Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(202) 561-0... | 759 | 2102 | 1310810 1310870 1310755 |
(202) 561-1... | 688 | 1821 | 1310806 1310754 590281 |
(202) 561-2... | 585 | 1449 | 1310771 1310928 1310835 |
(202) 561-3... | 575 | 1332 | 1310848 1310730 1310833 |
(202) 561-4... | 626 | 1496 | 1310856 3146859 329285 |
(202) 561-5... | 527 | 1110 | 917651 1310848 1310845 |
(202) 561-6... | 501 | 1098 | 2949806 590552 459101 |
(202) 561-7... | 438 | 947 | 1245564 1310724 1310833 |
(202) 561-8... | 289 | 554 | 1770254 1769888 1310886 |
(202) 561-9... | 161 | 302 | 2490451 2819362 1310856 |
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