(202) 482-0097
Owner Name | Address | Information |
States Government United | Washington, DC |
(202) 482-0123
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Lichenstein M Agency | 24-02 Broadway, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 | Site: itdu.org |
Paul Christy | 754 Franklin Avenue - Suite 102, Franklin, NJ 07416 | Email: pchristy@erols.com Title: Executive Organization: International Trade Data User''s Group Specialties: Personal Credit Institutions |
(202) 482-0140
Owner Name | Address | Information |
States Government United | Washington, DC |
(202) 482-0266
Owner Name | Address | Information |
US Department of Commerce | 1502 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 19566 | Industry: Nonclassifiable Establishments, Ret Shoes Categories: Government Offices Products: Benefits and Grants, Consumer Protection, Defense and International, Education and Jobs, Environment, Energy and Agriculture, Family, Home and Community, Forms, Health, Maps, Money... Site: commerce.gov |
(202) 482-0305
Owner Name | Address | Information |
States Government United | Washington, DC |
(202) 482-0319
Owner Name | Address | Information |
National Telecommunications And Information Administration | Washington, DC |
(202) 482-0480
Owner Name | Address | Information |
United States Dept of Commerce | 14 And Cnstitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20230 | Industry: Administrative General Economic Programs |
(202) 482-0517
Owner Name | Address | Information |
The Office of Secretary | 14 St Cnsttution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20230 | Industry: Administrative General Economic Programs, Office of The Secretary |
(202) 482-0543
Owner Name | Address | Information |
William Jeffrey | 1401 Constitution Ave., Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: wjeffrey@technology.gov Title: Director, Under Secretary for Technology Organization: US Department of Commerce |
Suzan Price | 1401 Constitution Avenue, Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: suzan.price@mail.doc.gov Title: Acting Director, CRMU Organization: US Department of Commerce |
Jo Ann Gann | 1401 Constitution Avenue Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jo.gann@ta.doc.gov Title: Staff Director, Technology Administration Organization: US Department of Commerce |
United States Dept of Commerce | 1401 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20230 | Industry: Administrative General Economic Programs, Develops Local Economies |
United States Dept of Commerce | 1401 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20230 | Industry: Information Research, Administrative General Economic Programs, Develops Local Economies |
Doug Johnson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: djohnson@doc.gov Title: Network Operatins Center Project Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Angela Johnson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: angela.johnson@pnt.gov Title: Noaa Agent Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
James White | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kim.white@esa.doc.gov Title: Associate Under Secretary-management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Evette Jones | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ejones@bxa.doc.gov Title: Principle Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robert Jones | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robert.o.jones@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Regional Commercial Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Kent Stauffer | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kent_stauffer@ita.doc.gov Title: Assistant To Deputy Assistant Secretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Fred Whiteside | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: fwhiteside@doc.gov Title: Civ Mr Cirt Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Yoland Whitley | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ywhitey@mbda.gov Title: Chief Information Ofcr Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sarah Steck | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ssteck@doc.gov Title: Director For Employee Assistance Program Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sean King | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sean.king@mail.doc.gov Title: Special Assistant For China Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Steve Stern | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: stephen.stern@hQ.doe.gov Title: Program Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Knowles | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mknowles@doc.gov Title: Contract Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Nicole Melcher | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: nicole_melcher@ita.doc.gov Title: Japan Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Fred Lang | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: flang@commerce.gov Title: Director For Training And Knowledge Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
William Lash | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: william.lash@mail.doc.gov Title: Assistant Secretary For Market Access And Compliance International Trade Administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ron Lawson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rlawson@commerce.gov Title: Director National Technical Information Service Organization: US Department of Commerce |
Patrick Leahy | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pleahy@doc.gov Title: Legislative Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Stacia Leblanc | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sleblanc@doc.gov Title: Federal Assistance Law Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bart Meroney | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bart_meroney@ita.doc.gov Title: Director Telecom Industries Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Peggy Leung | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pleung@doc.gov Title: Executive Consultant Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Levitt | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mlevitt@doc.gov Title: Assistant General Counsel-legislation And Regulation Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Eleanor Lewis | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: elewis@doc.gov Title: Chief Counsel-international Commerce Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Gene Lewis | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: glewis@bis.doc.gov Title: Senior Technical Ana Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Andy Wilbanks | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: andy.wilbank@mail.doc.gov Title: Nit Engineer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Alexander Lopes | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: alopes@bis.doc.gov Title: Bis Agent Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Roland Macdonald | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: roland_macdonald@ita.doc.gov Title: Policy And Analysis Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Travis Sullivan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tsullivan@doc.gov Title: Assistant To The Secretary And Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dennis Sutch | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dstuch@doc.gov Title: Office Of Systems Development And Support Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Deborah Martin | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: debbie.martin@mail.doc.gov Title: Recruiting And Staffing Chief Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Alan Milne | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: amilne@doc.gov Title: Primary Cotr Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Rob Moffett | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rmoffett1@doc.gov Title: Noc Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sabrina Montes | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: smontes@doc.gov Title: Economic And Statistics Administrator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ken Taylor | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ken@esa.doc.gov Title: Chief Operating Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Willie Taylor | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: wtaylor@eda.doc.gov Title: Regional Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Thomas Moore | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: thomas.moore@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Commercial Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joe Thill | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jthill@commerce.gov Title: Security Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sandra Thompson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sthompson@doc.gov Title: Human Resources Management Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dan Thoren | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dan.thoren@mail.doc.gov Title: Information Technology Specialist And Change Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Pat Thorne | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pthorne@doc.gov Title: Executive Assistant Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anne Nash | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: anne.nash@mail.doc.gov Title: Administrative Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Earl Neal | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: eneal@doc.gov Title: Director Of Information Technology Security Office Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dan Nelson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dnelson@doc.gov Title: Press Secretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Chris Nelson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cnelson@bis.doc.gov Title: Trade And Industry Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jamie Olson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: eolson@doc.gov Title: Developmental Disabilities Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ivy Tucker | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: itucker@doc.gov Title: Purchasing Agent Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bobette Orr | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: borr@doc.gov Title: Europe Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jonah Turner | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jonah.turner@mail.doc.gov Title: Information Management Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Scott Park | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: spark@doc.gov Title: Speechwriting Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Victoria Park | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: victoria.park@ita.doc.gov Title: Public Affairs Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Margie Parker | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: margie_parker@ita.doc.gov Title: Requirements Technician Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robert Pearson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robert.pearson@mail.doc.gov Title: Planning Coordination And Management Ofcr Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Thomas Phan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tphan@oig.doc.gov Title: Deputy Assistant Inspector General Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Brian Nilsson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bnilsson@doc.gov Title: Export Administration Review Board Earb Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
David Porter | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dporter@eda.doc.gov Title: Economicdevelopmentrepresentative Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dexter Price | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dprice@bis.doc.gov Title: Anti Boycott Compliance Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Tony Proctor | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tproctor@doc.gov Title: Director Operations Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Zoraida Vazquez | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: erosenkr@bis.doc.gov Title: Procurement Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Nancy Victory | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: nvictory@doc.gov Title: Assistant Secretary And Administrator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Camille Richardson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: camille.richardson@mail.doc.gov Title: Commercial Consul Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robin Roark | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robin.roark@mail.doc.gov Title: Seniro International Trade Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Chad Robbins | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: crobbins@doc.gov Title: Principle Systems Analyst Web Developer/certified Ecm Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Catherine Roberts | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: catherine.roberts@mail.doc.gov Title: Accounting And Financial Systems Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
John Wain | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jwain@doc.gov Title: Anti-terrorismdivisionandphysicalsecurityassistantdirector Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Tracy Rollins | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tracy.rollins@mail.doc.gov Title: Office Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Steven Roman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sroman@doc.gov Title: Chief Utilities And Financial C Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Linda Rubio | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lrubio@eda.doc.gov Title: Eda Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sandra Walters | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: swalters@eda.doc.gov Title: Chief Financial Officer United States Executive Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anita Sanders | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: asanders2@eda.doc.gov Title: Eda Representative Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jim Osullivan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jim.sullivan@mail.doc.gov Title: Help Desk Support Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Mary Saunders | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mary.saunders@mail.doc.gov Title: Assistant Secretary For Manufacturing And Services Acting Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Terry Ware | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tware@doc.gov Title: Chief Information Officer Chief Of Staff Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Elise Packard | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: epackard@doc.gov Title: General Law Division Chief Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joyce Shaw | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: joyce.shaw@mail.doc.gov Title: Telecommunications Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Tanya Shen | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tanya.shen@doc.gov Title: System Programmer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Carol Silverman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: csilverman@doc.gov Title: Division Chief For Os Business Solutions Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anneliese Simmons | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: anneliese.simmons@mail.doc.gov Title: Management Services Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Christy Simon | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: csimon@doc.gov Title: White House Liaison Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Paul Smith | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: paul.warren-smith@mail.doc.gov Title: Ita Coordinator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Valerie Smith | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: vsmith@doc.gov Title: Human Resources Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anita Wells | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: awells@mbda.gov Title: Mbda Representative Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ann Wells | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: awells@doc.gov Title: Deputy Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer-director For H Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Chriatine Wheeler | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cwheeler@bxa.doc.gov Title: Batallion Supply Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anita Spriggs | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: aspriggs@bis.doc.gov Title: Contact Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Les Williamson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: les.williamson@mail.doc.gov Title: Assistant To Secratary Of Commerce Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Judith Wilson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: judith.gee-wilson@mail.doc.gov Title: Computer Programmer/analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ronald Prevost | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rprevost@oig.doc.gov Title: Assistantinspectorgeneralforeconomicandstatisticalprogramassessment Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ted Wolfgang | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: twolfgang@eda.doc.gov Title: Deputychieffinancialofficeranddirector Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Clay Woods | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robert_woods@ita.doc.gov Title: Purchasing/contracting Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Karen Woolf | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kswanson.woolf@doc.gov Title: Legislative And Intergovernmental Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Shawndell Young | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: shawndell_young@ita.doc.gov Title: Civil Engineer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Thomas Pyke | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tpyke@commerce.gov Title: Chief Information Officer Office Of The Secretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Daniel Hill | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dhill@bis.doc.gov Title: Strategic Industries And Economics Security Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Kristopher Hill | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: khill@mail.doc.gov Title: President Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Mark Brady | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mark.brady@mail.doc.gov Title: Trade Promotion Programs Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Tarik Davis | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tdavis@doc.gov Title: Chief Financial Officer And Assistant Secretary For Administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sanchia Gomez | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sgomez@eda.doc.gov Title: Administrative Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Susan Daniel | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sdaniel@bis.doc.gov Title: Irm Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Paulette Clark | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pclark@ogc.doc.gov Title: Director Of Office Policy And Programs Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Maile Arthur | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: marthur@doc.gov Title: Supervisory Program Analysis Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Daniel Alexander | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dalexander@doc.gov Title: Acting Program Manager Commits Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Doris Brown | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: doris_brown@ita.doc.gov Title: Human Resources Management Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Gerry Brown | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: gbrown@doc.gov Title: Business Information Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Johann Brown | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jbrown@doc.gov Title: Budget Analyst Executive Budgeting Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Lutricia Jackson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ljackson@doc.gov Title: Administrative Operations Ofcr Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Edward Burton | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: eburton@mail.doc.gov Title: Acting Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
John Duncan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jduncan@doc.gov Title: Policy And Strategic Planning Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
William Fleming | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bfleming@doc.gov Title: Deputy Director For Human Resources Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Darryl Anderson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: danderson2@doc.gov Title: Director And Bpo/hco-acquisition Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Katherine Anderson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kanderson@doc.gov Title: Assistant Director-administration And Special Projects Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Rick Anderson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rick.anderson@mail.doc.gov Title: Information Technology Specialist/doc Itsm Member Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ron Bell | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rbell2@doc.gov Title: Chief Photograher Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joselyn Bingham | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jbingham@doc.gov Title: Admin Assistant To Chief Information Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Brenda Fisher | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: brenda_fisher@ita.doc.gov Title: Apec Affairs Coordinator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
David Fulton | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: david.fulton@mail.doc.gov Title: Strategic Planning Resource Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Loretta Greene | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: loretta.greene@mail.doc.gov Title: Director International Trade Association Affairs Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joanne Caldwell | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jcaldwell@doc.gov Title: Associateundersecretaryforcommunications Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ireas Cook | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ireas.cook@mail.doc.gov Title: Principal Commercial Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Paulette Dawson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pdawson@doc.gov Title: Staff Director Office Of The Chief Information Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Douglas Barry | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dbarry@mail.doc.gov Title: Director Marketing And Communications Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Donald Barnes | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: donald.barnes@bea.doc.gov Title: Information Technology Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Judith Gordon | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jgordon@oig.doc.gov Title: Assistant Inspector General-systems Evaluation Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Clyrice Ackerman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cackerman@osec.doc.gov Title: Circulation And Reference Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Todd Zinser | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tzinser@oig.doc.gov Title: Legislativemember Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Gordon Alston | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: galston@doc.gov Title: Deputy Director For Financial Policy Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jill Gross | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jgross@oig.doc.gov Title: Assistant Inspector General-inspections And Program Evaluations Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Lawrence Hess | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lhess@doc.gov Title: Chief Building Renovation Division Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jim Cunningham | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jim.cunningham@mail.doc.gov Title: Computer Technical Support Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Anastasio | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: manastasio@doc.gov Title: Director And Head Of Contracting Commerce Acquisition Solutions Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Elizabeth Barlow | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ebarlow@oig.doc.gov Title: Assistant Inspector General-investigations Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Antwan Glover | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: aglover@doc.gov Title: Senior Network Engineer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dee Atwell | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: datwell@doc.gov Title: Marketing And Business Development Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Danny Bachman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dbachman@doc.gov Title: Office Of Policy Development Deputy Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Harriette Boyd | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: hboyd1@doc.gov Title: Freedom Of Information Act Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Carroll | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mcarroll@bis.doc.gov Title: Director - Administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dave Averne | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dave.averne@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Policy Advisor Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Deborah Conrad | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dconrad@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Associate Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Raushi Conrad | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rconrad@bis.doc.gov Title: Director Of Network Operations Division Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ann Bacher | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: abacher@doc.gov Title: Councilman Trade Promotion And Us And Foreign Commercial Service Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Keith Flores | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kflores@mbda.gov Title: Information Technology Security Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bjarke Frederiksen | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bjarke.frederiksen@mail.doc.gov Title: Director Communications Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Marybeth Gaynes | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mbethgaine@doc.gov Title: Information Technology Department Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Debra Jefferson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: debra.jefferson@commerce.gov Title: Director Of Human Resources Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Mike Barksdale | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mbarksdale@eda.doc.gov Title: Help Desk Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sam Beatty | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: samuel.beatty@mail.doc.gov Title: Designated Federal Official Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jessica Rickenbach | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jrickenbach@oig.doc.gov Title: Assistant Inspector General-compliance And Administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Eric Dorsey | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: edorsey@doc.gov Title: Counterespionageassistantdirector Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Lelaine Bigelow | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lbigelow@mbda.gov Title: Legislative And Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Aaron Amundson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: aamundso@bis.doc.gov Title: Bis Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Phillip Bone | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: phillip.bond@technology.gov Title: Under Secretary For Technology Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Pamela Boyland | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pboyland@doc.gov Title: Director For Policy And Programs Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Cynthia Brice | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cbrice@doc.gov Title: Senior Recruitment Advisor Office Of Accountability And Strategic Recruitment Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jane Callen | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: j.callen@doc.gov Title: Economic Information Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ernesto Cerezo | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ecerezo@doc.gov Title: Engineer-office Of Spectrum Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Darrel Ching | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: darrel.ching@mail.doc.gov Title: Us Doc Trade Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Cloyce Choney | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cloyce.choney@bea.doc.gov Title: Politician Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Steven Clagett | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sclagett@bis.doc.gov Title: Nuclear Technology Controls Division Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Doug Clift | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dclift@doc.gov Title: Program Official Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Sade | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: msade@doc.gov Title: Director And Procurement Executive Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Christian Cooke | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ccooke@bis.doc.gov Title: Bureau Of Industry And Security Account Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robin Cooley | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rcooley@eda.doc.gov Title: Pointofcontact Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
John Coyle | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jcoyle@mbda.gov Title: Business Development Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Matthew Crow | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mcrow@eda.doc.gov Title: Communication Division Chief Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jane Dana | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jdana@doc.gov Title: Deputy General Counsel Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Kim Sartwell | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kim_sartwell@ita.doc.gov Title: Administrative Assistant Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Abner Desir | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: adesir@doc.gov Title: Information Technology Staff Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Danny Devito | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ddevito@doc.gov Title: Western Region Coordinator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Brian Digiacomo | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bdigiaco@doc.gov Title: Employment And Labor Law Division Chief Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Meena Elliott | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: melliott@mbda.gov Title: Chief Counsel-minority Business Development Agency Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Brenda Dolan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bdolan1@doc.gov Title: Freedom Of Informastion Act Officer/privacy Officer-office Of Management And Organization Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jenista Featherstone | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jfeatherstone@doc.gov Title: Procurement Official Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Fred Eidson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: feidson@eda.doc.gov Title: Administrativedirector Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ann Eilers | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: aeilers@oig.doc.gov Title: Recoveryactoversighttaskforceprojectlead Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anju Fritz | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: afritz@doc.gov Title: Environmental Engineer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
J Schwan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jvschwan@doc.gov Title: Deputy Chief Of Staff-programs Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Chuck Fuqua | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cfuQua@doc.gov Title: Web Master Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
John Farner | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: john.farner@mail.doc.gov Title: Associate Director Of The Office Of Business Liaison Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jarred Fishman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jfishman@bxa.doc.gov Title: Chemist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Janice Guinyard | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jguinyard@doc.gov Title: Director For Office Of Corporate Human Capital Strategy And Workforce Initiatives Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bruce Guthrie | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bruce.guthrie@doc.gov Title: Comp Systems Pgmr Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Barbara Fredericks | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bfrederi@doc.gov Title: Assistant General Counsel-administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Rachel Friedman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rachel.friedman@mail.doc.gov Title: International Trade Associate Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Albert Frink | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: al.frink@mail.doc.gov Title: Assistant Secretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Steven Haley | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: shaley@eda.doc.gov Title: Equipment Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Matt Healy | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mhealy@doc.gov Title: Correspondence Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Janelle Hickman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jhickman@doc.gov Title: Os Information Technology Security Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Donald Huff | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dchuff@eda.doc.gov Title: Capacity Development Team Chief Atlanta Ga Regional Office Economic Development Administration United States Department Of C Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Chris Israel | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: chris.israel@doc.gov Title: As Sec Information Technology Policy Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Ana Guevara | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ana.guevara@mail.doc.gov Title: Deputy Assistant Secretaryita Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Leah Harrelson | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lharrelson@doc.gov Title: Legislative Aide Us Department Of Commerce Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Greg Lower | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: greg.lower@bea.doc.gov Title: Information Technology Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Skarzynski | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: michael.skarzynski@mail.doc.gov Title: Assistant Secretary For Trade Development Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Thomas Kreider | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: reider@doc.gov Title: Information Technology Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Cristina Marine | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: cristina_marine@ita.doc.gov Title: Purchasing Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dave Jarrell | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: djarrell@doc.gov Title: Critical Infrastructure Protection Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Sheri Valera | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: sheri.valera@mail.doc.gov Title: International Trade Association Liaison Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dillon Banerjee | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dillon.banerjee@mail.doc.gov Title: Commercial Attach Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bruce Harsh | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bruce.harsh@mail.doc.gov Title: Director Of Services Trade Policy Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Andre Jessup | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ajessup@doc.gov Title: Management Resources Division Chief Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bryab Fung | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bfpmg1@doc.gov Title: Systems Accountant Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Dorothea Blouin | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dorothea.blouin@mail.doc.gov Title: Industry Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jon Dudas | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jdudas@doc.gov Title: Under Secretary Intellectual Property And Director Patent And Trademark Office Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Nancy Hesser | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: nancy.hesser@n0spam.mail.doc.gov Title: Product Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bernie Kritzer | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: bkritzer@bis.doc.gov Title: Strategic Trade And Foreign Policy Controls Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Bob Kugelman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rkugelman@doc.gov Title: Director For Executive Budgeting And Assistance Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Rohit Khanna | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: ro.khanna@mail.doc.gov Title: Deputyassistantsecretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Leonard Culbreath | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lculbreath@doc.gov Title: Department Of Commerce Cirt Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
John Croasdale | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jcroasdale@doc.gov Title: Civ Mr Cirt Engineer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Regina Deleonardis | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: regina_deleonardis@ita.doc.gov Title: Procurement Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Rick Shimon | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rshimon@bis.doc.gov Title: Assistant Director-intelligence And Field Support Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Paul Thanos | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: paul.thanos@mail.doc.gov Title: International Trade Specialis Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Lance Feiner | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lfeiner@doc.gov Title: Director Office Of Real Estate Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robert Bannerman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robert.bannerman@mail.doc.gov Title: Deputy Senior Commercial Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Marcy Missouri | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mmisourri@doc.gov Title: Records Control Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Grace Agyekum | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: gagyekum@bis.doc.gov Title: Industry Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Tony Akande | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: takande@doc.gov Title: Financial Policy And Assistance Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Phil Hogen | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: phil.hogen@bea.doc.gov Title: Chairman Of The Board Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Mark Foulon | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mfoulon@bis.doc.gov Title: Deputy Under Secretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Lori Harju | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lori_harju@ita.doc.gov Title: Legislative And Intergovernmental Affairs Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Suzanne Hilding | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: shilding@doc.gov Title: Cio Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Matthew Hilgendorf | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: matthew.hilgendorf@mail.doc.gov Title: Ita Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Michael Rusten | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mrusten@doc.gov Title: Chief Space Management Division Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joseph Ayoub | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: joseph_ayoub@mail.doc.gov Title: Team Leader-environment Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robert Cresanti | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robert.cresanti@technology.gov Title: Chief Privacy Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Lisa Monsivais | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lmonsivais@mbda.gov Title: Office Automation Assistant Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jojo Sarpong | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jsarpong@doc.gov Title: Information Security Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Praveen Dixit | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: praveen.dixit@mail.doc.gov Title: Economic Analysis Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Matthew Suchodolski | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: msuchodolski@eda.doc.gov Title: Economicdevelopmentspecialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Alberto Feraren | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: aferaren@doc.gov Title: Hchb Network And Telecommunications Operations Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Karl Kailing | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: karl.kailing@mail.doc.gov Title: International Trade Speciailist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Theodore Kassinger | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: tkassinger@doc.gov Title: Deputy Secretary Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
David Bohigian | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dbohigian@doc.gov Title: Policy And Strategic Planning Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Maryavis Bokal | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: maryavis.bokal@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior International Trade Specialist Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Phillip Cicco | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pcicco@oig.doc.gov Title: Office Of Inspector General Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Helen Hurcombe | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: hhurcombe@doc.gov Title: Director, Office Of Acquisition Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
David Petrocci | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: dpetrocci@commerce.gov Title: Auditor Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Izella Dornell | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: idornell@doc.gov Title: Director Pmo Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Scott Kamins | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: skamins@bis.doc.gov Title: Congressional And Public Affairs Ofc Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Richard Champley | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: richard.champley@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Research Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Thomas Sobotta | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: thomas_sobotta@ita.doc.gov Title: Automotive Industries Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Cathy Ayoob | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: xxx@doc.gov Title: Census Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joseph Spetrini | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: joe_spetrini@ita.doc.gov Title: Deputy Assistant Secretary-grp Iii Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Rick Siger | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rsiger@doc.gov Title: Chief Of Staff Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Gwendolyn Coggs | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: scoggs@doc.gov Title: Senior Policy Advisor/black Employment Program/american-indian Program/federal Women Employment Program/minority Serving Instit Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Douglas Elznic | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: delznic@doc.gov Title: Building Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Paul Matyskiela | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: pmatyskiela@eda.doc.gov Title: Director Program Management Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Susan Lusi | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: susan.lusi@mail.doc.gov Title: Executive Director Trade Information Center International Trade Administration United States Department Of Commerce Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Linda Anadale | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: lanadal1@doc.gov Title: Committeemanagementofficer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
David Gossack | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: david.gossack@mail.doc.gov Title: Commercial Attache Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Joanne Buenzli | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: joanne.buenzli@esa.doc.gov Title: Acting Chief Financial Officer Economics And Statistics Administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Robert Connan | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: robert.connan@mail.doc.gov Title: Commercial Minister-counselor Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Mary Pleffner | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: mpleffner@eda.doc.gov Title: Chief Financial Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Janine Adeseun | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jadeseun@oig.doc.gov Title: Management Assistant Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Cynthia Belechak | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: belechak1@doc.gov Title: Correspondence Management Director Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Francine Krasowska | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: fkrasowska@doc.gov Title: Directorofdepartment Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Alan Lorish | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: alan.lorish@commerce.gov Title: Chief Of Computer Systems And Services Division-bureau Of Economic Analysis Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Jill Rajaee | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: jrajaee@doc.gov Title: Director For Office Of Accountability And Strategic Recruitment Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Small Inoussa | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: binoussa@doc.gov Title: Small Business Liaison Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
James Rigassio | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: james.rigassio@mail.doc.gov Title: Commercial Counselor Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Nicole Desilvis | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: nicole.desilvis@mail.doc.gov Title: Commercial Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Krysten Jenci | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: krysten.jenci@mail.doc.gov Title: Director E-commerce International Trade Administration Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Peter Remstad | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: peter.remstad@mail.doc.gov Title: Chief Executive Officer Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Edward Blansitt | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: eblansitt@oig.doc.gov Title: Deputy Inspector General Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Amy Tabine | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: amy.tabine@mail.doc.gov Title: Ita Representative Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Richard Franetzki | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: rfranetzki@doc.gov Title: Director Grants Management Division-oamfa Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Keith Vetreno | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: kvetreno@bis.doc.gov Title: Manager Information Technology Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Alex Mutschall | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: amutschall@doc.gov Title: Senior Network Administrator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Gary Taverman | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: gary.taverman@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Operations Coordinator Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Anne Olaimey | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: aolaimey@doc.gov Title: Director Of Department Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Andrea Da Silva | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: andrea.dasilva@mail.doc.gov Title: Senior Policy Analyst Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
Renato Sabaine | 1401 Constitution Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20230 | Email: renato.sabaine@mail.doc.gov Title: Account Manager Organization: United States Dept of Commerce |
US Department of Commerce | 1502 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 19566 | Industry: Nonclassifiable Establishments, Ret Shoes Categories: Government Offices Products: Benefits and Grants, Consumer Protection, Defense and International, Education and Jobs, Environment, Energy and Agriculture, Family, Home and Community, Forms, Health, Maps, Money... Site: commerce.gov |
(202) 482-0599
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee-Irac | Washington, DC | |
Interdepartment Radio Advisory | 301 7 St SW, Washington, DC 20407 | Categories: Government Offices Products: Benefits and Grants, Consumer Protection, Defense and International, Education and Jobs, Environment, Energy and Agriculture, Family, Home and Community, Forms, Health, Maps, Money... Site: firstgov.gov |
(202) 482-0637
Owner Name | Address | Information |
United States Dept of Commerce | 14 St Constitution Ave, Washington, DC 20001 | Industry: Executive Office |
(202) 482-0646
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Gillian Cookson | Washington, DC |
(202) 482-0795
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Bxa Network Room | 14 And Constn Nw 6898, Washington, DC 20230 | Industry: Computer Related Services Mfg Electrical Measuring Instruments |
(202) 482-0846
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Peter Robbins | 2838 Cedar Lane, Vienna, VA 22180 | Type: Lawyers |
(202) 482-0930
Owner Name | Address | Information |
Office of The Inspector General | 14 St & Constitution Ave, Washington, DC 20230 | Industry: General Economic Development |
(202) 482-0960
Owner Name | Address | Information |
US Department of Commerce | 1502 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 19566 | Industry: Nonclassifiable Establishments, Ret Shoes Categories: Government Offices Products: Benefits and Grants, Consumer Protection, Defense and International, Education and Jobs, Environment, Energy and Agriculture, Family, Home and Community, Forms, Health, Maps, Money... Site: commerce.gov |