Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(212) 772-0... | 621 | 1669 | 2031683 2228532 2228640 |
(212) 772-1... | 652 | 1721 | 2228579 590552 2228537 |
(212) 772-2... | 644 | 1748 | 2228326 1245189 459176 |
(212) 772-3... | 646 | 1818 | 2818152 1245829 2228380 |
(212) 772-4... | 48 | 86 | 2493309 2228537 2228744 |
(212) 772-5... | 23 | 38 | 2228532 2032585 2228234 |
(212) 772-6... | 637 | 1686 | 2031833 590461 2228283 |
(212) 772-7... | 649 | 1764 | 2228352 2228302 2228284 |
(212) 772-8... | 572 | 1392 | 1114230 655547 2819362 |
(212) 772-9... | 618 | 1564 | 2228532 1245683 2031752 |
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