Phone Prefix | Phones Recorded | Owners | Locations |
(201) 833-0... | 585 | 1785 | 2820012 2031860 2031653 |
(201) 833-1... | 682 | 2208 | 2228289 2031642 2031861 |
(201) 833-2... | 639 | 1991 | 2031905 2493776 327682 |
(201) 833-3... | 59 | 242 | 2031886 2031893 |
(201) 833-4... | 504 | 1432 | 2031792 2819036 2031712 |
(201) 833-5... | 123 | 292 | 2031900 2031907 2031913 |
(201) 833-6... | 42 | 110 | 2031916 2031833 2031813 |
(201) 833-7... | 46 | 109 | 2031890 2031894 2031899 |
(201) 833-8... | 517 | 1562 | 2359698 2032017 2031894 |
(201) 833-9... | 362 | 981 | 2031833 2031887 2031899 |
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