Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(212) 989-0... | 618 | 1505 | 197314 393833 3014833 |
(212) 989-1... | 553 | 1293 | 2032234 2032028 2228341 |
(212) 989-2... | 555 | 1390 | 2032699 2228519 2031752 |
(212) 989-3... | 622 | 1528 | 2490492 2031864 2031767 |
(212) 989-4... | 588 | 1313 | 2032604 2031795 2493678 |
(212) 989-5... | 578 | 1358 | 2228423 2493745 327761 |
(212) 989-6... | 572 | 1351 | 2229352 328014 2228654 |
(212) 989-7... | 550 | 1283 | 2230891 917670 2228311 |
(212) 989-8... | 510 | 1177 | 2228620 1245564 2032213 |
(212) 989-9... | 462 | 1090 | 2228352 2228863 2032610 |
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