Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(212) 543-0... | 657 | 1496 | 2229222 2228535 2228537 |
(212) 543-1... | 690 | 1639 | 3342337 2031783 328085 |
(212) 543-2... | 684 | 1796 | 2228727 2031891 2228532 |
(212) 543-3... | 597 | 1280 | 1442517 2031752 2032709 |
(212) 543-4... | 580 | 1169 | 2621685 2228537 2031923 |
(212) 543-5... | 171 | 367 | 2228234 2031783 2228318 |
(212) 543-6... | 71 | 131 | 2228234 2228552 2228294 |
(212) 543-7... | 27 | 30 | 328808 2228235 2228228 |
(212) 543-8... | 68 | 161 | 2228537 1704290 2031913 |
(212) 543-9... | 589 | 1176 | 1310962 1245575 459163 |
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