Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(215) 968-0... | 624 | 1921 | 2493909 327932 2493624 |
(215) 968-1... | 516 | 1728 | 2493587 2493632 589879 |
(215) 968-2... | 799 | 2574 | 2490455 524309 2493785 |
(215) 968-3... | 766 | 2450 | 2493579 2493612 2032688 |
(215) 968-4... | 707 | 2289 | 393912 1835209 2621856 |
(215) 968-5... | 657 | 2001 | 393495 2031797 2032455 |
(215) 968-6... | 666 | 2033 | 2493648 2493726 197654 |
(215) 968-7... | 398 | 1134 | 2493611 2490472 2097216 |
(215) 968-8... | 394 | 1278 | 590438 2032266 2493730 |
(215) 968-9... | 487 | 1353 | 2493883 2493624 590751 |
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