conseco, Inc. |
Tara Klinger | 11830 Fishing Point Dr # 201, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarak@ctorlando.com Title: Accounting Manager Organization: Clancy & Theys Construction Co Inc |
Microsemi Corporation | 11861 Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | |
Tracy Autry | 11861 Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tautry@microsemi.com Title: Module Development Manager Organization: Microsemi Corporation |
Tara Mancini | 12000 Sw 49Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.mancini@pcc.edu Title: Specialist/learning Skills Perkins Title I-cascade Organization: Portland Community College |
Taylor Corbin | 12000 Sw 49Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.corbin@pcc.edu Title: Aide Organization: Portland Community College |
Taylor Gehweiler | 12000 Sw 49Th Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor.gehweiler15@pcc.edu Title: Instr Suppt Tech I Auto Collision Organization: Portland Community College |
Trisha Arteaga | 12150 Monument Dr Ste 150, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarteaga@leetechnologies.com Title: National Manager Recruiting Technology Organization: Lee Technologies, Inc. |
Tim Atwood | 12300 6Th St Sw, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatwood@msimoldbuilders.com Title: Contractor Organization: MSI Mold Builders Southeast, Inc. |
Tara Combs | 12425 W Bell Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.combs@surpriseaz.com Title: Recreation Manager Organization: City of Surprise |
Tarun Soni | 12701 Fair Lakes Cir, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarun.soni@argonst.com Title: Business Area Director Organization: Argon St, Inc. |
Toby Arrowsmith | 13031 E Caley Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrowsmith@arapahoewater.org Title: Information Technology Systems Administrator Organization: Arapahoe County Water & Wastewater Authority |
Tara Carnes | 13550 Triton Park Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.carnes@wellpoint.com Title: Business Analyst Organization: Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. |
Taylor Bowles | 13581 Pond Springs Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylorb@pcinews.com Title: Editor Organization: Publications and Communications, Inc. |
Taras Skibicky | 14143 Denver West Pkwy, Lakewood, IL 80215 | Email: taras.skibicky@gambrobct.com Title: Vice President Of Finance Organization: Gambrorenal Products Water Specialties: Surgical and Medical Instruments and Apparatus Industry: Surgical and Medical Instruments |
Tim Ashenfelter | 14801 Pioneer Trl, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashenfelter@asijetcenter.com Title: Marketing Director Organization: Modern Aero, Inc. |
Tara Haupt | 15000 Shell Point Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarahaupt@shellpoint.org Title: Information Technology Staff Organization: The Christian & Missionary Alliance Foundation Inc |
Tracy Ashforth | 15191 Bledsoe St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tashforth@johansondielectrics.com Title: National Distribution Manager Organization: Johanson Dielectrics, Inc. |
Tawny Arnaud | 15505 Roscoe Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnaud@galpin.com Title: Vice President Organization: Galpin Motors, Inc. |
Tara Boyle | 16001 Dallas Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.boyle@bankofamerica.com Title: Senior Change Manager Organization: Fia Card Services, National Association |
Tara Seaman | 16825 Northchase Dr # 400, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.seaman@swiftenergy.com Title: Vice President-reserves And Evaluations Organization: Swift Energy Company |
Taylor Kunzi | 16901 Jamboree Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@dealtree.com Title: Human Resources Organization: Dealtree, Inc. |
Taylor Nelson | 18077 Bordeaux Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@montreuxgolf.com Title: Accounting Manager Organization: Montreux Golf Club Ltd. |
Tara Meehan | 19300 International Blvd, Seattle, WA 98188 | Email: tara.meehan@alaskaair.com Title: Manager Corporate Sales Organization: Alaska Air Group, Inc. |
Alaska Air Group, Inc | 19300 Pacific Hwy S, Seattle, WA 98188 | Industry: Passenger and Cargo Air Transportation, Scheduled Freight Air Transportation |
Tawnya Stauffer | 19600 Molalla Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawnyas@clackamas.edu Title: Departmentsecretaryacc And Human Resources Organization: Clackamas Community College |
Tara Sprehe | 19600 Molalla Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taras@clackamas.edu Title: Registrar Organization: Clackamas Community College |
Tracy Arnold | 20225 N Scottsdale Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@discounttire.com Title: Tax Manager Organization: Discount Tire Co., Inc. |
Tariq Iqbal | 20511 Lake Forest Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.iqbal@wdc.com Title: Sw Engineer Organization: Western Digital Corporation |
Tara Sheedy | 21370 Homestead Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara_sheedy@fuhsd.org Title: Assistant Principal Activities/testing Homestead High School Organization: City of Lewiston |
Thomas Axelson | 27631 La Paz Rd Ste A, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taxelson@ccci.org Title: Vice President Production Organization: Campus Crusade For Christ, Inc. |
Tawna Krol | 30700 Russell Ranch Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawna.krol@move.com Title: Project Manager Organization: Move, Inc. |
Tasha Thiede | 36653 Silver Peak Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.thiede@boydlodge.com Title: Finance Manager Organization: Boyd Lodge Inc |
Tammy Arden | 39707 Big Bear Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarden@citybigbearlake.com Title: Human Resources Manager Organization: City of Big Bear Lake |
Todd Austin | 47790 Westinghouse Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taustin@microfluidicsystems.com Title: Chief Operating Officer Organization: Microfluidic Systems |
Tariq Khurshid | 47900 Bayside Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.khurshid@bsci.com Title: Senior Quality Engineer Organization: Boston Scientific Corporation |
Thomas Au | 48502 Kato Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tau@ccicms.com Title: Manufacturing Engineer Organization: Compass Components, Inc. |
Tate Spain | Erwin Rd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate.spain@duke.edu Title: Network Administrator In Training Organization: Duke University |
Tasmina Quddus | Fm 1098 University Dr, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taquddus@pvamu.edu Title: Compliance Officer Organization: Prairie View A & M University |
Tom Armold | For More Information , Contact Jennifer Young At Applied Industrial Technologies ; One Applied Plaza, Cleveland, OH 60603 | Email: tarmold@ait-applied.com Title: VP-Marketing and Strategic Accts Organization: Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. |
Troy Arnold | Fort Mason Bldg E, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarnold@maritime.org Title: Development Director Organization: San Francisco Maritime National Park Association |
Brenda Tario | Graham Ave, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tario.brenda@cortland.edu Title: Dunkin Donuts-supervisor Organization: Suny College At Cortland |
Thomas Arcury | Medical Center Blvd, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarcury@wfubmc.edu Title: Professor And Research Director Family And Community Medicine Associate In Public Health Sciences Epidemiology Organization: Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center |
Tara Cassady | N19W24400 Riverwd Dr # 100, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarac@mranet.org Title: Team Leader Membership And Business Development Organization: Mra-The Management Association, Inc. |
Thomas Arrowsmith | Owens Way, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tarrowsmith@wrcase.com Title: Chief Executive Officer President Organization: W R Case & Sons Cutlery Company |
Valerie Taylor | Ross & Asburry St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylor@cs.tamu.edu Title: Staff Organization: The Texas A&M University System |
Ash Tony | W233 N2800 Roundy Circle West, Oostburg, WI 60603 | Email: tash@briohn.com Title: Contractor Organization: Briohn Building Corporation Specialties: Electronic Computers |
Tauheedah White | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tauheedah.boyd@duke.edu Title: Ekg Technician I Staff Ekg Support Unit Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Janet Tate | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tate0013@mc.duke.edu Title: Program Coordinator Staff Abmt Support Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Dynetta Tatum | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tatum003@mc.duke.edu Title: Patient Service Associate Staff Dn Preop Screening Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Linda Taylor | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylo015@mc.duke.edu Title: Nurse Manager Operations Staff Or-ort Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Marianne Taylor | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylo042@mc.duke.edu Title: Staff Specialist Staff Pathology-general Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Monica Taylor | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylo055@mc.duke.edu Title: Program Coordinator Staff Education Services Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Cheryl Taylor | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taylo107@mc.duke.edu Title: Hospital Concierge/ambassador Staff Patient And Amp Visitor Repres Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Taundra Nickens | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: taundra.nickens@duke.edu Title: Ekg Technician I Staff Drh-ekg Support Unit Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Tawanda Burton | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tawanda.burton@duke.edu Title: Health Unit Coordinator Advanced Staff Medical Unit-4300 Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Tara Clayton | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tara.clayton@duke.edu Title: Compliance Auditor Senior Staff Compliance Office Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Tasha Gibson | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tasha.gibson@duke.edu Title: Student Staff Public Services-access Service Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
Tariq Bhatti | White Zone Duke S Rm 4584, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: tariq.bhatti@duke.edu Title: Associate Professor Faculty Ophthalmology-general Organization: Duke University Health System, Inc. |
(312) 630-6189
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Northern Trust Corporation | 50 S Ln Salle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Industry: Investment Advice, Mortgage Bankers and Correspondents |
Kenneth Bell | 50 S Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60675 | Email: kenneth_bell@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Investment Advice Industry: Investment Advice |
(312) 630-6393
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Howard Sharfman | 500 W Madison St # 2700 | Organization: Schwartz Benefits Svc Inc |
SCHWARTZ BENEFITS SVC INC | 1 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606 | Industry: Accountant, Human Resource Consulting Svcs Site: schwartzbrothers.com |
Schwartz Brothers Insurance | 1 S Wacker Dr #36, Chicago, IL 60606 | Categories: Insurance Site: schwartzbrothers.com |
Checkfree Investment Services | 135 S Ln Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Industry: Data Processing/Preparation, Data Processing and Preparation |
Schwartz Benefits Svc Inc | 500 W Madison St #2700, Chicago, IL 60661 | Categories: Management Consultants, Employee Benefit Plans Consulting Services, Insurance Site: Schwartzbrothers.com, schwartzbrothers.com |
Schwartz Brothers Insurance | 500 W Madison St STE 2700, Chicago, IL 60661 | Categories: Insurance Site: schwartzbrothers.com |
(312) 630-6612
Owner Name | Address | Information |
The Northern Trust Company | 840 S Canal St, Chicago, IL 60607 | Industry: Natl Commercial Banks, State Commercial Bank Trust Management, Trust Management, Trusts, NEC, National Commercial Banks Categories: Banks, Meat Processing Site: northerntrust.com |
Randy Overbey | 840 S Canal St, Chicago, IL 60607 | Email: rdo@ntrs.com Title: CTO Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable Industry: Trusts, NEC |
(312) 630-6640
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Ripton Watson | 8040 S Kirkland Ave, Chicago, IL 60652 | Email: jahloveripton@wowway.com Occupation: Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and Laborers Occupations Education: Associate degree or higher |
(312) 630-6649
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Cynthia Schuth | 2506 Magnolia Ln, Lindenhurst, IL 60046 | Occupation: Precision Production Occupations Education: Associate degree or higher |
Charles Schuth | 2506 Magnolia Ln, Lindenhurst, IL 60046 | Email: cschuth@hotmail.com Occupation: Precision Production Occupations Education: Associate degree or higher |
(312) 630-6666
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Thomas Ayres | 13 River Rd, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: tayres@environmentalinteriors.org Title: Director Of Business Development Organization: Environmental Interiors, Inc. |
Northern Trust Co | 120 E Oak St, Chicago, IL 60611 | Industry: Natl Commercial Banks |
The Northern Trust Company | 120 E Oak St, Chicago, IL 60661 | Organization: Northern Trust Industry: Natl Commercial Banks, Commercial Banks, NEC, Commercial Banking Categories: Asset Management, Attorneys, Banks, Estate Planning & Administration Attorneys, Investment Management Products: Account Inquiries, ATM Services, Automobile Loans, Bill Payment Services, Card Replacement, Checking Accounts, Deposit Accounts, Deposit Services, Equity Loans, Financial Managemen... Site: northerntrust.com |
Allegra Biery | 120 E Oak St, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: a.biery@northerntrust.com Title: Manager Organization: Northern Trust CO Specialties: National Commercial Banks Industry: Commercial Banking Site: northerntrust.com |
John Fumagalli | 120 E Oak St, Chicago, IL 60661 | Email: jfumagalli@trustrite.com Title: Executive Director Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: Commercial Printing, Not Elsewhere Classified Industry: Commercial Printing, NEC |
County of Kennebec | 125 State St STE 2, Chicago, IL 60611 | |
Terry York | 125 State St Ste 2, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: tayork@kennebecso.com Title: Assistant County Administrator/human Resources Manager Organization: County of Kennebec |
Tom Ayrsman | 150 E South College St A, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: tayrsman@antioch-college.edu Title: Associate Professor Of Botany And Env Science Environmental And Biological Sciences Organization: Antioch University |
Tom Ayres | 515 Eastern Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: tayres@perrigo.com Title: Director Marketing Information Organization: Perrigo Company |
Tom Ayotte | 3800 Janes Rd, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: tayotte@madriverhospital.com Title: Safety Director Organization: American Hospital Management Corporation |
Tracy Ayre | 7222 Greenwood Rd, Chicago, IL 60611 | Email: tayre@maximusa.com Title: Human Resources Director Organization: Ardaman & Associates, Inc. |
(312) 630-6798
Owner Name | Address | Information |
The Northern Trust Company | 840 S Canal St, Chicago, IL 60607 | Industry: Natl Commercial Banks, State Commercial Bank Trust Management, Trust Management, Trusts, NEC, National Commercial Banks Categories: Banks, Meat Processing Site: northerntrust.com |
Jose Aranda | 840 S Canal St # 3, Chicago, IL 60607 | Email: jea2@ntrs.com Title: Vice President Organization: Northern Trust Corporation Specialties: Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable Industry: Trusts, NEC |
(312) 630-6894
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Alan Kruse | 801 S Canal St Ste 2, Bar Nunn, WY 82601 | Email: ak26@ntrs.com Title: Second Vice President/wan Engineering Organization: The Northern Trust Company Specialties: National Commercial Banks Industry: National Commercial Banks |
(312) 630-6914
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Marriott International Inc | 50 S Ln Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Industry: Eating Places |
Suzanne Snyder | 50 S La Salle St, Chicago, IL 60603 | Email: suzanne.snyder@marriott.com Title: Manager Organization: Marriott International Inc Specialties: Eating Places Industry: Eating Places |