Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(209) 966-0... | 44 | 62 | 329049 329339 1704031 |
(209) 966-1... | 64 | 80 | 329044 329066 329076 |
(209) 966-2... | 715 | 1762 | 720926 327969 393495 |
(209) 966-3... | 676 | 1683 | 328937 328433 328630 |
(209) 966-4... | 656 | 1624 | 327807 328367 328966 |
(209) 966-5... | 646 | 1670 | 2621920 328993 787100 |
(209) 966-6... | 557 | 1259 | 329055 328854 328433 |
(209) 966-7... | 615 | 1393 | 328008 1770877 328848 |
(209) 966-8... | 254 | 487 | 329035 328689 393256 |
(209) 966-9... | 47 | 47 | 329052 329034 329061 |
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