Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(310) 316-0... | 588 | 1614 | 327759 328284 328047 |
(310) 316-1... | 634 | 1969 | 262145 328343 329079 |
(310) 316-2... | 572 | 1675 | 262550 328350 131292 |
(310) 316-3... | 627 | 1764 | 328465 328277 328085 |
(310) 316-4... | 588 | 1704 | 327769 2819672 327776 |
(310) 316-5... | 626 | 1727 | 327932 328313 328343 |
(310) 316-6... | 625 | 1872 | 2752943 2097259 131216 |
(310) 316-7... | 584 | 1756 | 327761 327810 2228228 |
(310) 316-8... | 558 | 1557 | 327680 2491794 2231032 |
(310) 316-9... | 500 | 1358 | 328273 327828 2621920 |
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